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Aldermanic President Says Lawsuit Against Citizens is “Petty and Vindictive”

June 24, 2005 Events/Meetings, Politics/Policy No Comments

Aldermanic President James Shrewsbury, an attorney, in an interview with KWMU radio had this to say about the lawsuit against two St. Louis property owners:

“They exercised their constitutional right, they filed a lawsuit, they lost.” Shrewsbury said. “They did not damage anyone economically, and I think this is just petty and vindictive.”

For the full story click here. I’m glad to see Jim Shrewsbury take this stand. It would have been nice if someone from city hall would have spoken up before the Century was razed. And where is the alderwoman on the razing of the Century and the suit filed against two residents of her ward?

To help protect the right to challenge big projects in court consider attending Downtown Defense Fund fundraiser:

Attend a free fundraiser on Saturday, June 25, 7:30 p.m. at Gallery Urbis Orbis, 419 N. Tenth Street. Bring cash or check in any amount to add to the pot, and enjoy music and good food and the company of people who care about our architectural heritage. No need to purchase tickets — but please do RSVP to mmnewman@earthlink.net so we can plan refreshments.

– Steve


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