I could not believe the ignorance behind this letter to the editor:
Letter to the editor: Bicyclists don’t pay to use roads
Wentzville Journal
09/21/2005Bicyclists don’t pay to use roads
In response to Jim Seyer’s letter in the Sept. 11 Journal, you proved Mr. Hepperman’s statement is right.
As Missouri taxpayers who own automobiles, we pay sales tax, fuel tax, personal property tax, and real estate tax to pay for the uses of the roads. Then we stand in line every two years to register our automobiles. We must also have insurance on these vehicles before we are allowed to drive on public roads.
The taxes that you pay don’t give you the right to ride your bike on the roads. If you look on your tax receipt, you will see that personal property includes: passenger cars, trucks, trailer. R/Vs, buses, motorcycles and other motorized vehicles. Do you claim your bicycle on your personal property tax form?
Driving in the State of Missouri is a privilege not a right. If you feel that you have the right to ride your bike, then claim your bike on your taxes, register it to be licensed and have it inspected every year or two. Also follow the laws of the road by riding single file so not to impede traffic. You should have a license plate that is visible.
Mr. Hepperman wasn’t claiming to own the rood, he was trying to help you understand that bicyclists on public roadways are a hazard to everyone, including yourself. But when we try to pass bicyclists on the road — that our taxes pay for – you people act like you own the road.
Patrick Dyer
Lake Saint Louis
Public roads are public rights of way. Without public roads we would have to negotiate with private property owners for their permission to cross to buy a loaf of bread. The use of the public right of way is not a privilege but a right. However, driving a motorized vehicle within the public’s right of way is a privilege!
First, all of Mr. Dyer’s complaints about taxes just doesn’t add up. Does he really think his fuel taxes, registration and personal property tax pay for the roads he uses? Sorry bud, not even close. Who pays for all the interstate highway building and utility infrastructure required to keep suburbia alive? The rest of us. He should be thanking everyone that rides a bike because we are leaving more room in the budget to support his choice of private car.
But if he wants people to pay their fare share I’m all for it. Lets start with public schools. I have no kids nor will I ever. I’ve been paying taxes for over 10 years because parents aren’t paying their fair share of education for their kids. And what if all the fuel taxes generated from the City of St. Louis were to stay only in the City of St. Louis? Same for St. Louis County. St. Charles County would collapse under its own weight.
Mr. Dyer is so wrapped up in the auto centric society he can’t see the folly of his “logic.”
– Steve