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Twenty-Five Years in Saint Louis

August 27, 2015 Featured, Steve Patterson Comments Off on Twenty-Five Years in Saint Louis

I didn’t go to high school here, but 5 years after high school St. Louis became my new home — 25 years ago today. A couple of weeks earlier I arrived in St. Louis for a 2-night stay on my way to Washington D.C., but I quickly feel in love with St. Louis.

 Looking north on Lemp, August 1990.
Looking north on Lemp, August 1990.

After visiting Washington D.C. for a few days, then Chicago for a few hours, I loaded up my car (a 1984 Dodge Colt) in Oklahoma City and moved to St. Louis. I was 23.

I’ve lived in several neighborhoods, 6 months in the Central West End, 3+ years in Old North St. Louis when it was still officially Murphy-Blair, 10+ years in Dutchtown, 3+ years in neighboring Mt. Pleasant, and now nearly 8 years in Downtown [West].

When I moved here we didn’t have an NFL team, razing buildings to build a stadium to attract a team was an odd priority. The street grid and solid brick buildings were too irresistible.

I often wonder what my life would’ve been like had I kept to my original plan and moved to Washington D.C. Or had I left St. Louis for Seattle in 1999 — I’d sold my furniture and was preparing my house for sale when I got a new job that kept me here.

The other day on the bus I passed by the house where I stayed my very first 2 nights and about a month after I returned permanently. I saw the for sale sign out in front of 2930 Lemp.

— Steve Patterson




Sunday Poll: Who Would You Like To See Get The 2016 Democratic Nomination?

August 23, 2015 Featured, Politics/Policy, Sunday Poll Comments Off on Sunday Poll: Who Would You Like To See Get The 2016 Democratic Nomination?

We’re about 6 months away from Missouri’s presidential primary — Tuesday March 15, 2016. Unlike some states, Missouri voters can take a primary ballot from any party they want. A while back the Sunday Poll asked about the GOP side, today is about the Democratic side.

Please vote below
Please vote below

This is who you want to see get the nomination — not who you think will.

The answers are presented in random order, the poll closes at 8pm.

— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: How Do You Feel About IKEA St. Louis Opening In 45 Days?

IKEA St. Louis’ big blue & yellow box opens in 45 days.Today’s poll seek to gauge reader thoughts on this new retail option


Please vote above and comment below, the poll closes at 8pm.

— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: How would you rate conditions today compared to just prior to Mike Brown’s death?

One year ago today Michael Brown was fatally shot by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson. For today’s poll, a barometer of how things stand today compared to a year ago.

Please vote below, the answers are presented in random order. The “conditions” are left up to you to interpret.


The poll is open until 8pm.

— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: What Should Happen When The Small Bar Smoking Ban Exemption Expires In January?

On January 2, 2016 the 5-year smoking ban exemption some small bars have claimed will expire. Now that the exemptions are nearing their expiration date some want to amend the 2009 law.

This is the basis for today’s poll question.

Please vote above and discuss in the comments below.

– Steve Patterson








