Urban Review’s top ten of 2004
One of the most annoying things from the mainstream media is top ten/twenty/hundred lists. Often it is a lazy way to rehash old material or get out of doing some actual work. So, in the spirit of the mainstream media, I present my top ten favorite posts from 2004.
True, I only started as of October 31st. Give me a break – I still managed to find ten I liked. This time next year it will actually be a challenge to come up with a top ten so I might just skip it then. Or I might go crazy and have a top 50 posts? But, that is still a year off.
So, here is the list (some of which are from my old software & server):
10) Citirama a good start, HBA’s builders just don’t quite get it
One of my earliest postings – taking a look at new homes on the site of the old Gaslight Square.
9) THF Realty sprawls big box development over region
Commentary on THF and the new Wal-Mart along Hanley road.
8) It Takes five houses to create a village?
A look at in-fill housing in the city
7) Kirkwood Plaza Station, another great idea with questionable execution.
Crtiicism of Kirkwood’s new mixed-use project.
6) I’m not picking on Brentwood.Really, I’m not.
A pedestrian’s trek from Brentwood to Bread Co.
5) Church Pastor say Hyde Park Neighborhood not a good place to live
Notes & commentary on a church that wants to raze it’s building & block.
4) Gravois Plaza less pedestrian-friendly than previous center
A photo essay illustrating the lack of consideration for the pedestrian at Gravois Plaza.
3) St. Louis Marketplace – a predictable failure
Another photo essay of yet another anti-urban shopping center.
2) Laclede’s Landing: a non-place for locals
A recent entry (yesterday) taking an angry look at proposed development on the Landing.
1) AG Edwards headquarters is an urban liability, not an asset
No other post has generated so much controversy than this look at AG Edward’s world headquartres. Like #2 above, this post is angry and the language reflects my anger.
Well, that is my list of favorite posts of 2004.
– Steve