What happened to the new McDonald’s?
After months of controversy over McDonald’s moving from its current location at the NW corner of Grand and Chippewa to the SE corner of Grand & Winnebego we’ve seen no evidence of anything moving forward. Not that I want the drive-thru moved adjacent to the homes in the Gravois Park neighborhood, but we were all given the impression that time was of the essence.
It has been nearly 3 months since the city’s Board of Adjustment denied an appeal by residents to prevent the McDonald’s from being built. Pyramid Construction was supposed to do a land swap with McDonald’s but a quick check of records for 3708 S. Grand indicates Pyramid Construction is still the property owner. The same records also indicate building permit application #358646 to construction the restaurant remains open, the permit has not yet been issued. With all the administrative hurdles jumped I just can’t imagine why three months would pass without construction starting.
It would appear that someone involved in the deal isn’t going forward. The parties are Pyramid Construction, McDonald’s corporate, the franchise operator and deal maker Ald. Jennifer Florida.
If the deal has gone south now is our chance to work as a community to envision what this street could look like. If you go back to my post from a couple of weeks ago using Photoshop to show incremental changes we can hopefully do a similar treatment for South Grand. If McDonald’s is staying where they are and the empty site at Winnebego is to remain empty or get another plan we need to bring everyone together to work on good solutions that are a fit for the community.
Burgle Burgle!
I have been wondering the same thing!
This old McDonald’s is stuffy and dirty. My operations of stealing poor peoples money, while reducing crime and increasing property values, must continue!
Yes a suburban McDonald’s (hopefully – no confirmed plans yet) will be across the street from a new Senior Citizen Home!
I cannot wait for the elderly to attempt the trek across Grand.
Oh the fun that ensues watching them possibly break a hip.
Sure, the McDonaldÂ’s is closer to the street, but man, Grand is sooo wide and dangerous!
Think of the traffic problems with Winnebago too.
Add some half-blind elderly and this could be quite the opportunity! While they avoid traffic I will steal their purses!
YES! As they trek and the accidents occur, I will steal their money because I am the SouthSide Hamburglar!
Thank you Jennifer Florida for making it so easy for me to steal from the elderly!
As always, you will get a cut of my take!
If only a McDonald’s could be built on Lindell and Euclid! Oh, think of the profits!
Way to rouse up citizen engagement and civic spirit > Don’t wait for the government > Be grassroots activists and create a voice for the neighborhood and district!
Steve. I don’t think the mcdonald’s plan is dead. According to Mrs. Florida it is still in process :
And this post by Mrs. Florida is an interesting one to say the least.
Mrs. Florida, if you are listening – please don’t go through with the McDonald’s relocation!
Sorry, for the double post but i accidently missed a link: