St. Louis Board of Aldermen Week 21 of 2017-2018 Session

The St. Louis Board of Aldermen will meet at 10am today, their 21st week of the 2017-2018 session.
One bill was introduced last week that wasn’t on the agenda available the day before the meeting:
BOARD BILL NO. 176 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN ARNOWITZ An ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of the Health, on behalf of the Mayor of the City of St. Louis, to enter into and execute a Cooperative Agreement Award with the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, to fund the Safe and Thriving St. Louis Project, upon approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and to expend funds by entering into contracts or otherwise for the Cooperative Agreement Award purposes and containing an emergency clause.
FOUR NEW BOARD BILLS ON THE AGENDA* FOR INTRODUCTION TODAY 10/27/17 — #180 should be highly controversial:
*Note that just because a bill is on the agenda doesn’t mean it’ll be introduced, similarly, bills not on the agenda might be introduced if they suspend the rules to do so. This information is based on the published agenda as of yesterday @ 8am:
- B.B.#177 – Muhammad –An ordinance to amend Section 140.030 of the Revised Code, being Ordinance 69984 establishing the Civilian Oversight Board and approved June 6, 2015, by adding a new paragraph 11 to Section 140.030 of the revised Code of the City titled Removal of Members, allowing for the removal of members of the COB by the passage of a Board Bill sponsored by a member of the Board of Aldermen whose ward is located within the COB District represented by said COB member calling for said member’s removal, and the vacancy occasioned thereby to be filled as set forth in the vacancies section of Section 140.030 of the Revised Code of the City.
- B.B.#178 – Coatar –An Ordinance establishing a three?way stop site at the intersection of Missouri and Ann regulating all traffic traveling southbound on Missouri at Ann and regulating all traffic traveling eastbound and westbound on Ann at Missouri, and containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#179 – Vaccaro –An Ordinance establishing a four?way stop site at the intersection of Bancroft and Prather regulating all traffic traveling eastbound and westbound on Bancroft at Prather and regulating all traffic traveling northbound and southbound on Prather at Bancroft, and containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#180 – Green/Bosley/Cohn/Guenther/Ingrassia/Williamson –An ordinance concerning use of City resources to amend marijuana laws within the City, to amend Ordinance 69429, to regulate the use of City resources to enforce laws against marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia, to enforce marijuana laws by restricting illegal acts regarding marijuana usage or possession, to allow for police use of marijuana as cause for reasonable suspicion in searches, to minimize disproportionate penalties for violations, to prioritize enforcement activities of the City, including the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, and to eliminate redundant law enforcement of marijuana laws where adequate enforcement exists under federal law which prohibits the same conduct. The ordinance contains a savings provision and a severability provision.
The meeting begins at 10am, past meetings and a live broadcast can be watched online here. See list of all board bills for the 2017-2018 session.
— Steve Patterson