November 12, 2017Featured, Sunday PollComments Off on Sunday Poll: What Qualifies As A Sandwich?
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I’m still recovering from wrist surgery so this week’s poll is one I’ve been saving for a rainy day. Nothing too serious, yet highly controversial. Some have narrow definitions of s sandwich, while others have a more broad definition that includes hot dogs, tacos, and burritos.
1 a :two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between b :one slice of bread covered with food
For the poll question I want to focus on one food item that is often part of the sandwich/non-sandwhich debate: the burrito.
This poll will close at 8pm, on Wednesday I’ll have my take on this debate, as well as some legal opinions from various lawsuits…yes, sandwich lawsuits…plural.
November 5, 2017Featured, Sunday PollComments Off on Sunday Poll: Should The LRA Bank Properties In Low-Density Neighborhoods?
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Today’d poll relates to the LRA:
The Land Reutilization Authority (LRA) receives title to all tax delinquent properties not sold at the Sheriff’s sale. It also receives title to properties through donations. The SLDC Real Estate Department maintains, markets, and sells these properties and performs land assemblage for future development.
A new board bill (#187) introduced Friday seeks to force the sale of excess properties:
BOARD BILL NO. 187 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOHN COLLINS-MUHAMMAD An ordinance requiring Land Reutilization Authority (the “LRA”) to sell LRA Land Bank properties which have been owned by the City of St. Louis for a period of more than ten (10) years and located within a Ward containing five-hundred (500) or more LRA Land Bank properties to purchasers for the sum of one dollar ($1.00), such sale to be conditioned upon the written approval of the Alderman of the Ward in which said property is located.
Would requiring the sale of these properties reduce the city’s ability to land a big project like the NGA?
This poll will close at 8pm — assuming the time change settings are correct.
The bill, sponsored by Alderman Megan Green, 15th Ward, would stop enforcement of any laws that permit “the civil or criminal punishment for the use or possession of marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia against any individual or entity,” except under certain circumstances.
Civil or criminal penalties could be enforced on anyone using marijuana under the age of 21, selling to someone under 21, or possessing more than 2 ounces of marijuana or more than 10 marijuana plants for cultivation. Under the measure, consumption of marijuana anywhere but on private residential property would be limited.
The plan would allow the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department to focus on violent, more serious crime at a time when police resources are limited, Green said. (Post-Dispatch)
October 22, 2017Featured, Sunday PollComments Off on Sunday Poll: How Confident Are You The St. Louis Region Will Be Among The Finalists For Amazon’s HQ2?
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Last week cities/regions submitted their proposal to win Amazon’s 2nd North American headquarters, dubbed HQ2. The highly-fragnented St. Louis region came together to submit one unified proposal:
Today, leaders submitted a unified regional bid for Amazon’s second headquarters — known as HQ2. The proposed site spans both sides of the Mississippi River and delivers on Amazon’s specifications — urban, vibrant, connected to light rail and in a region ready to deliver the tech workforce they will need.
The proposed site is the St. Louis Riverfront on both sides of the Mississippi and the Central Business District in downtown. The bid was delivered to Amazon corporate headquarters this morning.
St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson, St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger, St. Clair County Board Chairman Mark Kern, Express Scripts Chairman George Paz, World Wide Technology Chairman & Founder David Steward and Washington University Chancellor Mark Wrighton submitted the bid on behalf of the entire region, which included cover letters by both Governor Bruce Rauner of Illinois and Governor Eric Greitens of Missouri. (St. Louis Economic Development Partnership)
Missouri also submitted a proposal to support either St. Louis or Kansas City:
Opting against picking a favorite between St. Louis and Kansas City, Gov. Eric Greitens is telling Amazon it could have both cities — plus a sprinkling of Columbia — if the company chooses a Missouri location for its second headquarters.
Although the Show-Me state’s largest metropolitan areas are 250 miles apart, the Greitens administration says connecting the two via a futuristic and largely unproven people-mover called the Hyperloop could serve as the catalyst for the online retailer to put a Missouri location on its short list. (Post-Dispatch)
Economic officials from every region are confident their proposal is the best — but how confident are you in our proposal?
This poll will close at 8pm tonight. Results on some thoughts on Wednesday.
The elected office of St. Louis Aldermen is considered a part0time position, most have jobs. The jobs they hold vary greatly. The job of one new alderman has been in the news recently:
Last month, a company offered to outfit every St. Louis Metropolitan Police Officer with a camera for one year for free. Now, News 4 has learned one elected official is getting paid by that same company.
Sarah Wood Martin is the Alderwoman for the 11th Ward, elected earlier this year.
According to documents News 4 obtained, just last week, she filed forms to be a lobbyist on behalf of the company Axon. (KMOV)
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