Revised 11/19/14 @ 1pm:
Starting this Sunday I’ll try a poll that will start at 8am and end 12 hours later, discussing the results the following Wednesday.
Original post below:
In February 2009 I introduced the weekly poll on this blog. It’s been a great 5+ year run but every poll the last few weeks has been overrun by a flood of new visitors voting, I’m tired of seeing them flip the natural results to match their agenda. I can’t think of a way to prevent this other than cease doing the weekly poll altogether. Here are the results from last week and this week (1 day):
Q: Should Missouri have a law like Oregon’s ‘Death with Dignity Act’?
- No 201 [71.28%]
- Yes 75 [26.6%]
- Maybe 4 [1.42%]
- Unsure/no opinion 2 [0.71%]
Q: Do you plan to shop on Thanksgiving Day?
- Yes, online & in a store 100 [67.11%]
- No 42 [28.19%]
- I have to work 2 [1.34%]
- Maybe 2 [1.34%]
- Undecided 2 [1.34%]
- Yes, in a store 1 [0.67%]
- Yes, online 0 [0%]
The outcome of both are very different than those who voted in the first 8 hours. I might do a poll within a post, with it ending after 8-10 hours.
For the record I think Missouri needs a ‘Death with Dignity’ act to allow those who are terminally ill to end their lives before suffering. I also don’t think we should be out shopping in stores, if you do please be especially kind to those having to work on Thanksgiving.
I’ll now be posting 5 days a week, Monday-Friday. Maybe an occasional post on a Saturday or Sunday.
— Steve Patterson