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27th Annual YMCA Book Fair at Carondelet Family YMCA August 26 – 31, 2005

July 20, 2005 Events/Meetings 2 Comments


Next month is the 27th Annual YMCA Book Fair at Carondelet Family YMCA. Mark your calendars for August 26 – 31, 2005. I had a great time last year and left with a huge box of books. Not only are the books in the gym but in every available room as well as under tents in the parking lot. It is huge!

From their web site:

“First Selection Night” Friday, August 26th, 4:00 – 10:00pm. Admission $10

Free Admission Saturday, August 27th – Wednesday, August 31st, 9:00am – 9:00pm

“Half Price Day” Tuesday, August 30th

$6 Per Box Wednesday, August 31st

The Carondelet branch of the YMCA is located at 600 Loughborough, just East of I-55.

I hope to see you there!

– Steve


St. Louis’ Riverfront to get yet another makeover


The St. Louis Riverfront as seen two years ago from the re-opening of the Eads Bridge. Beautiful stainless steel arch and lush grounds below. But where are the people?

Yesterday I attended an open house and presentation by the Riverfront Design Team (aka RDT for the remainder of this post) as organized by the Great Rivers Greenway District. For more information on the team and the plan click here for a PDF document.

Their primary focus is the area immediately in front of the Arch and grounds with the areas to the North and South being secondary. I think this is backwards because you’ve got a better chance of drawing people from the city through the adjacent areas rather than the Arch. St. Louis Director of Planning Rollin Stanley agreed with the team and said, “Trust me.” Rollin is one of the few that work for the city that I do tend to trust so I’ll keep an open mind. The total area is about a mile and a half long and about 200ft wide (depending upon the height of the Mississippi river).

OK, back to the riverfront and the lack of people two years ago…

… Continue Reading


Aldermanic President Says Lawsuit Against Citizens is “Petty and Vindictive”

June 24, 2005 Events/Meetings, Politics/Policy Comments Off on Aldermanic President Says Lawsuit Against Citizens is “Petty and Vindictive”

Aldermanic President James Shrewsbury, an attorney, in an interview with KWMU radio had this to say about the lawsuit against two St. Louis property owners:

“They exercised their constitutional right, they filed a lawsuit, they lost.” Shrewsbury said. “They did not damage anyone economically, and I think this is just petty and vindictive.”

For the full story click here. I’m glad to see Jim Shrewsbury take this stand. It would have been nice if someone from city hall would have spoken up before the Century was razed. And where is the alderwoman on the razing of the Century and the suit filed against two residents of her ward?

To help protect the right to challenge big projects in court consider attending Downtown Defense Fund fundraiser:

Attend a free fundraiser on Saturday, June 25, 7:30 p.m. at Gallery Urbis Orbis, 419 N. Tenth Street. Bring cash or check in any amount to add to the pot, and enjoy music and good food and the company of people who care about our architectural heritage. No need to purchase tickets — but please do RSVP to mmnewman@earthlink.net so we can plan refreshments.

– Steve


Keep Your Enemies…In the Same Restaurant?

I feel like Deb Peterson reporting on who is spotted dining out…


Tonight I walked into 10th Street Italian for a light dinner (yes, a Caesar salad and soup) and I spot Marcia Behrendt, a co-defendant in a $1.5 million lawsuit brought by the city, state and local developers over the fight to save the Century Building from needless demolition. Marcia was enjoying dinner with three neighbors.

At the only other occupied table was Otis Williams, the Deputy Director of the St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC). The SLDC is a plaintiff in the case against Marcia and another downtown resident, Roger Plackemeier. He got his order to go…

[CORRECTION 6/22 10:45am – per Richard Callow the SLDC is not a plaintiff against Marcia & Roger. In reviewing an April Biz Journal story I see that it is the LCRA (Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority) that is a plaintiff. The LCRA is one of seven board listed under the SLDC. So technically the SLDC is not a plaintiff but that to me is a minor distinction. – SLP]

Which leads me into a reminder about the “Downtown Defense Fund” fundraiser on Saturday night at 7:30pm. For more information go to www.downtowndefensefund.com.

After dinner I walked over to City Grocers to get a few things and spotted a great bumper sticker on a Jetta, “Blunt Trauma.” I loved it! I need to find out where I can get one (or twenty).

Interesting, the St. Louis Log Cabin Republicans (that is gay republicans for those not in the know) are upset with the Gov because of statements he made as reasons for not supporting the Pride festivities this weekend in Tower Grove Park. Duh! Don’t act so shocked guys…

– Steve


New League Cycling Instructors in St. Louis Area

June 17, 2005 Events/Meetings 1 Comment

The League of American Bicyclists trains League Cycling Instructors (or LCIs for short) to teach bicycle safety courses to adults and children. These LCIs are a key part of educating cyclists all over the US.

As of this past weekend the St. Louis region has six additional LCIs, bringing the total to nine. I’m happy to report that I am one of the six new LCIs in our area. Five of us are board members of the St. Louis Regional Bike Federation with the sixth being a board member of the Missouri Bike Federation. Another St. Louis Regional Bike Federation board member, Martin Pion, has been an LCI for quite a few years and he assisted with our training. Eight additional students became LCIs this past weekend in Springfield MO.

Knowing how to bike on the road is so much more than just riding with traffic rather than against traffic. The League’s “Road 1” course is a minimum of nine hours of instruction which is part classroom and part on bike training. As we get our classes organized I’ll be sure to let you know the when and where details. You can also follow the details at my BikeClass.com website.

– Steve






