Saturday May 1, 2010 from 8am to 1pm several streets in our city will be car-free:
This first of four events opens five miles along Locust and Lindell for you to enjoy. That’s right, car-free City streets!
Open Streets is a FREE community event. You’re invited to take to the streets to walk, bike, visit other neighborhoods, rediscover the City and experience the Great Rivers Greenway’s Bike St. Louis routes.
Three activity hubs located along the length of the route host a variety of fun activities – aerobics, zumba, hula-hooping, yoga, walking tours and safety and health demonstrations.
Open Streets promises to be interesting. I’ll participate –seems silly not to given that I live on the route:

My concern is events like this will lead to calls for the creation of new car-free pedestrian malls.
– Steve Patterson