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Downtown “Vehicular & Pedestrian” Study Open House 12/6/05

November 30, 2005 Downtown, Planning & Design, Transportation 6 Comments

I just got the following information:


Click here to read a prior post on the traffic study. I’ve already commented previously so at this point I’m going to wait to see what they come up with on Tuesday.

– Steve


Currently there are "6 comments" on this Article:

  1. unreformed says:

    Won’t this require aldermanic support for any hope of passage?

  2. awb says:

    I guess the average working joe like me can’t attend since I have to earn a living. Like most of the downtown office workers, and even some downtown residents, I don’t think my job commitments will allow me to attend.

    Is this the Partnership’s way of making sure we understand that they don’t care to hear what the majority of downtown pedestrians and drivers have to say?

    [REPLY – I’m sure one of the players involved in this will post a PDF of the study along with an online feedback form for all those that can’t attend. Wow, I managed to type that with a straight face… – SLP]

  3. Dr. Who says:

    I’m confused. Is there a difference between the Downtown St. Louis Partnership and Downtown Now?

    [REPLY – Depends upon who you ask. Ask them and they’ll tell you they are different and both necessary. Everyone else is wondering aloud.

    Here is a post I did on Downtown Now! http://www.urbanreviewstl.com/archives/000295.php

    – SLP]

  4. Brian says:

    Downtown Now was really created for the Downtown Development Plan drafted in 1999. But since that City adopted plan hasn’t been too closely followed (the Plan is not even linked to the City Planning (PDA) website), one does wonder what Downtown Now does on top of the more established Downtown St. Louis Partnership.

    Besides, Downtown Now partly came about through Danforth’s “St. Louis 2004” initiatives. Seeing as we’re going on years past 2004, it does seem this organization has lasted longer than expected. About the only big project left on Downtown Now’s list is the lid over I-70, and even that will be picked up by Great Rivers Greenway.

  5. Claire Nowak-Boyd says:

    Wow, awb already posted what I was going to post. Still, here’s my rendition to provide a hearty second:

    Coincidentally I have the day off that Tuesday and I may go, but on your average day, I could never make it. I even work on the same block as the Partnership, but since I report to a time clock for my irregularly scheduled lunch break, my opinions must not count.

  6. Ahem: The open house about a traffic report isn’t even being held in a street-level space!


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