For 3+ weeks now I’ve been thinking about the physical environment of West Florissant from the burnt out QuikTrip location south to the elevated train tracks, just under half a mile. Let’s take a look:
The former Ponderosa at 9200 W. Florissant was built in 1972, it closed sometime between September 2012 and August 2014. A Google Streetview camera from 9/2012 showed the business openJack in the Box built this in 1969, now it’s a locally owned businessThe streetscape design is pure 1960s, lacking anything that would appeal to a pedestrian. The absence of curbs & street trees make you feel vulnerable to traffic. What is this like during heavy rains?Drains for runoff waterThe West side of W. Florissant is very similar to the East. lots and lots of pavingVery few crosswalks exist, the ones that do are poorly designed. Here the crosswalk and ramp have no relationship to each other. One of the rare spots where curbs exist.Pedestrians are many but they’re subjected to narrow broken sidewalksNeither of these storefronts are accessible in a wheelchair. Why hasn’t the Chesterfield-bsaed company that owns numerous buildings on W. Florissant made required ADA improvements in the last 21+ years?The McDonald’s was built in 1989, but recently remodeled inside & out. An ADA accessible route was forgotten in the remodeling though.Pedestrians arriving in wheelchairs must roll into the site from the public sidewalk to nest the rear of the building before finding a ramp.
The area looks & feels tired. Ferguson, Jennings, Dellwood, St. Louis County, Emerson, etc. all need to look at updating the public streetscape along W. Florissant. The use of rain gardens on both sides would visually improve the look as well as absorbing considerable water runoff. Walk Score gives the area a low 36 (Car Dependent) rating, embarrassing for an area with so many pedestrians and frequent transit users.
In Part 2 I’ll look at similar issues a little further North, in Dellwood.
Belle Parke Plaza strip mall was built in 1963 to serve the new residents of the unincorporated area known as Spanish Lake
Up to seventy readers last week correctly guessed the fours areas in St. Louis County that are unincorporated, not a separate village, town, or city: St. George, Lemay, Affton, and Spanish Lake. With 90 incorporated it’s hard to keep track of all the areas of the county.
Here are the four that are not incorporated:
St. George:In November 2011 residents voted to disincorporate so they could return to being part of unincorporated, lack of money to repair roads was the stated reason. St. Louis County had 91 separate municipal governments prior to St. George’s disincorporation. See St. George may close up shop at year’s end
Lemay: An area in unincorporated south county, see the Wikipedia entry.
Affton: Another unincorporated area in south county, see the Wikipedia entry.
Spanish Lake: I’m surprised more people didn’t get this right, it is famously unincorporated.
Three of the four were never incorporated.
Here are the results from last week’s voting, the correct four were the top vote getters:
Q: TRIVIA: Which FOUR (4) of the following are part of unincorporated St. Louis County, NOT a separate village/town/city:
St. George 81 [16.4%]
Lemay 78 [15.79%]
Affton 72 [14.57%]
Spanish Lake 70 [1417%]
Tie 25 [5.06%]
Crystal Lake Park
Green Park
Country Life Acres 23 [4.66%]
Greendale 18 [3.64%]
Tie 17 [3.44%]
Wilbur Park
Tie 15 [3.04%]
Bella Villa
Kinloch 14 [2.83%]
Uplands Park 10 [2.02%]
Pasadena Park 9 [1.82%]
Pasadena Hills 5 [1.01%]
Sign on Natural Btidge marks the city limits of Uplands Park, population 460
Here is more about each of the areas some thought were unincorporated, in the same order as the poll results. All links are to Wikipedia entries:
Crystal Lake Park: Tiny class 4 city in west county with an area of 0.11 square miles, and 470 residents as of the 2010 census. Adjacent to Frontenac, off Bopp Rd.
Green Park: Small city in south county with area of 1.35 square miles, and 2,622 residents as of the 2010 census. Tesson Ferry Branch of the St. Louis County Library is within Green Park.
Country Life Acres: a village in west county with an area of 0.11 square miles, and 74 residents as of the 2010 census. Adjacent to the city of Town & Country.
Greendale: a city in north county with an area of 0.21 square miles, and 651 residents as of the 2010 census. Adjacent to Normandy.
Oakland: a city in west county with an area of 0.61 square miles, and 1,381 residents as of the 2010 census.
Wilbur Park: a village in south county with an area of .06 square miles, and 471 residents as of the 2010 census. Off Gravois Rd just outside St. Louis.
Bella Villa: a city in south county with an area of 0.13 square miles, and 729 residents as of the 2010 census. I-55 & Bayless.
Winchester: a city in west county with an area of 0.25 square miles, and 1,547 residents as of the 2010 census. Near Manchester & Woods Mill (141)
Kinloch: a city in north county with an area of 0.73 square miles, and 299 residents as of the 2010 census. Northeast of I-170 & I-70.
Uplands Park: a village in north county with an area of 0.07 square miles, and 445 residents as of the 2010 census. South of Natural Bridge west of Kienlen Ave.
Pasadena Park: a village in north county with an area of 0.1 square miles, and 470 residents as of the 2010 census. East of the UMSL campus.
Pasadena Hills: a city in north county with an area of 0.22 square miles, and 930 residents as of the 2010 census. Southwest from I-70 @ Lucas & Hunt.
The total area of these 12 is 3.95 square miles, less than 1% of the county. The total population in 2010 was 10,089, roughly 1% of the 2010 population of the county.
This is just twelve of the ninety municipalities in St. Louis County. Many contract with a neighboring municipality or St. Louis County to provide some services. Clear fragmentation when 1% of your land & population are divided into 12 separate governments.
The labor of many built the building that opened 120 tears ago today: St. Louis Union Station. This 1894 station replaced the original St. Louis Union Station, which was located six blocks east, at 12th & Poplar. The original had opened 19 years earlier, on June 1, 1875
The beauty of Carl Milles’ sculpture with Union Station in the backgroundWindow detail inside the Grand Hall at Union Station
After millions passed through this station over 80+ years it closed. In ruins it was the location of the fight scene from Escape from New York (1981). Last Friday, August 29th, marked 29 years since Union Station reopened as a festival marketplace. Basically a mall under the train shed. New owner are replacing the failed mall with convention/meeting space to support the hotel. See for more information.
Please vote in the poll, located in the right sidebar
Toyota first began selling the Prius hybrid in Japan in December 1997 — nearly 20 years ago. This form of hybrid is now mainstream, cars from many manufacturers offer some form of hybrid. In all these an internal combustion engine (ICE) comes on the drive the wheels, as needed. Batteries are recharged primarily through regenerative braking. Millions of such hybrid vehicles have been sold worldwide.
What’s next?
Below are four technologies that might become mainstream in the next two decades, listed alphabetically:
Self-driving vehicles (the autonomous self-driving vehicle wouldn’t need input from a human)
For the poll this week I want to see which of the above, if any, will become mainstream within 20 years. The poll includes those four plus options for ‘none’ and ‘unsure’, all will be presented randomly. The poll is at the top of the right sidebar, you can select up to four answers.
For nearly three weeks the focus has been on Ferguson, but residents & businesses in neighboring Jennings & Dellwood have also been impacted.
This former Walgreens, built in 1994, is in Ferguson, across the street from the Ferguson Market. However, the credit union next door is (mostly) in Jennings.The credit union building next door is in Jennings, but a wedge of the rear parking lot is in Ferguson.The Ferguson Market is in the upper left corner. As you can see numerous businesses are in Jennings, not FergusonZisser Tire at 9990 W. Florissant & Chambers is located in Dellwood, not Ferguson. I like how they painted the boards where the windows used to be, very smart!
So if you’re trying to help out by patronizing businesses be sure to include businesses up and down W. Florissant and Chambers, in Jennings, Dellwood, and Ferguson. The locally owned businesses were the hardest hit by a decrease in sales due to rerouted traffic/buses.
AARP Livibility Index
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Built St. Louis
historic architecture of St. Louis, Missouri – mourning the losses, celebrating the survivors.
Geo St. Louis
a guide to geospatial data about the City of St. Louis