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Sunday Poll: Should The Polling Threshold For Presidential Debates Be Changed?

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The two major parties have now nominated their candidates for the general election. Another election between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. But some think the rules governing the presidential debates should be revised so candidates beyond the Republican & Democratic nominees could participate:

In a forum at the University of Minnesota Monday, Stanford professor Larry Diamond and Republican heavyweight Vin Weber made a strong, interesting case for changes to the rules for presidential debates that would make it easier, and perhaps automatic, to expand the cast to at least three candidates in the fall debates.

The current Republican-Democratic duopoly is “embarrassingly undemocratic,” Diamond said, and the fact that the commission that runs the debates is dominated by representatives of the two parties, who have no real interest in expanding the choices presented to the public, “doesn’t pass the smell test” and is “not defensible.”

More voters now identify themselves as independents than as Democrats or Republicans, Weber said. If the two current frontrunners, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, are the major-party nominees, the debate between them would feature two candidates who have higher unfavorable than favorable ratings, he noted. If the only two candidates on the debate stage are Clinton and Trump, a lot of Americans will be wondering why they can’t have other choices, he said. (Minnesota Post: Why we need more than two candidates at presidential debates)

As of 2000, the rules require a 15% polling threshold to participate.

This poll will close at 8pm,

— Steve Patterson


The Things You Hear & See In An Urban Environment, Part 2

July 27, 2016 Featured, Parking Comments Off on The Things You Hear & See In An Urban Environment, Part 2

Last month I posted about seeing a car get repossessed from below our balcony, see The Things You Hear & See In An Urban Environment (w/Video).  That event happened on the evening of Monday May 19th.  A little over a week later, at 6:30am on the morning of Tuesday May 27th I saw & heard a tow truck in front of an SUV in the lot to the North. My thought was it was going to be towed away for non-payment.

View from our balcony, see in the upper left corner
View from our balcony, see in the upper left corner
Here's a crop of the image above
Here’s a crop of the image above

I quickly realized the flatbed tow truck had dropped off the SUV on the lot!

By June 3rd I was surprised it was still there , unmoved. Not ticketed or booted.
By June 3rd I was surprised it was still there , unmoved. Not ticketed or booted.

Here we are two months later and it’s still there! No tickets, no boot!

— Steve Patterson


Missouri Primary One Week Away

ivotedThe Democratic convention began in Philadelphia yesterday.  The Republican convention wrapped up last Thursday with the nomination of Donald J. Trump and running mate Mike Pence. In a May 2015 Sunday Poll Trump didn’t even male the top 5!

  1. Jeb Bush
  2. TIE: Rand Paul/Marco Rubio
  3. TIE: Dr. Ben Carson/Chris Christy/Rick Perry

But it was early in the race and the list of candidates was too long. Still, the polls here are non-scientific and participation was very low.

In the meantime, a week from today, Missouri has a big primary election. I voted absentee a couple of weeks ago, after researching the races and all the candidates in each, I applied my personal rules for voting:

  • If only one candidate, skip that office.
  • Don’t vote for the candidate favored by the political establishment.
  • Being likely win isn’t a valid reason to vote for or against a candidate.
  • Don’t dismiss a candidate just because they’ve never been elected to office before.

While I’m not enamored by the DNC, I did take a Democratic ballot.

Here’s how I voted:

  • US Senate: Cori Bush
  • US House: Maria Chappelle-Nadal
  • Gov: Eric Morrison
  • Lt. Gov: Winston Apple
  • Secretary of State: MD Rabbi Alam
  • Attorney General: Teresa Hensley
  • State Treasurer: Pat Contreras
  • State Senate: Dylan Hassinger
  • State Rep: only one candidate — skipped
  • Circuit Attorney: Patrick Hamacher
  • Sheriff: Vernon Betts
  • Treasurer: only one candidate — skipped
  • 5th Ward Committeeman: Rasheen Aldridge
  • 5th Ward Committeewoman: Megan Betts

On the Republican side the ads have been numerous and nasty in several races, I’m looking forward to reviewing the results. And to a break in political commercials for a month or so until the general election ads begin. Thankfully we have Netflix.

— Steve Patterrson


A Sneak Peak Inside The Lofts @ 625 North Euclid

July 25, 2016 Central West End, Featured, Planning & Design, Real Estate Comments Off on A Sneak Peak Inside The Lofts @ 625 North Euclid

Two weeks ago I visited a building I’d been in many times before. The 6-story warehouse on the SW corner of Euclid & Delmar, known as the Euclid Plaza Building for decades, is being transformed into high-end apartments known as 625 Lofts at Euclid. I got a personal tour from the developers. I previously posted about this project in May, see: Delmar & Euclid Building Will Soon Have New Use As Apartments.

The following are gone:

  • The 70s/80s dated 2-story center lobby
  • Former offices, hallways, bathrooms, etc
  • The fixed windows
  • Freight elevator in SW corner of the building

The following were retained:

  • Three passenger elevators
  • Medicine Shoppe pharmacy

Three of five floors are finished, residents have begun moving in. We took a look at the display units, plus a couple units on a floor still being completed.

I was impressed with the quality/amount of cabinets, the finishes & appliances.
I was impressed with the quality/amount of cabinets, the finishes & appliances.
Units in the SW corner feature kitchens in the former freight elevator shaft, with exposed brick walls above the cabinets. The glass door + transom to the balcony wasn't installed yet.
Units in the SW corner feature kitchens in the former freight elevator shaft, with exposed brick walls above the cabinets. The glass door + transom to the balcony wasn’t installed yet.

Each unit is unique compared to others on the same floor. One bathroom featured a rain shower head, for example. Due to construction, we didn’t get up to the roof. When finished, it’ll be fully accessible, but it wasn’t yet when I visited. Interior parking is wisely unbundled — you pay extra if you need a parking space.

The developers say they’ve had no problems leasing the units, anticipate full occupancy despite rents on the high side. I think it’s important for cities to offer a variety of housing options — at a variety of price points. Purchase & rental.

They leased the rough surface parking lot to the East during construction, hopefully the Roberts brothers will develop it or sell to someone who will.
They leased the rough surface parking lot to the East during construction, hopefully the Roberts brothers will develop it or sell to someone who will.
625 N Euclid, on the left, with 6 floors, is about the same massing as the 8-story building to the North.
625 N Euclid, on the left, with 6 floors, is about the same massing as the 8-story building to the North.

After they get all the 82 residential units finished and occupied they’ll push for commercial tenants facing Euclid. Euclid & Delmar is a corner to watch. If you’re in the market for a nice apartment check out their website and visit the leasing office.

— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: Impression of St. Louis’ New Riverfront?

July 24, 2016 Featured, Sunday Poll Comments Off on Sunday Poll: Impression of St. Louis’ New Riverfront?

On June 2nd Lenore K. Sullivan Blvd was reopened to pedestrians since it was rebuilt and raised up. A few days later it was opened to vehicles.

Leone K. Sullivan Blvd. a month prior to reopening, May 2016
Leone K. Sullivan Blvd. a month prior to reopening, May 2016
Opening day, June 2nd
Opening day, June 2nd
Another view from June 2nd
Another view from June 2nd
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Today’s poll:

The poll will close at 8pm.

— Steve Patterson






