When I started this blog it was simply a way to journal my numerous opinions. I had no real expectations. However, the feedback I’ve received has been great and unexpected.
“Steve Patterson’s blog Urban Review of St. Louis is a great addition to the ever-growing sea of St. Louis blogs. His writing is trenchant and unflinching, and he covers things that we can only wish to have time and energy to cover.”
Michael Allen, Ecology of Absence website and blog
This is wonderful praise given the depth Michael and Claire Nowak-Boyd’s writing on both the website and blog. Check them out!
“Glad to see you’re blogging intelligently on these issues.”
James Howard Kunstler
Kunstler is one of the leading authors on urbanity starting with the now classic “Geography of Nowhere” followed by “Home From Nowhere” and most recently “The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition.” If you are like me and you can’t get enough of Kunstler’s witty writing you’ll want to check out his blog which is called “Clusterfuck Nation Chronicle.” If you know Kunstler’s writing you’ll understand the title. Another reason I check out his site if the monthly features known as “Architectural Blunders” – a photographic look at examples of a Clusterfuck Nation. I highly recommend his books – in the order listed above. Most libraries have them as do most bookstores. In the meantime, check out his website.