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Sunday Poll: Should The Next Mayor Continue Slay’s Policies?

January 1, 2017 Featured, Politics/Policy, Sunday Poll Comments Off on Sunday Poll: Should The Next Mayor Continue Slay’s Policies?
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In April Francis Slay will end his 4th term as mayor — the longest serving in St. Louis’ history. Slay had previously indicated his intentions to seek a 5th term, but in April 2016 announced he wouldn’t run again. Those seeking to replace him have until January 6th to file to be in the March 7, 2017 primary. Independent candidates have more time to file for the April general election.

For many, Slay is the only mayor they’ve known since they began voting. Today’s non-scientific question is seeking to find out if readers want Slay’s policies to continue.

The poll closes at 8pm.

— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: For You Personally, Is Christmas A Religious Or Cultural Holiday?

December 25, 2016 Featured, Popular Culture, Religion, Sunday Poll Comments Off on Sunday Poll: For You Personally, Is Christmas A Religious Or Cultural Holiday?

The last Sunday Poll of  2016 happens to fall on a holiday. Today’s question is what type of holiday is it for you personally.

The poll will be open until 8pm.

— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: Should A Proposed 36-Story Apartment Building Be Approved Without Changes?

December 18, 2016 Central West End, Featured, Sunday Poll Comments Off on Sunday Poll: Should A Proposed 36-Story Apartment Building Be Approved Without Changes?
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The surface parking lot at Kingshighway & Pine has been vacant since 1973, when the 7-story Buckingham Hotel was razed for surface parking for the St. Regis co-op, located across the alley.

One Hundred’s design has a 355-vehicle parking garage, including one level underground. In addition to parking, the building’s five-story base will have 882 square feet of shop space and 6,756 square feet of “amenity space.”

Eli Ungar, founder of Mac Properties, said about 40 percent of the apartments will have one bedroom. About 40 percent will have two bedrooms and the remainder will be divided equally between studio and three-bedroom units. Rents near $3 per square foot per month, high for St. Louis, are possible in a neighborhood as “exquisite” as the Central West End, he said. (Post-Dispatch)

The proposed building will have 305 apartments. It has caused a debate, so I want you to weigh in, here’s today’s poll:

The poll will close at 8pm tonight.

— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: Are You Currently A Paid Member Of A Warehouse Club or Online Free Shipping Club?

December 11, 2016 Featured, Retail, Sunday Poll Comments Off on Sunday Poll: Are You Currently A Paid Member Of A Warehouse Club or Online Free Shipping Club?
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This is the time of year that many associate with shopping, but we all buy things throughout the year. Warehouse clubs Costco & Sam’s, both started in 1983, have millions of paid members.  You must pay an annual fee to shop at either.

In 2005 Amazon started their paid Prime service, offering “free” 2-day shipping on many items regardless of how small the amount. Paying up front for free shipping throughout the coming year was a new idea in 2005.

Out of curiosity, I’d like to know how many of you are currently paid members — or not. You can also add one not listed.

The poll will close at 8pm. Tomorrow I’ll post more on modern retailing, Wednesday will be the results from this poll along with my thoughts.

— Steve Patterson



Sunday Poll: Should Height Restriction at 620 Market Remain?

December 4, 2016 Downtown, Featured, Planning & Design, Real Estate, Sunday Poll Comments Off on Sunday Poll: Should Height Restriction at 620 Market Remain?
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Local news stories are great sources for weekly poll topics. The November 30th story ‘Messenger: Mike Shannon takes on the Cardinals in battle to sell his building‘ is the basis for today’s Sunday Poll. Here’s a summary off the issue:

  • Any development at the location of the now-closed Shannon’s site is legally limited to 35 feet in height.
  • This 35′ height restriction dates back to 1997 or 1966 — depending upon who you believe.
  • The property is just North of the Ballpark Village site — where Busch Memorial Stadium was located 1966-2006.
  • If a new owner could build a new structure higher than 35 feet the property is worth more money.
  • Mike Shannon was a player and then announcer for the Cardinals.

The Cardinals offered to lift the height restriction but only if they  get a say in the site’s development.


Lots of great issues with this one, this poll will remain open until 8pm.

— Steve Patterson






