The Renaissance Hotel, Ballrooms and parking garage were built in 2002, a decade ago. Like most deals, it was complicated and players took fees off the top. But tax money was also involved.
ABOVE: This storefront facing 9th Street has been vacant for years, no leasing information has been posted in the window.
The decrease in operating income from 2002 to 2003 is primarily related to the decrease in loan and note receivable interest income from 2002 due to the pay off of the St. Louis Convention Center Hotel loan receivable. The St. Louis Convention Center Hotel loan’s outstanding balance as of June 30, 2002, was $13,455,000 with an interest rate of 9.5% with interest income of $1,753,225 and $759,329 earned in FY2002 and FY2003, respectively. Other considerations for the decrease in operating income are a decline in participation fee income of $179,540 and an increase in professional fees of $139,862 for FY2003.
I just find it curious when I go down 10th Street I see a thriving Stefano’s and an Edible Arrangements location on the west side of this building but on the east side, facing the hotel, a retail space remains empty — for a decade! Shouldn’t someone be trying to get this space leased? What must visitors think when they see this?
A restaurant with sidewalk dining would be nice, the building would provide shade for dinner. The city has the parking lane marked off as no parking, that’d need to change to lease this space. But how does it happen that no visible effort is made to lease a space for a decade?
A sign over drinking fountains in a building at Washington University School of Medicine caught my eye last recently.
ABOVE: At first glance a normal looking pair of drinking fountains at the Washington University School of Medicine.ABOVE: The sign encourages users to refill water bottles, but you probably know how difficult that can be at a drinking fountainABOVE: This fountain has an area to make filling bottlers easy. If only more had this feature.ABOVE: After getting a drink of water I went into the adjacent Barnes & Noble Cafe and ordered spinach & artichoke quiche for there. It was handed to me in a disposable plastic container and directed to the disposable plastic utensils.
I love the idea of encouraging the reuse of bottles, I do that at home for water to go. Meanwhile the cafe is wasting plastic on customers eating there. Maybe get the cafe a commercial dishwasher?
Nobody should be shocked that readers overwhelmingly selected Sen. Claire McCaskill over Rep. Todd Akin last week. Readers of this blog are largely from the City of St. Louis, the opposite of voters in Missouri.
Akin (left), McCaskill (right)
Q: Which candidate do you want to be elected the next US Senator from Missouri?
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) 143 [71.86%]
Rep. Todd Akin (R) 35 [17.59%]
Neutral/unsure/no opinion 21 [10.55%]
Without a doubt McCaskill will carry St. Louis. In the 2006 general election McCaskill received 95.56% of the vote in St. Louis, Republican challenger Jim Talent received just 3.6%. (two minor party candidates made up the difference)
The 2006 statewide numbers were very different. McCaskill received 49.6% of the vote to Talent’s 47.3% (see results).
Akin would be bad for urban cities. Akin voted against HB2847 (Employment, Infrastructure, and Transportation Appropriations) in December 2009, for example. Other nays include reauthorization of Amtrak. See Akin’s votes on transportation bills here.
Please join me in supporting Sen, Claire McCaskill on November 6th.
ABOVE: In February 2012 access to the St. Louis Bread Co. at 6607 Chippewa from the public sidewalk required going up steps.
I contacted and company and met with District Manager Chris Harre onsite on my birthday, February 28th. On May 1st a building permit application was filed with the city to build an accessible ramp at an estimated cost of $5,000.
When I visited the site late last month workers were still finishing up final details.
ABOVE: A switchback ramp was fitted into an area previously plantedABOVE: The view of the ramp from the westABOVE: View from the top of the ramp. The triangular wedge between the upper & lower sections of the ramp will contain plants.ABOVE: The new ramp is highly visible, says all pedestrians welcome here.
I appreciate that Panera acted quickly once I pointed out the accessibility problem, if only other companies would do the same. Special thanks to District Manager Chris Harre.
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Built St. Louis
historic architecture of St. Louis, Missouri – mourning the losses, celebrating the survivors.
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a guide to geospatial data about the City of St. Louis