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Readers: Clusters of Cities Need to Lead Effort to Consolidate

Readers last week indicated how consolidation of St. Louis County’s 91 municipalities should happen:

  1. Clusters of cities need to lead the effort. 74 [44.85%]
  2. County leaders need to lead the effort 48 [29.09%]
  3. The state needs to force consolidation 32 [19.39%]
  4. Other answer… 6 [3.64%]
  5. We don’t, 91 municipalities in St. Louis County is fine 4 [2.42%]
  6. Unsure/no opinion 1 [0.61%]

The top vote getter is the one that will never result in any meaningful consolidation – leaving it up to cities.  I personally think the state needs to step in to make this happen.

  1. not going to happen. these clusters formed to separate themselves for a reason
  2. Reduce it to what number? Or how many can be disolved?
  3. Cities need to join together for better fiscal responsibility
  4. Enforce a minimum population requirement on municipalities.
  5. Why? Who cares?
  6. Voters in the munis should decide

Voters? Again, that is the same as saying nothing should change.

The list above will not change substantially unless the county and/or state takes action.  A first step though, is for some to unincorporate. Saint George is the only one considering such action. Actually just dissolving each of the 91 would be the simplest.

– Steve Patterson


Readers Mixed On The Term ‘Affordable Housing’

ABOVE: A quiet tree-lined street at Parsons Place in East St. Louis. Can you tell which units are "affordable" and which are market rate?

The post introducing the poll last week generated nearly 60 comments. “Affordable Housing” is clearly a loaded phrase.

Q: When I hear the term “affordable housing” I think of:

  1. projects” subsidized by taxpayers 36 [22.36%]
  2. Total housing costs of no more than 30% of a household income 34 [21.12%]
  3. Clean/quality housing for lower-income working families 33 [20.5%]
  4. Something I don’t want near my place of residence 23 [14.29%]
  5. An unsafe ghetto 11 [6.83%]
  6. No place I want to visit or live 8 [4.97%]
  7. Unsure/no opinion 8 [4.97%]
  8. Other answer… 8 [4.97%]

The other answers submitted were:

  1. A Conundrum
  2. Low-quality construction
  3. That it should be re-framed in terms of the life cycle. Singles thru retirees.
  4. The city of St. Louis is full of affordable housing
  5. clean/quality subsidized “projects” that, over time, turn into unsafe
  6. Mixed opinion, but obviously a negative connotation.
  7. a serious problem in Saint Louis
  8. One of the negative results that arise from capitalism and poverty

Despite what many might think, many in our region struggle to afford safe & clean housing.

– Steve Patterson


Weekly Poll: How do we reduce the number of municipalities in St. Louis County?

ABOVE: Sign on Natural Btidge marks the city limits of Uplands Park, population 460

In February I ran a poll asking about the number of municipalities in St. Louis County – a massive 91. With nearly 94% of the votes readers overwhelmingly agreed St. Louis County has too many municipalities.  OK, so now what?  With the exception of 6% of readers and the St. Louis County Municipal League, we all agree there are too many but the next question is how do we reduce the number? And to what? 88? 45? 20?

The question of how to reduce the number is the topic of the poll this week, see the upper right of the site to cast your vote.  The results will be published Wednesday April 13th.

– Steve Patterson


Today Is The Last Day

April 1, 2011 Site Info 11 Comments

Today, April 1st, is the last day of this blog. I’ve enjoyed the last six and a half years but I want to move on. The archives will remain up. Peace.

– Steve Patterson


Readers: Gentrification In St. Louis Is A Good Thing

ABOVE: newer housing in Dogtown changed the demographics of the neighborhood

In the poll last week readers indicated gentrification was a good for St. Louis:

  1. a good thing, we need more middle & upper income residents to fill vacant structures 115 72.78%
  2. Other answer… 20 12.66%
  3. neither good or bad, not really a problem 14 8.86%
  4. a bad thing, making it harder for the working poor to stay in newly trendy areas 8 5.06%
  5. unsure/no opinion 1 0.63%

But there were many “other” answers submitted:

  1. Sometimes it is good, sometimes if it bad but always an issue in redevelpment.
  2. non existent
  3. Both good and bad, for the aforementioned reasons.
  4. a good thing that needs to be matched by investment in lower income housing
  5. Both aspects: good b/c we need redevelopment
  6. an insanely complex issue that calls for property tax/assessment reform.
  7. We would be lucky to have this problem.
  8. nonexistent!
  9. Some gentrification is needed to revive parts of the city
  10. Much more complex than a poll……………………………………………
  11. generally bad, but some mixed-income options are becoming available…
  12. every city needs a good mix of people of all income levels
  13. as long as the new residents are filling previously vacant structures it is ok.
  14. I would say its a problem that has both good and bad aspects
  15. I don’t like poor people, they don’t like me, and I don’t want &#
  16. seeing as how low income residents have treated the city i would say its great
  17. both, can be good for the economy but minorities
  18. Both good and bad.
  19. “. . . is”: uncontrollable in a free society.
  20. It’s fine, but needs to be better organized.

Indeed, gentrification in a complex topic but clearly the majority feels that it is needed on some level in St. Louis.

– Steve Patterson






