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We need more parking!

November 17, 2004 Bicycling No Comments
I haven’t lost my mind. I mean, parking for bicycles. Look around, how many bike racks do you see in city or burbs? Sadly, too few. It does little to no good to have striped bike lanes to encourage cycling if you don’t have a place to secure your bike when you get there.


Schlafly’s Bottleworks in the old Shop-N-Save store in Manchester provides quite a bit of parking as shown below.
Sunday’s annual meeting of the St. Louis Regional Bike Federation overflowed the available bike parking so much that some had to use the patio railing to secure their bikes.
But, plenty of spaces remained the in car parking lot. It is nice to see such a shift in demand – bike parking completely packed and empty spaces for cars that didn’t come. In the years to come we’ll be converting old car parking garages (like the one they are razing the Century Building to construct) so that more bikes can be accommodated.



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