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Ask And Ye Shall Receive, Three Days Later

September 30, 2005 Politics/Policy 1 Comment

On the 26th I posted that I was wondering what ever became of the CBD traffic study from August. Yesterday, the 29th, MayorSlay.com posts an update.

Perhaps a coincidence but perhaps not…

– Steve


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  1. Jason says:

    The Downtown St. Louis partnership had this in its November 7 update concerning the traffic study:

    The Downtown Transportation Plan is moving forward with a public presentation and open house to be held the first week of December. With timely response and feedback, the report is expected to be completed a few weeks later. To meet the objectives of the study, some potential conflicts must be resolved. For instance, conversion of certain one-way streets to two-way may require the elimination of curb-side parking and loading zones on those streets. Better signal timing to make traffic flow go smoothly could conflict with making downtown more pedestrian-friendly. These are some of the issues to be fine-tuned.


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