Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety misses the mark
The Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety has a nice site outlining ways to reduce deaths & injuries on Missouri’s roadways.
The Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety is committed to saving lives and preventing serious injuries on Missouri’s roadways. The coalition was formed in April 2001 and is comprised of hundreds of safety partners including law enforcement, local/city planners, not-for-profit organizations, state and federal agencies, civic groups, private businesses and other safety advocates.
Four of their eight essential strategies involve education & enforcement while the other four involve building or rebuilding roadways. What about reducing auto trips? What about building are cities where walking or cycling is a viable option? What about increasing mass transit?
The road building industry – including the Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) – can’t see options for today’s mess of roads other than more roads. Sure, building median dividers makes a highway safer but what if we reduced the traffic on the highway with a high-speed train between towns?
– Steve