Ald. Florida’s Blog On Life Support
Announced with zero fanfare in October, Ald. Jennifer Florida’s blog is nearing blogosphere death — it has not seen a new post since October 27th. Ouch. In fact, all the posts except the one on the 27th were lifted from a newsletter she did earlier in the summer. Thus, the blog has only one original post.
Anyone capable of typing something in a Word document or an email can update a blog, it really is that simple once setup.  The fact nothing new has been added in a months time tells me one of several things:
- Jennifer Florida doesn’t understand the power of internet communications, OR
- Jennifer Florida doesn’t see the need to communicate what is going on to readers, OR
- Jennifer Florida can’t type, OR
- Jennifer Florida feels the whole recall thing is behind her and isn’t being pressured into communicating on a “stupid blog,” OR
- Jennifer Florida has been busy helping Lewis Reed run for President of the Board of Aldermen.
Maybe you can think of some other reasons why Florida’s blog is in a near death state?
Jennifer Florida fell down a well and has been unable to post a new blog?
At this point, her blog is bocoming a liability to her. The people who read blogs on a regular basis expect them to be updated relatively frequently. A politician certainly has a lot to communicate to his or her constituents – to have the most recent communication be several months old just looks bad.
I expect sometime soon she will either start posting or kill it officially. Leaving it up but not updated would be a mistake.
“Jennifer Florida fell down a well and has been unable to post a new blog?”
So THAT’S what Lassie has been barking about.
Or she is setting a “bad” example for her political cronies and they have pressured her to knock it off. I mean, Geez, if she starts communicating with her constituency they all might have to.
No big suprise here! After her first post I sent her an email asking her a question through a link
on her site. I got no response. Perhaps I should not have indentified my self as someone who lives outside of her ward. I seriously doubt she would have responded despite that revelation. By the way – this new site looks great.
Perhaps she is not the author?
She couldn’t even get a picture of St. Louis.
Perhaps she does not know how to opera a digital camera?
Who are these people in office!
That’s too bad but too emblematic of StL. False leadership, refusal to communicate, and misinformation are long held StL traditions. The Net is such a valuable tool in communicating with and getting feedback from the electorate. Too bad such obvious tools are being wasted and/or ignored.
What kind of people continue to elect these fools?
Robble, burgle… I heard that she’s ballooned up to Grimace size proportions from eating too many free Big Macs and can’t reach the keyboard!
There was a horrible accident and she paved over herself while paving over our historic and beautiful brick alley.
Alley paving is the municipal equivalent to busy work. The added bonus is that it gives the incue incumbent alderman a chance to point to something that they’ve accomplished in the 5+ years in office
I sent Ald Florida an email about her blog after it was mentioned here. I asked for some clarification on the Senior center design and mentioed that I would like to be able to post responses. She responded to my email in a timely fashion:
Dear xxxx:
There will be four small storefronts on the first floor space facing
Grand in the Sr. Housing Project.
I am just not the sophisticated Blogger, baby steps..
Thanks for contacting me…
Take care,
I wish she would post more info, but I don’t like to assume it’s because of a conspiracy. I wish she would get Ald Baringer to start a blog as well.
^^ You can post comments on her blog, but you have to register for a WordPress account. Obviously, it wouldn’t be completely anonymous (and that probably has a chilling effect on conversation) but you can register using a free e-mail account that would be hard to track.
I have posted specific instructions on how to comment on Ald. Florida’s blog at as part of my ongoing observation of the 15th Ward.
On the site, there is also an in-depth review of what minimal plans are available for the proposed Senior Housing.
Steve, you are right to raise the issue that Florida’s blog has not been updated. That’s what your blog does on its finest day – it draws the community’s attention to something we may have been to busy to think about. But you come off as petty to propose that she “can’t type” or to state the obvious that “Anyone capable of typing something in a Word document or an email can update a blog, it really is that simple once setup.”
St. Louis doesn’t win with these tactics; we create more divisiveness. We are not fostering dialogue; rather, we are fostering a fight. Steve, attack Florida’s bad ideas, not her.
It is common knowledge inside City Hall that Ms. Florida is anticipating the election of Lewis Reed to
Prez. of the BOA as she will become his Chief of Staff.
Perhaps she has other things on her mind than her present job.
Does anyone think Reed really has a chance? Look at all of Shrewsbury’s supporters.
Shrewsbury’s supporters? Last I heard, Lewis Reed has more than half the Board of Aldermen (north, south, and central) supporting him, most of the county elected officials, all of the wards that have endorsed to-date, all of the unions that have endorsed to-date, and while there have been no media endorsements yet, all of the editorials so far are supporting Lewis Reed. Aside from the “official” endorsements and supporters, I only see Lewis Reed signs as I drive around town–northside, southside and central cooridor.
Shrewsbury’s supporters? Obviously, that “anon” post came from inside of room 230 at city hall.