St. Louis Board of Aldermen Week 31 of 2017-2018 Session

The St. Louis Board of Aldermen will meet at 10am today, their 31st week of the 2017-2018 session.
*Note that just because a bill is on the agenda doesn’t mean it’ll be introduced, similarly, bills not on the agenda might be introduced if they suspend the rules to do so. This information is based on the published agenda as of yesterday @ 11:45am:
- B.B.#244 – Coatar – An honorary street naming the setting of 7th Street, Barton and Lami Streets as Bismarck Street.
- B.B.#245 – Pres. Reed/Oldenburg/Roddy –An ordinance directing the St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) to complete an annual City Economic Growth Strategy Report (the “Report”) and present the findings of the Report to members of the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Aldermen Financial Analyst.
- B.B.#246 – Oldenburg/Pres. Reed/Muhammad –An Ordinance pertaining to the additional sales tax and corresponding use tax established by Ordinance No. 70580; prohibiting any special reallocation of the revenue generated by such taxes for any purposes other than those specified in Ordinance No. 70580, except as approved by the Board of Aldermen in an independent appropriations board bill that is independent of the Board’s adoption of the City’s Annual Operating Plan for the applicable fiscal year.
- B.B.#247 – Roddy –An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the Forest Park Scattered Sites V.
- B.B.#248 – Roddy –An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing and directing the issuance and delivery of one or more series of tax increment revenue notes (St. Louis Innovation District/RPA 3 Redevelopment Project) Series A, Series B, and Series C (collectively, the “RPA 3 Notes”) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $18,400,000, plus costs of issuance, for certain Reimbursable Redevelopment Project Costs associated with Redevelopment Project Area 3 of the St. Louis Innovation District Redevelopment Area in accordance with the terms of the Redevelopment Agreement; and containing a severability clause.
- B.B.#249 – Roddy –An ordinance adopting and approving redevelopment projects for Redevelopment Project Area 3, as described in the Amended and Restated St. Louis Innovation District Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Redevelopment Plan; adopting tax increment financing within Redevelopment Project Area 3; establishing the RPA 3 Account of the St. Louis Innovation District Special Allocation Fund; authorizing the execution of a First Amendment to Amended and Restated Redevelopment Agreement between the City, and St. Louis Innovation District, LLC; prescribing the form and details of said agreement; authorizing certain actions by City officials; and containing a severability clause.
- B.B.#250 – Coatar –An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 300 South Broadway.
The meeting begins at 10am, past meetings and a live broadcast can be watched online here. See list of all board bills for the 2017-2018 session.
— Steve Patterson