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Rally for Peace April 13, 2007

August 4, 2005 Events/Meetings, Politics/Policy 3 Comments

I think we need to organize a rally for peace on Friday April 13, 2007. Why you ask? Simple, that is the opening date for the 2007 NRA Convention in St. Louis, according to today’s Post-Dispatch.

The NRA originally had planned to hold its 2007 convention in Columbus, Ohio, but it cancelled those plans soon after the Columbus City Council enacted a ban on certain assault weapons.

On second thought, maybe I’ll go out of town that weekend. I can just picture a car backfiring and thousands of NRA members pulling out their concealed weapons like a scene from the old West.

– Steve


Currently there are "3 comments" on this Article:

  1. cyr says:

    While some of the NRA’s politics are extremely offputting, their conventions are pretty low key and peaceful. They will be bringing a lot of people into downtown during the convention and that means money for local businesses.

    I doubt the body count will be any higher than on any other day.

  2. Are those assault weapons banned in Columbus then legal here?

  3. Scott says:

    Many years ago, I was downtown during a huge gun show. Hundreds of people were walking downtown with guns. Big guns! The conventioneers, just like the NRA folks, were not likely to shoot people, however, it made me very uneasy to be surrounded by so many people displaying guns. Fact is, it would be easy for some non-NRA nut to show up and use the NRA gun toters as cover. Its funny that we are expected to give up rights in the name of security. But carrying weapons in big cities cannot be banned??? Makes me proud to be an American. Anyway, I would suggest spending that weekend in Columbus.


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