Poll: Thoughts On Missouri Bill That Would Prevent Homeowner’s Associations From Banning Political Signs

Many live in places where a homeowners association may restrict your rights, one Missouri state rep has introduced a bill to curb that:
The measure, by Republican Rep. Kurt Bahr, would prevent homeowners associations from enforcing or adopting bans on political signs.
“Should a private organization allow you to contract away constitutionally protected inherent rights?” Bahr asked. (STLtoday.com)
The bill is  HB 1380 — Restrictive Covenants
This bill prohibits a property owners’ association from enforcing or adopting a restrictive covenant that prevents a property owner from displaying on his or her property one or more signs advertising a political candidate or ballot item for an election on or after the ninetieth day before the date of the election to which the sign relates or before the tenth day after that election date.
A property owners’ association is authorized to:
(1) Enforce or adopt a covenant that requires a sign to be ground-mounted or limits the property owner to displaying only one sign for each candidate or ballot item;
(2) Enforce or adopt a covenant that prohibits a sign that contains a nonstandard decorative component, is attached in any way to plant material, a traffic control device, a light, a trailer, a vehicle, or any other existing structure or object;
(3) Enforce or adopt a covenant that prohibits a sign that contains the painting of architectural surfaces; threatens the public health or safety; is larger than four feet by six feet; violates a law; contains language, graphics, or any display that would be offensive to an ordinary person; or is accompanied by music or other sounds or by streamers or is otherwise distracting to motorists; and
(4) Remove a sign displayed in violation of an authorized restrictive covenant.
This is the subject for the poll this week.  Mobile users need to switch to the desktop layout to see the poll in the right sidebar.
– Steve Patterson