Retail Parking Garages Great In Winter
As Winter approaches I’m thankful for the businesses that have covered parking. You see, since my 2008 stroke walking on dry pavement is a challenge, snow & ice nearly impossible. So businesses with covered parking, like the Hampton Village Target, allows me to drive from my garage and park under the store without walking on slick pavement.

Being able to work forces you to leave your homes regardless of the weather, but as a person on disability, it gets old when I haven’t left the house for days. As I’ve complained before, the downtown sidewalks can remain blocked with snow a week or more after the roads are fully cleared, leaving me no choice but to get in the car to keep from going stir crazy.
The Winter of 2012 was the worst, I’d sold my car the previous Spring. Last Winter my then-fiance could drive me places in his car. This Winter, however, I’ll be able to drive the car we bought together in the Spring. I still prefer going out in the wheelchair if the sidewalks are clear enough, it’s my equivalent to going for a walk.
This time next year I’ll also be able to drive to, and park at, Whole Foods & IKEA!
— Steve Patterson