Poll: Have You Witnessed or Experienced Racial Discrimination Within the Last Two Years?
Issues of race are nearly impossible to understand in one simple question. For a more in-depth look at race issues I find Pew’s research helpful:
Blacks are much more downbeat than whites about the pace of progress toward a color-blind society. They are also more likely to say that blacks are treated less fairly than whites by police, the courts, public schools and other key community institutions.
While these differences by race are large, significant minorities of whites agree that blacks receive unequal treatment when dealing with the criminal justice system. (King’s Dream Remains an Elusive Goal; Many Americans See Racial Disparities)
The perspectives of different races is not really surprising.
The poll question this week asks if you’ve witnessed or experienced racial discrimination within the last 2 years. I don’t expect those responding affirmative to be a huge percentage, but I’m pretty certain it’ll be greater than zero. The poll is in the right sidebar.
— Steve Patterson