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Retail Parking Garages Great In Winter

December 11, 2014 Featured, Parking Comments Off on Retail Parking Garages Great In Winter

As Winter approaches I’m thankful for the businesses that have covered parking. You see, since my 2008 stroke walking on dry pavement is a challenge, snow & ice nearly impossible. So businesses with covered parking, like the Hampton Village Target, allows me to drive from my garage and park under the store without walking on slick pavement.

Parking level under the Target at Hampton & Chippewa
Parking level under the Target at Hampton & Chippewa

Being able to work forces you to leave your homes regardless of the weather, but as a person on disability, it gets old when I haven’t left the house for days. As I’ve complained before, the downtown sidewalks can remain blocked with snow a week or more after the roads are fully cleared, leaving me no choice but to get in the car to keep from going stir crazy.

The Winter of 2012 was the worst, I’d sold my car the previous Spring. Last Winter my then-fiance could drive me places in his car. This Winter, however, I’ll be able to drive the car we bought together in the Spring. I still prefer going out in the wheelchair if the sidewalks are clear enough, it’s my equivalent to going for a walk.

This time next year I’ll also be able to drive to, and park at, Whole Foods & IKEA!

— Steve Patterson


Central Library Reopened Two Years Ago

December 9, 2014 Downtown, Education, Featured 6 Comments

St. Louis’ Central Library reopened two years ago today, after being closed for a major renovation. Earlier this year a cafe opened off the atrium.

The exterior lighting is outstanding, October 2014
The exterior lighting is outstanding, October 2014
ABOVE: The atrium in the former stacks area is a very modern and welcoming area.
The atrium in the former stacks area is a very modern and welcoming area.

If you haven’t yet visited I suggest you take the time to check it out. I haven’t spent as much time inside as I thought I would, be living two blocks West I do get to enjoy the exterior often.

Check out this video on the library to learn more about it:

— Steve Patterson



We Have Many Police Departments In St. Louis

This post is intended to help out headline writers from outside the St. Louis region. Last week many said St. Louis Police when they meant St. Louis County Police.

Recent headlines
Recent headlines all attributing a mistake to the St. Louis Police, rather than the St. Louis County Police

Not their fault, they likely don’t know our long history of fragmentation.

The St. Louis region is in two states — Missouri & Illinois. Sixteen-seventeen counties, half per state, make up the Greater St. Louis area. The St. Louis Police was originally formed in 1808. In 1861, during the Civil War, the Confederate-supporting state took control of the St. Louis Police since the city was pro-Union. St. Louis only got back full control from the state in the last year or two.

In 1876 the rapidly-growing City of St. Louis left St. Louis County, to avoid having to support the rest of the then largely rural county. St. Louis, through changes to the Missouri constitution, became an independent city-county. The City of St. Louis, as a city-county, also has a Sheriff’s department.

St. Louis County Police was formed in 1955, absorbing the St. Louis County Sheriff at that time.  You might think the St. Louis County Police patrol all of St. Louis County, but no. St. Louis County has 90 municipalities. Some, like Ferguson, have their own police force. Others, like Jennings, contract through St. Louis County. Jennings used to have its own force, but it was dissolved in 2011. A few other municipalities contract through a neighboring municipality for police services. Unincorporated areas of St. Louis County are, as you’d expect, covered by St. Louis County Police. One tiny municipality, Flordel Hills, recently started its own police force.

With 884 individual units of government, St. Louis ranks 3rd only to Pittsburgh and Denver among our peer regions in ratio of local governments to citizens. (Where We Stand)

I’m not sure how many of the 884 units of government are police, regardless, the St. Louis Police is different than the St. Louis County Police.

— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: Pick Two (2) Favorite Styles Of Pizza

December 7, 2014 Featured, Sunday Poll 4 Comments
Please vote in the poll, located in the right sidebar
Please vote in the poll, located in the right sidebar

For the poll today I’m asking about pizza styles. Because many styles exist I used the list from 9 Different Kinds of Pizza in the United States:

  • The Original: Neapolitan
  • California Style
  • Chicago Deep Dish (and stuffed)
  • Chicago Thin Crust
  • Detroit Style
  • New England Greek
  • New York Thin Crust
  • St. Louis Style
  • Tomato Pie

See the link above for descriptions of each. The poll is at the top of the right sidebar in the desktop layout. Remember, this poll will close at 8pm Central.

Please pick two from the list!

— Steve Patterson


Business Coming To West Florissant

December 5, 2014 Featured, Retail Comments Off on Business Coming To West Florissant

West Florissant Ave in St. Louis or its suburbs isn’t the most prosperous of commercial streets, still I see local entrepreneurs earning a living, providing needed products & services, and employing others.

For a few months now I’ve seen a vacant building as I pass by on the bus or drive by. The other day I noticed something new.

The building at 7365 W Florissant in Jennings will become a Hawaiian Grill
The building at 7365 W Florissant in Jennings will become a Hawaiian Grill, click for map

A “Coming Soon” sign was added. This is very encouraging to see, especially just a mile from the Ferguson city limits. Being next door to a popular Velvet Freeze is probably a wise business decision.

I wish them well.

— Steve Patterson






