Missouri wants your input into our future transportation needs:
Missouri House Speaker Steve Tilley recently formed a Blue Ribbon Citizens Committe on Missouri’s Transportation needs which will be holding public meetings across the state in the next several weeks. The committee is being chaired by Rod Jetton and Bill McKenna, and they will be looking at total transportation needs in the state. (Source: CMT-STL)
The first such meeting is at 1pm today at 14301 South Outer 40 Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017. I’d like to attend but guess what, I can’t physically get there — at least not safely. I can get close after an hour or so ride on MetroBus but getting from the bus stop into the building safely looks impossible. The following is from a MoDOT Customer Relations Manager:
“One of the presenters at this meeting also uses a wheelchair and I know he will address the importance of access as the committee considers the transportation needs of Missourians. The area that you’re referencing is not a state road but I am familiar with it. I believe the bus stops at a paved shoulder then there’s a sidewalk and crosswalk across the street from the meeting site.”
Most likely the presenter will drive, or be driven, to the meeting. A shoulder? They expect me to get off the bus onto the shoulder of Woods Mill Rd? The few sidewalks that exist don’t have curb cuts and their scarcity means I’d be a sitting target on the roads or in parking lots. I don’t expect the Blue Ribbon Panel to understand since most represent businesses/industries that profit from keeping Missouri locked into the auto culture:
Committee members include:
- Mr. Ben Jones, Union Pacific Railroad
- Mr. Blake Hurst, Missouri Farm Bureau
- Mr. Estil Fretwell, Missouri Farm Bureau
- Mr. Brian Meisel, Lake of the Ozarks Economic Development Council
- Mr. Duane Michie, First State Bank and Trust
- Mr. Joe DeLong, DeLong’s Inc.
- Mr. Len Toenjes, AGC of St. Louis
- Mr. Neal St. ONge, Coldwell BAnker
- Mr. Rick Neubert, Delta Concrete Inc.
- MR. Tom Crawford, Missouri Trucking Association
- Mr. Tony Thompson, Kwame Construction
- Mr. Dan Mehan, Missouri Chamber of Commerce
- Mr. Ed DeSoignie, The Heavy Constructors Association of Greater Kansas City
- Mr. Jim Anderson, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce
- Mr. John Nations, Metro
- Mr. MArk Stidham, Dexter City Adminstrator
- Mr. Randy Verkamp, Phelps County Presiding Commissioner
- Mr. Scott Smith, HNTB Corporation
- Mr. Tom Dunne, Fred Weber, Inc.
The list is from CMT.
The other meetings are:
- May 21 – MoDOT Northwest District Office, St. Joseph, MO
- June 1 – Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, Springfield, MO
- June 29 – Show-Me Center, Cape Girardeau, MO
- July 9 – ARC City Activity Center, Columbia, MO
- July 23 – MoDOT Northeast District Office, Hannibal, MO
- August 6 – Gamber Center, Lee’s Summit, MO
I doubt I could get to any of these safely.
– Steve Patterson