Nineteen year ago I started this blog as a distraction from my father’s heart attack and slow recovery. It was late 2004 and social media & video streaming apps didn’t exist yet — or at least not widely available to the general public. Blogs were the newest means of …
The new NGA West campus , Jefferson & Cass, has been under construction for a few years now. Next NGA West is a large-scale construction project that will build a new facility for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in St. Louis, Missouri.This $1.7B project is managed by the U.S. Army …
Book publisher Island Press always impresses me with thoughtful new books written by people working to solve current problems — the subjects are important ones for urbanists and policy makers to be familiar and actively discussing. These four books are presented in the order I received them. ‘Justice and …
This post is about two indirectly related topics: the new Siteman Cancer Center building under construction on the Washington University School of Medicine/BJC campus and an update on my stage 4 kidney cancer. Let’s deal with the latter first. You may have noticed I’ve not posted in three months, …
ABOVE: St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center on Arsenal
We don’t know where our food comes from. Sure, the supermarket. But where does the supermarket get it? My grandparents and parents had gardens their entire lives.  Before the 1950s industrialization of our food production, people in cities and suburbs raised food. Large facilities such as the 1869 St. Louis County Lunatic Asylum at 5300 Arsenal, now known as the St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, raised the food they needed.
“On April 23, 1869, St. Louis County Lunatic Asylum opened its doors to 150 mentally ill people. Work began in August 1864. Designed and built by architect William Rumbold, it is the second governmental facility in the state to serve this population. Rumbold’s vision was to recall Imperial Rome, resulting in the cast-iron-dome and plans that called for fine imported marble pillars for the front portico.” (Source)
As a side note remember that prior to 1876 the city was located within the boundaries of St. Louis County.
ABOVE: 1909 Sanborn Map. Source: Univ of MO Digital Library
As you can see when the facility was 40 years old it had a number of buildings behind it to the South. If we look closer we get a better idea of the uses:
ABOVE: 1909 Sanborn Map. Source: Univ of MO Digital Library
There near the center is the hen house and poultry yard, over on the right is the dairy and on the left is the greenhouse. The pink structure is a brick bread room.
Food production within the city is not a new concept, it is an old one that many are thankfully discovering and reintroducing. I’m not suggesting we eat only what we can grow ourselves, I just don’t want the “animals belong on the farm” to prevent people from raising some of their food in urban areas. Thanks to John Palmer for pointing out the hen house on this map to me.
ABOVE: The Admiral serving duty as the President Casino until July 1
Pinnacle recently agreed to close the President Casino on the St. Louis riverfront and local officials are scrambling to keep the license within the City of St. Louis.
“On Thursday, the Missouri Gaming Commission staff announced it wants to hear by May 1 from casino companies and political jurisdictions interested in the license, which will become available this summer when Pinnacle Entertainment plans to shut down the President Casino downtown.” (St. Louis pursues casino license)
Last month Pinnacle’s River City Casino opened in South County where the River Des Peres meets the Mississippi River so others are now looking up the River Des Peres for a new casino site. I’ve got word that today, April 1, a casino operator will announce plans for a casino complex near Gravois & the River Des Peres.
ABOVE: The River Des Peres
Do we have any casinos remaining that are located in actual boats?
ABOVE: Carl Milles' sculpture/fountain in Aloe Plaza cross from Union Station
Each Sunday as I post a new poll on this site I’m never sure how it will go over, see Poll: What activity do you want to see added to the Gateway Mall? Last week I was pleasantly surprised by the response to the poll, the number of responses was far better than I thought it would be.
Here is the question and results:
Q: What activity would you like to see added to the Gateway Mall? Pick only one:
Miniature golf 66 [24%]
Ice skating 55 [20%]
Ferris wheel 34 [12%]
Other answer… 27 [10%]
Skateboard/BMX park 24 [9%]
Picnic/BBQ area 21 [8%]
Dog park 18 [6%]
Level field for kickball, etc 14 [5%]
Basketball 7 [3%]
Unsure 6 [2%]
Tennis 5 [2%]
Based on the way the poll software works I had to have readers pick only one answer. As with voting, this can skew the results because everyone’s 2nd answer might be the real winner. But the length of the mall is long so there is room for more than one activity. If we look at the top 5 items we have:
Miniature golf
Ice skating
Ferris wheel
Skateboard/BMX park
Picnic/BBQ area
Miniature Golf
I wasn’t keen on the idea the first time I heard it suggested but after more thought and the strong interest here I’m liking the idea more and more. I don’t think anyone wants to see a typical cheesy miniature golf course set in the middle of our urban park. What is appealing is that it is a good activity for one person or for groups. It has been about three decades since I’ve played miniature golf so I know I need to check out newer courses that are more interesting and worthy of a grand public park.
Ice Skating
Urban ice skating can be lovely, in January 2008 I enjoyed watching skaters in downtown Providence RI. With St. Louis’ popular Steinberg Skating Rink less than five miles to the West I’m hesitant to think we could sustain two rinks in our short Winter. I’d rather see something not offered elsewhere instead of competing with Forest Park. Furthermore, you need to have uses for the rink for the 8-9 months of the year when it is too warm for ice skating.
Ferris Wheel
A few years ago it was suggested to have a Ferris wheel at the West end of the Gateway Mall, across 20th from Aloe Plaza. While the carnival ride association doesn’t appeal to me I could see it being a draw that offers great views of our skyline. I’ve seen friend’s pics taken from the London Eye and the Ferris Wheel on top of City Museum seems popular. So I’m torn on this one, the activity level would be good most of the year but it seems rather cheesy. I’m not ruling it out, I just need visuals of a Ferris wheel in an urban context.
To me this is the best idea! Again, we have space for more than one activity and I’d really like to see this be one of them. Such a space would almost always be in use — an important consideration. Some will have concerns about the city’s liability but numerous cities have municipally owned skate parks such as Oklahoma City’s Matt Hoffman Action Sports Park and Bowling Green KY. A message on Twitter said “It should be done right. It should have high and low rails, at least a double-wall bowl, event seating, and lighting.” Agreed, having a big name associated with a design would help attract users. I’d be there on the seating to watch the kids do their thing.
ABOVE: OKC's Hoffman Park in 2005
Picnic/BBQ Area
I like the idea of groups gathering in the Gateway Mall for picnics but I wonder if a covered pavilion would look out of place in an urban context? I’m going to look into any examples in other cities.
The “other” answers were numerous and in a few cases, not serious:
outdoor vendors and consession stands
Ironic croquet through mini-arches, with Alice-and-Wonderland bird mallets, etc
Frank Gehry designed amphitheater
keep homeless people out
Urban Glass Maze
Class A office space
Minigolf ala City Museum style – instead of kitch plastic, arch’tctural ele
Antique merry-go-round
Food Vendors
outdoor vendors and media ads
Office/ residential
music venue
Urban Garden
Dedicated jogging track — multi-block
Buildings: Stores, Apartments, Houses
what are boundaries of the gateway mall?
A St. Louis Zoo Annex
city museum style playground
No More! Already full!
bicycle rental
Fishing Pond
Walking/Jogging/Bike trail
RV park (for Arch visitors)
grenhouse structure open sided seasonally
Many great ideas, too many to comment on them all. Here is a thought on a few: I’m a huge advocate of more vendors throughout downtown and the city, lots of people & activity will mean the homeless are a smaller percentage of the users, a stocked pond for fishing could be interesting.
The first meeting of the Gateway Mall Advisory Board will be 5pm Wednesday April 21, 2010 at the offices of the Partnership for Downtown St. Louis, 710 Olive Suite 450 (Laclede Gas Building). These meetings are open to the public. The agenda is still being determined but I do know the first order of business is the oath of office will be taken by those of us on the board.
Bike lanes in St. Louis just are not respected. I’ve written before about valet signs being placed in them (Valets at Lush Block Bike Lane w/Sign) and about them getting re-striped to the point where it is useless (World’s Narrowest Bike Lane Located in St. Louis). Now we have a major university joining others in ignoring the point of bike lanes: safety.
ABOVE: SLU parking sign placed within bike lane on Olive, looking East
I spotted the sign after leaving a campus meeting last week. Two fellow students had biked to campus.
ABOVE: SLU parking sign placed within bike lane on Olive, looking West
We need everyone to realize bike lanes are not wasted space you are free to block. They are used. Placing a sign in the lane presents a challenge to the cyclist. The sign is off center so one might go to the street side to go around. However, this places the cyclist close to passing vehicles. Going around the other direction is more off center but safer. Cyclists often face last minute decisions about obstacles, but our institutions shouldn’t add to the list.
I don’t eat any poultry nor do I consume many eggs, but I love backyard chickens! I’m not alone either, this segment of urban homesteading is gaining popularity because it makes so much sense. Over the last month I have talked to numerous people currently raising chickens as well as those interested in doing so. I’ve met people with multiple acres to those with typical city yards. Interest in backyard chickens crosses economic boundaries. Those interested include those of modest means looking for an affordable way to have fresh eggs to those who can easily afford to buy eggs but who prefer the freshness of their own.
A neighbor of my last place in South St. Louis had a rooster and I enjoyed hearing it. Roosters can be noisy but they are not a necessary to the backyard coop. I met one woman from Clayton with chickens and a rooster. Her hen house is sound insulated and doesn’t let the rooster out until later in the morning.
All the people I talked to said their neighbors are supportive. For couples, the interest seems to start with one of the two who convinces the other to go along with the idea. If your better half says yes your municipality or subdivision my not be so agreeable.  I wanted to dig into the various laws for our region but with hundreds of units of government it is a monumental task to take on. Here is a relevant section from the city’s code:
A. No person shall raise or keep within the City of St. Louis any cattle, sheep, goats, swine, except for Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs. Nor shall any person raise or keep within the City of St. Louis any canine which is the offspring of the mating of a domestic canine with a wolf or coyote. The raising of such animals is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the above specified animals may be raised or kept within biological laboratories, hospitals, slaughter houses, stockyards, zoological gardens, or an itinerant or temporary show.
B. One Pot-Bellied Pig, per parcel of property, may be kept in the City of St. Louis, provided that males over the age of four (4) weeks (28 days) are neutered and females over the age of one hundred twenty (120) days are spayed. All such animals must be proven purebred lineage, and the owner must be able to produce litter papers to verify pedigree. Pigs over the age of one hundred twenty (120) days must be registered and licensed as required of dogs and cats. Fees for such licenses will be the same as required for dogs and cats, and must be obtained from the Health Commissioner, who must receive certificate of immunization from a licensed veterinarian that such Vietnamese pot-bellied pig has been vaccinated against pseudorabies prior to issuing such license. Upon compliant of annoyance, the privilege of keeping a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig will be determined by an investigation by agents of the Health Commissioner, and if deemed an annoyance and nuisance, the pot-bellied pig shall be removed from within the limits of the City of St. Louis, within 48 hours.
C. No person shall raise or keep chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas, peafowl or rabbits within the City, and the raising or keeping thereof is declared a public nuisance; except that such animals may be raised or kept within biological laboratories, hospitals, pet shops, slaughter houses, stockyards, zoological gardens, or itinerant or temporary shows; and except that such animals may be raised or kept where not more than four in the aggregate of all animals, including domestic animals and a pot-bellied pig, are kept as pets within any one parcel of property unless the owner obtains a noncommercial kennel permit. (Ord. 62853 § 7, 1993.)
So no goats for milk & cheese but you can have four chickens provided you have no other animals.
Here is the regulations for Webster Groves, MO:
Sec. 33.210. Domestic Animals Prohibited; Exception.
b. Any person desiring to keep any chicken or goat within the City may file with the City Clerk a written application for a permit, stating the location and the facilities to be provided, the size of the premises of the applicant, the number and type of each to be kept, the purpose of the keeping, and the names and telephone numbers of persons who can respond to any emergency involving the animals in the owner’s absence. The City Clerk shall notify all neighbors within 100 feet of the property lines of the application and invite the neighbors to submit comments for or against the application to the office of the City Clerk within 15 calendar days of the date of the notice. Within 10 business days after the 15-day comment period, the City Clerk shall decide whether the application meets the terms and conditions of Article III of this Chapter, and issue or deny the permit. Any applicant or aggrieved neighbor within 100 feet of the property lines of the applicant may appeal the decision of the City Clerk to the Health and Environmental Services Advisory Board, which may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the City Clerk.
Each permit shall be for a term of three (3) years from the date thereof, unless sooner revoked by the City Manager or such person designated by the City Manager, after a hearing.
A permit granted under this Section may be renewed for a period of three (3) years through the same procedure set forth above for an initial application.
Permits granted under this Article may not be transferred upon sale or gift from a permitted owner to a new owner.
Sec. 33.220. Required Facilities; Running at Large Prohibited.
a. All chickens permitted to be kept in the City shall be securely restrained and enclosed in a suitable shelter, chicken coop, aviary, or other outbuilding or enclosure, upon the premises of the owner, and shall not be permitted to be at large at any time. Enclosures for chickens shall be completely enclosed including a roof to prevent chickens from escaping the enclosure. Such shelter, chicken coop, aviary, or other outbuilding or enclosure, and any appurtenances thereto, is to be located outside the side setback area as defined by the Webster Groves
Municipal Code and may not be nearer than fifty feet to any portion of any dwelling, residence or living quarters of persons other than their owner. (Ord. No.
8040, §3, 8-4-98)
b. Chickens are limited to parcels zoned single family residential and with occupancy permits for single family residential. Chickens for lots less than 7,500 square feet or with less than 5,500 square feet of unimproved land area are prohibited except through a variance approved by the Health and Environmental Services Advisory Board. Eight (8) chickens are allowed for lots 7,500 square feet or greater. An additional chicken is allowed for each 2,500 additional lot square footage to a maximum number of twelve (12) chickens. Areas containing any shelter, chicken coop, aviary or other outbuilding, and any appurtenances thereto must either be of level grade or graded in a direction away from the property line preventing run off to adjacent property.
The City of Ballwin requires a very large parcel of land:
Sec. 5-1. Keeping animals within city restricted.
(a) Except for dogs, cats and non-domestic animals which are otherwise provided for in this Code, and traditional household pets such as caged birds, similar caged animals and aquarium animals, no person shall keep, raise, harbor, water or offer for sale any cattle, cow, bull, hog, horse, mule, jennet pony, donkey, sheep, pig, goat, chicken, goose, duck, turkey, rabbit, skunk, raccoon or any other domestic or wild animal or fowl within the city, unless such animal or fowl are kept in an enclosed area on a tract of land of two or more acres in size.
(b) Large animals (over 50 pounds) shall be limited to two per acre over a total of two acres as required in subsection (a).
Why go to the trouble?
Backyard chickeners say, with responsible ownership, chickens don’t bother anyone, and a surplus of roosters is a small price to pay for the benefits chickens provide — from fresh eggs to insect control. They also point to one surprising benefit: A study found that a hen can consume about 7 pounds of food scraps a month, or about 84 pounds a year. (Full story)
Urban Homesteading doesn’t stop with chickens. Some are replacing their front lawns with raised garden beds and adding new family pets:
“Looking for a pet that can live in your urban yard, answers to its name, wears a leash for strolls – and might produce milk you can drink or turn into cheese? Meet the miniature goat.
The Carbondale, Ill., Planning Commission was debating this month whether to allow residents to keep chickens when Priscilla Pimentel, a member of the city’s Sustainability Commission, added goats to the mix. “If you can have a 250-pound dog in town, why not a miniature goat that can produce milk?” she says. “It’s just common sense.” (USA Today: Goat fans, cities butting heads)
Some that I talked to are also getting into bee-keeping. Reasons for doing so are two-fold. First, obviously is fresh honey. The second is to ensure their garden is pollinated so their vegetable plants produce. Slowly those in suburban and urban areas are engaging in what was commonplace 100 years ago, but today is rare outside of industrial complexes.
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