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“Stick A Yellow Ribbon Up Your SUV”

October 1, 2006 Uncategorized 4 Comments

I typically don’t get into national/global politics but a friend sent me a link to a great video talking about those damn yellow ribbons on SUVs. Some lyrics from the video, to the music of Tie A Yellow Ribbon:

I’m sitting here in Iraq
And I wish my head had eyeballs in the back
It’s a bummer that my hummer isn’t armored to a T
Show me your support
You spent a dollar ninety-three

Click here to watch the video. Sales of their materials actually go into a fund to help provide body armor.


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. Douglas Duckworth says:

    The study revealed that 63 percent of young Americans polled didn’t know Iraq’s location on the world map, while 70 percent couldn’t locate Israel or Iran. Ninety percent didn’t know the location of Afghanistan, where the United States has been waging it’s so-called “war on terror” over the past five years.


  2. Some Guy says:

    A tip for arguing with conservatives. Don’t quote aljazeera.com as a source of statistics. It doesn’t help your argument.

  3. Chris says:

    First there was the ‘War on Poverty’ which obviously was never ‘won’ and upon examining the fallout, there were and continue to be government programs that make people more dependant on government support.

    Than there was the ‘War on Drugs’. Obviously this was not ‘won’ and will never be. Any person can go out and buy the stuff. There is availability of drugs in all schools, urban, suburban and rural. The fallout: a large portion of the prison population consists of small time drug offenders and African Americans are over represented conpared to the proportion of the population. Many African Americans can no longer vote because of ‘drug convictions’. Additionally, large amounts of money have been spent on law enforcement, and for what? Just to name a couple of points on the fallout, I could go on with many others.

    Now we have this ‘War on Terror’. To get to the point, this war is a FRAUD, just like the previous two! It is really a war for resources and an excuse to erode our constitutional rights. Most Americans however, do not seem to realize what is really going on. Most have bought into this ‘Fear’, that they need to be afraid and that the only way to solve this is to become more ‘secure’ by giving up our constitutional rights and pouring our wealth into the military industrial complex and the bloated Dept of Homeland Security.

  4. The Army in STL says:

    In the past two weeks, the War on Terror passed through STL.

    First I saw a couple of flat bed train cars at the Shrewsbury railyard loaded down with about thirty brand new tanks.

    Then yesterday, there was a tractor trailer near 55/44 carrying a load of those mean looking military jeeps, the ones with twin, four-hole rocket launchers on the back, the kind that bomb cities or shoot down airplanes.


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