Upcoming 15th Ward Special Election In Three Weeks; Candidate Forum Monday September 29, 2014

The 15th ward seat on the Board of Aldermen became vacant in July when Jennifer Florida resigned to accept appointment as the Recorder of Deeds, which became vacant after Sharon Carpenter resigned to end investigation into charges of nepotism. Florida was reelected to the Board of Aldermen in the Spring of 2013. Now voters in the 15th ward will return to the polls next month or elect a new alderman.
Here are the four candidates, in reverse ballot order:
Rhonda Smythe
- Website: rhondasmythe.com
- Facebook Page: facebook.com/rhondafor15th
- Twitter: @rhondasmythe
To my knowledge, the only one of the four I’ve met in person. I met Smythe through her work at Trailnet. As an independent candidate, Smythe submitted at least 106 signatures from valid 15th ward voters to be on the ballot.
Megan Ellyia Green
- Website: meganellyiagreen.com
- Facebook Page: facebook.com/meganfor15thward
- Twitter: @MeganEllyia
Green also gathered & submitted signatures to be on the ballot.
Joshua D. Simpson
- Website: unknown
- Facebook Page: unknown
- Twitter: unknown
I was unable to find online information on this candidate or how the GOP nominated him. I did find the St. Louis Republican Central Committee website and Facebook page, no mention of Simpson on either.
Missy Pinkerton-McDaniel
- Website: missypinkertonmcdaniel.com
- Facebook Page: unknown
- Twitter: @missypinkerton
Democratic Committeeman Tod A. Martin & nominated McDaniel, the Committeewoman, for the ballot.
So there are the four individuals seeking to become the next alderman representing the 15th ward. If you’re a registered voter in the 15th ward I urge you to look into all four and consider attending the upcoming candidate forum on Monday September 29, 2014. 7pm @ Carpenter Library, lower level, 3309 S. Grand
The special election is in three weeks, Tuesday October 7, 2014.
— Steve Patterson