Readers Would Like To See Restaurants Donate Unsold Food
A total of 183 people voted in the poll last week. The original post is here.
Q: Ald Kacie Starr Triplett thinks Little Caesars should donate, rather than discard, old pizzas. What do you think?
- Ald. Triplett is right, more restaurants need to donate unused food rather than waste it. 109 [59.56%]
- Ald. Triplett needs to stay out of how private businesses operate. 63 [34.43%]
- Other answer… 7 [3.83%]
- Unsure/no opinion 4 [2.19%]
Other responses were:
- “To Whom It May Concern”? She can’t be troubled to figure that ou
- Ald. Triplett: “Look at me, please look at me!”
- used to work there, sounds like Seinfeld’s “Muffin Top” episode –
- Little Ceasars should donate, but this is just grandstanding
- What about legal implications? No good ded goe unpunshed.
- publicity stunt yet again…
- better to donate than to waste, but how about healthy foods?

I looked up the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Act of 1996 (Wikipedia, full text). This law was passed specifically to indemnify those who would donate — except if willfully negligent. So Little Caesars could donate the pizzas that have been held in their warming oven for more than 30 minutes.
Operation Food Search can distribute prepared food:
“Restaurants, Caterers, and Mass-Feeders: Overproduced product, cancelled events, minor production imperfections.”
Other organizations, such as Food Outreach, seek frozen or canned goods for their pantry.
– Steve Patterson