Sunday Poll: Favorite Public Fountain in St. Louis?

Unlike Kansas City, St. Louis isn’t known for fountains. Still we have a nice collection of them and other water features (waterfalls, wading pools, etc). Today’s poll is about celebrating these!
The exact poll question today is: “What are your two (2) favorite public fountain/water features in the City of St. Louis? Pick two — one can be added”
Let me clarify a few things:
- Public fountain means you don’t need to pass through an entrance gate or pay an admission. For example, this excludes fountains in the Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Louis Zoo, etc.
- By fountain/water feature I mean something manmade — the Mississippi River doesn’t count.
- 15 answers are provided, but you can add one additional that’s not listed when you vote.
- Please vote for TWO in the right sidebar.
Tomorrow I’ll present the results, focusing on the top 1-3 fountains. The poll closes at 8pm tonight.
— Steve Patterson