The last time I was at Third Degree Glass Factory, about six months ago, I tweeted the fact it lacked an ADA access route from the public sidewalk to the entry. The entry walkway led to the side parking lot. Pedestrians arriving on foot, by bus, or those parking on-street had to enter via the parking lot. I never got a response to my tweet, nor did I follow up.
Recently heading home on the #97 MetroBus, I spotted work being done to build a pedestrian access routeI I meant to return to check it out but it didn’t happen. Then yesterday I attended an event held at Third Degree. I’m pleased with the result. Like so many businesses, this isn’t something they naturally think of. Third Degree is great about teaching you glass blowing. If St. Louis had a law requiring such an access route their architect would’ve included it in their original project. We don’t, so it took a few years until I raised the issue.
The red arrow marks the entry as seen from the bus stop at the public sidewalkThe width of the new walk is minimal, but better than nothing. Had the city raised pedestrian access when planning something more generous & welcoming might have been built.The view from the entry shows the original walk leading to parkingTurning toward the street we see the new walkway to the public sidewalk. Circled in red is Metro long range planner Mark Phillips waiting for the #97 bus which showed up seconds later.The event I attended yesterday was a sustainability work session, my table focused on making St. Louis less car dependent. Click photo for information on the event.
Kudos to Third Degree for listening and taking concrete action, pun intended. Now if I can only get the city/region to require such access when buildings are built or substantially renovated….
The old Illinois capital building in downtown Springfield IL
Monday night on KDHX I announced that my boyfriend and I got engaged last month. We didn’t plan to go to any of the 14 states, or Washington D.C., to get married. We wanted to get married in Missouri (where we live) or Illinois (his state of residence until this past February). We knew that meant a possible long engagement but we also knew there had been talk of the Illinois General Assembly approving a same-sex marriage bill most of this year. As late as a week or two ago it didn’t look like a vote would happen this year but 2014 looked promising.
Then suddenly, Tuesday morning, we hear the vote will happen. By the end of the day both the chambers passed the bill, sending it to the governor! To pass the measure the sponsor removed the paragraph making the law effective in 30 days. The law becomes effective on June 1, 2014.
Gov. Pat Quinn (D) said in a statement Tuesday that he would sign the bill into law, although he did not specify a date. The House, which had adjourned in May without passing a Senate bill legalizing same-sex marriage, approved the measure Tuesday by a vote of 61 to 54.
“Today the Illinois House put our state on the right side of history,” said Quinn, who campaigned for the measure, which is scheduled to take effect in June. (Washington Post)
So Tuesday night we set a date in June and started a wedding website. Yesterday I began the process of confirming the location. Today we’re going to city hall to register as Domestic Partners.
When I came out 30 years ago I didn’t think marriage would ever be an option…
This year two competing outlet malls opened in the Chesterfield valley, not far from each other. I had a chance recently to visit both by car, a rental. I’d hoped to visit one or both via MetroBus so I could have my wheelchair. Before you question the idea, the #258 MetroBus stops in the valley every 20-60 minutes weekdays.
There was debate about St. Louis being able to support two outlet malls just 4+ miles apart, in addition to the existing St. Louis Outlet Mall in Hazelwood that opened in November 2003. For now I’ll focus on the two new outlets by Taubman and Simon Properties:
Both developers are publicly traded companies with impressive track records in the retail world. But Simon, the largest U.S. shopping mall owner, has been in the outlet business a lot longer.
Linda Humphers, who tracks the outlet mall industry for the International Council of Shopping Centers as editor of Value Retail News, noted that Simon has more than 60 outlet centers in the U.S. compared to basically two for Taubman. (Taubman and Simon both have many full-priced malls in their portfolios.) (
Taubman, the underdog, opened first. Like many, I tend to lean in favor of the underdog. But I knew that many shoppers more impressed by Chesterfield’s second outlet mall. With all this background I visited both, in the order they opened, on Monday October 28th. Again, I drove a rental car we had for the weekend because both would require using the shoulder for the mile from the closest bus stop.
Highly visible from I-64
Site was underwater during the Flood of 1993
Primarily internally focused
Upscale/desirable retail outlets
Multiple entrance points from parking lot
One level, open air design
Indoor, centrally-located, food court
Green design elements like rain gardens to handle water runoff
For the differences many have focused on the number & importance of stores, but I’m not going to debate Ralph Lauren (Taubman) vs Coach (STL Premium). My focus is on the layout, approach, physical design, etc.
Signage is prominent at the several auto entrancesGreen storm water management is attractive, should be highly functionalThe white/light color scheme of the exterior doesn’t feel upscale to meA typical entry into the interior walkwayThe entrance points are wide and use nice materials, but they feel genericStanding at the center looking at the open west end
Looking east from the center
The food court building at the centerThe directory shows the linear design, parking is focused between the mall and highway outer drive
Crosswalks connect disabled parking to the mall entrances, but the angle was confusing for new construction
This mall is in the center of a much larger site that’ll eventually all be developed. The entrance signs have room for other projects besides the outlet mallOutlet Blvd approaching the mallAs you turn off of Outlet Blvd into the mall the signage gets specificBetween the entry drive and parking is a pedestrian access route connecting to future adjacent developmentWell marked crosswalks to the disabled parkingThe medium to dark color scheme looks richer to meEntrances are more interesting, false side windows relieve otherwise blank walls.A children’s playground is next to the food court in the centerThe directory shows this mall is more than a shingle corridor. The various colors represent different districts with local names like “Meramec River District”The corridors are not very interestingI got excited when I saw the bus plaza, but then I realized it’s for tourist buses, not public transportation
My Conclusions
Both malls will do fine initially, but the smaller Taubman mall will fade out quicker. It feels smaller, less generous, since it’s shoehorned in between the highway and a levee. It won’t close for many years, it’ll just be the less desirable outlet mall, though still ahead of Hazelwood’s decade-old St. Louis Outlet Mall.
The St. Louis Premium Outlets area will get built up over the next 5-10 years, hotels, restaurants and other retail will be added. They’ve planned ahead so as it gets built out it’ll be connected by a sidewalk network. Nothing you’d call super walkable, but minimally acceptable. The location is right as you enter from St. Charles County, so it’s convenient to many.
The poll question last week had nothing to do with individual parking meters versus pay stations, the goal was to see the payment options ranked:
Q: Assuming on-street parking rates will increase, what are your two preferred methods of payment?
Plastic (debit/credit) 46 [48.94%]
Coins 22 [23.4%]
Cell phone 16 [17.02%]
Bills 10 [10.64%]
Coins came in a distant second to debit/credit cards. Surprising to me is bills came in very last, but I rarely carry bills now either.
I haven’t tested the “Liberty Meters” being tested in the CWE yet, I should go see how easy they are to use:
Motorists parking in the City of St. Louis – you can stop searching your consoles for loose change! The City Treasurer’s Office is launching a pilot program called,”No Change, No Problem.” Starting May 10th, Sixty (60) new individual credit and debit card accepting parking meters will be installed in the Central West End neighborhood. The “No Change, No Problem” pilot program will run through summer and fall 2013. With this program, drivers can use coins, credit or debit cards to park at one of the new meters. Parking rates will not increase and no additional fees will be charged for using credit or debit cards. These new meters will function the same as coin-operated meters– just more conveniently.
We want to hear from you! Give us some feedback about the new meters. Click the survey button below or comment on the Treasurer’s Office Twitter (@stltreasurer | #stlparkingmeters) or Facebook (St. Louis Treasurer).
Your feedback will help determine whether or not to expand this program to other areas of the city. (Source: St. Louis Treasurer)
Has anyone paid the new test meters using plastic?
A new grocery store will open soon on the near south side, between Soulard to the east, Lafayette Square to the west, and The Georgian/King Louis Square to the north, Lasalle Park. The I-55/I-44 highway interchange is to the south. Technically this is located in the Peabody Darst Webbe neighborhood, partly named after the former public housing project that were located where King Louis Square was built years ago.
Fields Foods is our vision come to life. A full-service grocery store rooted in the heart of historic Lafayette Square near downtown St. Louis. The Lafayette Square area is one of St. Louis’ oldest neighborhoods with historical stores, parks and homes. It’s truly one-of-a-kind, and that’s why it’s the perfect fit for our store.
Our team of friendly, dedicated, knowledgeable foodies guides our customers through a vast arrangement of local, healthy, delicious foods that will inspire your inner gourmet. You will walk through lush fields sampling vine-ripened fruits and vegetables. Stroll down urban streetscapes and visit the local butcher and baker. Head down to the docks to our seafood shack and enjoy what truly fresh from the sea means. And if you’re not in the mood to cook tonight, that’s okay. Stop by our prepared food section and pick up a slice of brick oven pizza, a toasty panini, salads and so much more. Need a bit more than a slice of pizza? We have a chef on staff creating restaurant quality dinners for carry out. A Sushi bar and a Wine and Beer cellar stocked with vintages from across the globe and local craft beers completes your experience.
Many area residents, tired of having to drive to the grocery store, welcome a neighborhood store they can walk to.
“Can’t wait to have a grocery store within walking distance. Actually I can see the store from my 3rd floor window.”— Jean C. commented on a Facebook picture.
A market here was proposed in early 2007:
Koman recently partnered with Chris Goodson of Gilded Age on plans for an $80 million mixed-use development just east of the Lafayette Square neighborhood and just south of downtown. Goodson’s Georgian Square development includes plans for a Walgreens, grocery store and coffee shop. Goodson has helped transform Lafayette Square in recent years. In 1999 he helped spearhead the creation of an $8.5 million tax increment financing district in Lafayette Square. Through Gilded Age, a development company Goodson founded with partner Trace Shaughnessy, he has developed more than $125 million in real estate projects since 1996. He also is president of the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners. (St. Louis Business Journal)
Immediately south of downtown, another grocery store is under development. St. Louis-based Gilded Age plans to break ground on a Walgreens across the street from its Georgian Condominiums this August. Next to the Walgreens, a City Market grocery store, a unit of SuperValu, will open in the summer or fall of 2008, said Gilded Age principal Chris Goodson. (St. Louis Business Journal)
In March 2008 things were still moving forward:
The SLDC already has approved forgivable loans for two other projects to receive funding from the pool of excess revenue: Gilded Age and Koman Properties’ planned $30 million first phase of its Georgian Square retail development, across from Gilded Age’s Georgian condominium project, will receive $300,000. The developers have signed an agreement with Walgreens to locate on the site, said Gilded Age principal Chris Goodson. A City Market grocery store, a division of Supervalu, and a Starbucks are also planned for the development. “We’re moving forward with the Walgreens, that will be built first,” Goodson said. (St. Louis Business Journal)
The Walgreens opened in 2009. Several other attempts were made to get a grocery store here, but each fell through:
When Gilded Age announced plans for a grocery in 2007, it was with Minneapolis-based Supervalu, a project that never materialized. Other pending deals with Phoenix-based grocery chain Sunflower Farmers Market and local operator Sappington Farmers’ Market also failed to move forward. (
I’m very glad to see the store nearing completion. It’ll provide needed jobs, though jobs may be lost elsewhere as people change where they buy groceries. Sadly, it doesn’t appear any consideration to the many who will arrive daily on foot, some pushing strollers, and even the occasional wheelchair user. Let’s start in the adjacent Bohemian Hill to the east.
Looking west on Soulard St, the new Fresh Fields is visible on the left, Walgreens center.The concrete curbs between the parking lot and Soulard St are already poured, no provisions for ramps or a sidewalkLooking south across Lafayette Ave on 14th the new grocery store is straight aheadThe circle indicates the location where the new store is being built next to the WalgreensThe area has good sidewalks but it takes careful planning to design new developments to encourage walking.The parking lot will blend into the Walgreens lot
I understand most customers and many employees will drive to this new store. I also know many will opt to walk here from home, Walgreens, nearby bus stop, etc. How many isn’t know, but if we do a pedestrian count later it’ll surprise you just how many do walk, or bike. Had the civil engineers, architects, & developers actually planned a welcoming sidewalk approach the numbers would be higher. From press releases and articles it’s clear they’re not targeting local residents, “Goodson and Randol also hope the store’s proximity to major highways will attract customers entering or leaving downtown St. Louis.” (Sauce)
Clearly the city has been working with the developers for six years on this project, there was time to figure out how residents of his own project across the street can walk to his new grocery store. The city failed big time by not requiring good pedestrian access.
Hopefully, somehow, I’ll be proven wrong when the grocery store opens January 4th.
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