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Out of Town, Posts Will Resume Soon

January 9, 2013 Featured, Site Info, Steve Patterson Comments Off on Out of Town, Posts Will Resume Soon

Whenever I plan to be out of town I make sure I have posts until I return. However, as mentioned yesterday,  I had to go out of town for a family funeral this afternoon. The last time I drove a car, until yesterday, was April 14, 2012 when I sold my Corolla (see post).

I rented a car from the Budget office in the Sheraton on 14th Street. Interestingly I was able to come & go at the Sheraton in my power chair using the front revolving door.

ABOVE: Revolving front door at Sheraton on 14th Street
ABOVE: Revolving front door at Sheraton on 14th Street

Most are too small but this generous door allowed me to enter just like everyone else. I took the power chair there just to confirm details and do paperwork, I got a ride to pickup the car. My chair is too big and heavy for most vehicles, especially a compact.

Back in a few days, posts should resume by Sunday at the latest.

— Steve Patterson


Readers: Reduce Gun Violence Via Mental Health Access

January 2, 2013 Crime, Sunday Poll Comments Off on Readers: Reduce Gun Violence Via Mental Health Access

Last week readers voted on a timely but controversial topic: reducing gun violence.

Q: What can/should be done to reduce gun violence? (Up to 3)

  1. Address access to mental health services 66 [24%]
  2. Ban some types of guns but protect the 2nd amendment 62 [22.55%]
  3. Regulate access to ammunition 48 [17.45%]
  4. Allow concealed-carry everywhere 20 [7.27%]
  5. Ban all guns 19 [6.91%]
  6. Require licensed gun owners to prove guns are stored locked up 19 [6.91%]
  7. Censor violent TV shows & video games 13 [4.73%]
  8. Fortify schools and workplaces 10 [3.64%]
  9. Allow open-carry everywhere 9 [3.27%]
  10. Other: 5 [1.82%]
  11. Unsure/no answer 4 [1.45%]

The legislators who push guns are the very same ones that cut access to mental heath services. You can’t have it both ways, access to mental health treatment must be at least as easy as access to a gun.

In researching this I learned something about the intent of 2nd Amendment from former Chief Justice Warren E Burger:

We see that the need for a state militia was the predicate of the “right” guaranteed; in short, it was declared “necessary” in order to have a state military force to protect the security of the state. That Second Amendment clause must be read as though the word “because” was the opening word of the guarantee. Today, of course, the “state militia” serves a very different purpose. A huge national defense establishment has taken over the role of the militia of 200 years ago.

Some have exploited these ancient concerns, blurring sporting guns — rifles, shotguns and even machine pistols — with all firearms, including what are now called “Saturday night specials.” There is, of course, a great difference between sporting guns and handguns. Some regulation of handguns has long been accepted as imperative; laws relating to “concealed weapons” are common. That we may be “over-regulated” in some areas of life has never held us back from more regulation of automobiles, airplanes, motorboats and “concealed weapons.”  (Source — full piece highly recommended) 

I don’t know the answer to reducing gun violence but the NRA’s solution of more guns everywhere isn’t the type of society I want to live in.

— Steve Patterson



Poll: Support or Oppose Raising Seat Belt Violations From $10 to $50

I’ve long been a fan of seat belt use so the effort of Missouri state Senator Joseph Keavany to try again to raise fines caught my attention:

Now, almost three years later, Missouri still ranks pretty low among states for seat belt compliance, at 79 percent; hundreds of people involved in traffic accidents still die because they don’t buckle up; and Missouri’s fine for not wearing a seat belt is $10.

“The fine for littering in Missouri is $79.50,” Keaveny, D-St. Louis, told the Ride Guy last week.

Senate Bill 62 is the latest version. Keaveny prefiled it for the upcoming session and hopes to get this measure out of committee. (stltoday.com)

You can find SB62 here, and all the 2013 prefiled Senate bills here.

This is the topic for the poll this week, vote in the right sidebar and share your thoughts in the comments below.

— Steve Patterson


Readers: Prop R & Central Library the Best of 2012

December 26, 2012 Board of Aldermen, Featured, Sunday Poll Comments Off on Readers: Prop R & Central Library the Best of 2012

To end 2012 on a positive note I asked you, the readers, to vote last week on the best of 2012. The passage of Prop R to reduce the size of the Board of Aldermen after the 2020 census and the reopening of the Central Library tied for the top spot. Rounding out the top 5 was the fact that Missouri voters approved the measure to let St. Louis control its own police department (the Civil War must really be over), the new Grand viaduct/bridge opening, and that a modern streetcar line is being studied to run through downtown out to Midtown and beyond.

Here’s the full results:

ABOVE: The glass wall behind the Locust St circulation desk was made from the old glass floors in the 7-story stacks area
ABOVE: The glass wall behind Central Library’s  Locust St circulation desk was made from the old glass floors in the 7-story stacks area

Q: Best things to happen to STL in 2012 (pick up to 5)

  1. Prop R to reduce the Board of Aldermen approved by STL voters 72 {12.88%]
  2. St. Louis Central Library reopened 72 [12.88%]
  3. Local control of police approved by Missouri voters 44 [7.87%]
  4. New Grand viaduct/bridge opened 40 [7.16%]
  5. Downtown Partnership studying a modern streetcar line 39 [6.98%]
  6. Metropolitan Bldg opened as artist lofts in Midtown/Grand Center 38 [6.8%]
  7. Union Station sold to new owners 34 [6.08%]
  8. St. Louis Public Radio (KWMU) relocated to Midtown/Grand Center 30 [5.37%]
  9. City shut down riverfront homeless camps 24 [4.29%]
  10. Starbucks at the Saucer opened 22 [3.94%]
  11. Washington Ave so popular crowd control becomes necessary 21 [3.76%]
  12. AAA to use round former HQ rather than raze it 20 [3.58%]
  13. SLU faculty & student groups vote no confidence in Biondi 20 [3.58%]
  14. Larry Williams decided not to run for another term as STL treasurer 18 [3.22%]
  15. Rams fired Spagnuolo as head coach 14 [2.5%]
  16. Bike parking ordinance enacted 13 [2.33%]
  17. SLU gets approval to raze Pevely building 7 [1.25%]
  18. Anti-eminent domain sign wins in court 7 [1.25%]
  19. MSD bond issue passed 7 [1.25%]
  20. Cigarette tax-hike proposition failed in Missouri 6 [1.07%]
  21. Other: 6 [1.07%]
  22. Last part of Highway 141 opened 3 [0.54%]
  23. Sam Dotson named new police chief 2 [0.36%]

The opening of the Metropolitan in Midtown almost made the top 5, glad to see so many agree that getting residential in the area is a very positive thing. Hopefully 2013 will bring us many more positives to reflect on a year from now.

— Steve Patterson



Happy Holidays

December 25, 2012 Steve Patterson Comments Off on Happy Holidays

This afternoon I’ll be with a close friend and her daughter’s family. I’ll eat too much and be shocked at how many toys the little ones receive. I hope you have a pleasant holiday.

Best wishes!

– Steve Patterson






