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Observations of ‘Guns-N-Hoses’ Charity Event

November 29, 2005 Events/Meetings 6 Comments

Last Wednesday evening I attended the annual Guns-N-Hoses boxing event which raises money for Backstoppers, a highly worthwhile organization. Unlike previous years, I was seated in a luxury box. Wow, what a difference. All the luxury and social isolation of suburbia.

Walking around the regular folks I saw an interesting shirt on what I presumed was a police officer. On the back were big letters BDRT and in small letters the explanation — Baby’s Daddy Removal Team. Nice, huh?

[update 11/29 @ 10pm. For more explanation on the meaning read this.]

– Steve


Currently there are "6 comments" on this Article:

  1. Brad Mello says:

    Hmmm… I think BDRT needs more investigation. But it’s sad that this organization uses a violent sport like boxing which has been shown to increase violence in society, to raise money to support many of the very people who would be endangered by such violence.

  2. anonymous says:

    Inquiring minds want to know…

    …what are you doing attending a boxing match?

    …did the guns or hoses win?

    …what does “BDRT” mean? Baby Daddy? Baby as in Lizz Brown’s definition of a “baby”

    …are they talking about removing youthful parents out of domestically violent households?…What?

    [REPLY – The boxing match is a huge annual event that includes all the big wigs, including the mayor, police chief, fire chief, etc…

    It should be noted this is a regional event and the person I saw might have been from a district other than the City of St. Louis.

    As the post indicates, BDRT stands for ‘Baby’s Daddy Removal Team’. See the link in the update above for a story from Las Vegas on what that means. – SLP]

  3. MH says:

    That was probably just one of the many idiot racists who post on COPTALK. I wouldn’t expect anything less after reading some of that garbage. It is refreshing knowing that these are the people policing our city. Top-notch individuals, that is for sure. (I would hope that a majority of the force is not like this, but it just seems that a lot of them are of this personality)

    Also, I would have to assume that this was also one of the many cops who fought to live way out in Jefferson County rather than the city, but still want to collect that city paycheck.

    Reading that crap (coptalk) makes me so furious, but something draws me there once in a while. Now there is some moron complaining that a store opened in Hampton Village that attracts black customers. I am white, by the way, and this really pisses me off. Maybe the city should fire all long-term cops who want to leave and start fresh, get this type of attitude out of the city. This will give those that are fired a chance to sell and get the hell out, just as they desire. Probably not realistic, but I wouldn’t mind if it happened.

    [REPLY – Again, I have no idea if the individual was in fact a cop and if he was a cop for what force. This event draws police & fire from all over the region so this could have been someone from outside the city.

    I don’t bother reading coptalk simply because my blood pressure is already high — no need to make it worse. Thanks for sharing your views! – SLP]

  4. Joe Frank says:


    I generally agree with you about Coptalk – but I just ran across an inspiring post from none other than Officer Matt Browning from a few days ago:

    “My Side”

    [REPLY – Thanks for the link Joe, that is quite moving. – SLP]

  5. Rss says:

    Do you have RSS and if so, what is your link to it? I can’t seem to find it on your site?

    [REPLY – Yes, a RSS feed is available. The link is on the main page in the paragraph on the right under ‘What This Site is About.’ – SLP]

  6. Rss says:

    Found your rss link finally, but it seems to be broken….


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