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Sunday Poll: Rate the amount of “CityArchRiver” work completed to date

October 25, 2015 Featured, Sunday Poll 3 Comments
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Yesterday was the Arch 50 Fest, a celebration of the final piece of the Arch being set into place. More events are scheduled for Wednesday the 28th — the actual 50th. For today’s poll I want to get your feelings on how much is completed.

The answers are in random order, the poll closes at 8pm.

— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: Display Of Vehicle License Plates — Rear vs. Front & Rear

Today’s poll is about displaying vehicle license plates — the rear-only vs. front & rear debate.

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The poll will be open until 8pm, answers are presented in a random order.


— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: Columbus Day Should Be…

Tomorrow is a controversial federal holiday, so it is a good subject for a poll.

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Please vote above, the poll will close at 8pm. Answers are presented in a random order, you can also make up your own answer.

No new post tomorrow, see you again on Tuesday.

— Steve Patterson




Sunday Poll: What Should Missouri Do To Solve MoDOT’s Funding Shortfall?

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Today’s Sunday Poll question is about funding MoDOT:

The poll is open until 8pm, I’ll share my thoughts on Wednesday.

— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: Support Commissioned Corporate Security Having Arrest Powers?

September 27, 2015 Featured, Missouri, Sunday Poll 3 Comments

Recently the Missouri legislature overrode the veto of 10 bills, allowing them to become law. One,  SCS HB 878, relates to corporate security:

Gives the Public Safety Department authority to commission corporate security advisors. It would deny licensed corporate security advisers arrest powers unless they are commissioned by the department. It grants immunity to the department from lawsuits for commissioning corporate security officers. Nixon’s veto letter argued that the bill would give private security officers police powers including the power of arrest and to search private property. (Neosho Daily News)

So what do you think about this new law?

The poll will close at 8pm, answers are randomized.

— Steve Patterson

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