Poll: Will St. Louis Voters Repeal The Earnings Tax in April 2011?

Tuesday Missouri voters approved Proposition A by a wide margin.
Yes 1,294,705 [68.4%]
No 597,920 [31.6%]
Total Votes 1,892,625
As a result, Missouri cities no longer have the option of an earnings tax. Â The two cities with an earnings tax, Kansas City & St. Louis, must hold a vote in the Spring to see if voters wish to keep the earnings tax. Â If they vote to eliminate the earnings tax it would be phased out over a 10 year period. Â If kept, another vote must take place 5 years later, in 2016.
Voters in both cities voted against Proposition A, although not as strongly in Kansas City
St. Louis:
YES 28,251 [31.84%]
NO 60,473 [68.16%]
Kansas City:
YES 37,264 [44.85%]
NO 45,826 [55.15%]
The poll question this week seeks to find out what you think will be the outcome of this vote in St. Louis.  The answers have two parts — will Rex Sinquefield fund the campaign to repeal the earnings tax and will we keep the tax or repeal it?  The poll is in the upper right sidebar.
– Steve Patterson