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St. Louis Magazine’s 50 Most Powerful List

November 20, 2006 Media 24 Comments

stlmag_1206Hitting the streets this week is the December 2006 issue of St. Louis Magazine. The feature is St. Louis’ ‘50 Most Powerful in 2006‘ with a sub-title on the cover: From the King of Beer’s to the Blogosphere’s Court Jester We Rank the City’s Royalty.

The issue has your normal players such as John Danforth (#1), August Busch IV (at #4), and SLU President Rev. Biondi (#9). Mayor Slay makes the list at #12 behind his chief of staff Jeff Rainford at #11. Just behind the mayor literally is Deputy Mayor Barb Geisman at #13 with her partner Richard Callow at #14.

A number of developers are on the list such as the Roberts Brothers (#21), Joe Edwards (#22), historic Century building demolisher Steve Stogel (#33), Pyramid’s John Steffen (#35), Pete Rothschild (#37), Amrit & Amy Gill (#38) and Ted & Sam Koplar (#40).

Other than Mayor Slay the only other elected official on the list hasn’t even been sworn in yet (or has he?), newly elected State Senator Jeff Smith (#47). At #49 on the list is restauranteur and boxing promoter Steve Smith. Who rounds out the list? Well, that would be yours truly — the court jester.

Yes, I’m on the list at #50. I’ve actually had a month to get over the shock and disbelief at such an idea. But I think I do have power — not to change people’s minds about an issue so that they agree with me. No, my power comes from passionately talking about issues that I feel are important to discuss. Clearly, many of you also agree these issues need to be aired publicly. I feel honored to have been included on the list.

Following the article on the power list is an article on blogging called, Typing Truth to Power: Bloggers take on St. Louis’ fellowship of the Tweed Ring. This article mentions Urban Review as well as 15thWardSTL, the Arch City Chronicle, Blog St. Louis, The Commonspace, The Ecology of Absence, PubDef, STL Diatriber, and the STL Syndicate. Pick up a copy or read it at the library.

[UPDATE 11/20/2006 @ 6pm — One quick correction on elected officials on the list, at #48 is Illinois’ 12th District Congressional Representative Jerry Costello. ]


Currently there are "24 comments" on this Article:

  1. Jim Zavist says:

    well deserved – congratulations!

  2. Dustin says:

    The article described you as the “Jedi master of sunshine laws…” I have a feeling those who try to get one over on the public haven’t seen nuthin’ yet! Congratulations. You are doing a great service for this community. You deserve the recognition. You are critical, honest, fair and forthright. That may rub some people the wrong way but its no longer polite business as usual in this town since you started blogging — thankfully, since we have a lot of work to do and there is no time to waste.

    Great picture, by the way. Keep up the good work on behalf of us all who want a more urban St. Louis.

  3. john says:

    Since when does asking for accountability equal power? In the blogosphere that’s where!

    I look forward to reading more… keep it up Steve!

  4. margie says:

    Rock on Steve! Can’t wait to read the article.

  5. bravo says:

    Who came up with the list? Was the Business Journal consulted?

  6. Mike says:

    That’s refreshing to see. Congratulations.

  7. Jason says:


    Congratulations! I got the issue in the mail and once I saw the two articles had to read the thing cover to cover. I subscribed thinking that the magazine would have something to do with the actual city of St. Louis, and for the most part I was mistaken. These two articles renewed my faith in the Mag. I visit many of the blogs mentioned in the second article on almost a daily basis! I really hope they can begin to concentrate more on the immediate st. louis area instead of hyping the glitterati that they so love to add as filler. Anyone else have other publications that an avid urban st. louis dweller should purchase? let me know. I’m good for a $20. (its that little link at the bottom of my comment- yes that is a real email down there)

    Keep up the awesome work.


  8. StL_Stadtroller says:

    Steve, the “Jedi Master”. That’s quite funny, because I’ve actually seen Steve riding around on his scooter in a brown cloak, weilding a toy Light Sabre outside City “Death Star” Hall. And it wasn’t even Halloween. 😉

    But seriously, if Steve is the Jedi, then who are the Sith Lords?

    Congratulations Gadfly Kenobi, the student has become the master.

    PS – Don’t you think it’s about time you gave in: http://jksc.org/

  9. Dionna says:

    Congrats!!! I saw it by surprise, and was so excited! Hooray for you!


  10. stlmark says:

    Congrats! Now maybe you can use your “power” to get St. Louis Magazine to move it’s offices to St. Louis. I believe they call the suburbs home.

  11. newsteve says:

    While it did not take St. Louis Magazine to convince me that your work is worthwhile, it is praise well deserved. Thanks for opening my eyes to important, and sometimes not so important issues. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

  12. Heather says:

    Ditto ^^^^

    This is a honor you deserve. I think we’ll see you moving up the list next year.

  13. Adam says:

    congrats, steve. i’m glad you’re getting recognition for all the work you put into this blog. it really is a service to the community. thank you!

  14. awb says:

    Good job Steve. You earned the right to wear bells on your hat.

    And Good Job to St. Louis Mag for recognizing Steve’s work.

    I have to wonder why Rainford is perceived as more powerful than Slay. Is this a concession that Rainford operates independently and without the knowledge of the mayor? It makes me think the mayor is weak and ineffective, eclipsed by his more powerful underling. Or is Rainford just the hatchet man while the mayor sits back and pretends he is blissfully ignorant of the carnage?

  15. Pete says:

    Congrats Steve! Glad to see an informed urbanist rise onto the list.

    Where does Veronica O’Brien rank on the list?

    I would contend that if the measure of “50 Most Powerful in 2006” is impact upon the community, Ms. O’Brien must be ranked. Her impact is broad considering her actions directly impact all students as well as their parents living in the city. In addition, her actions indirectly influence many who may be considering the possibility of moving into or out of the city. Lastly, with an annual budget north of $380 million, her actions also have an impact upon the property tax base.

    While you can debate the positive or negative results of her influence, you have to admit she’s clearly one of the most powerful people in the city.

  16. Sadly, no mention of the Affton Mayor. I’m every bit as funny as Steve Smith, but my power only extends to my unincorporated constituency.

  17. Steve Smith says:

    And I will challenge the Mayor of Affton to a wrestling match, not unlike the many matches we had a dozen years ago at SLU to maintain the pecking order of who will head KSLU.

    You are actually quite a bit funnier than me Obie AKA Future Mayor of Affton. And funnier looking too.

  18. gina says:

    Congrats! I subscribe to St. Louis Magazine and was relieved to see some “powerful” people outside of the political leaders you expect to find inside the issue’s covers.

  19. joe b says:

    Ok, Mr 50th most powerful, here’s an idea you can call chat with hizzoner tommorow about:

    While this is an extremely half baked-actually quarter baked-idea, it is just that-an idea.

    Sell the public prop between Market and Chestnut between Tucker and 17th st.

    Currently, that’s just a vast wastland in my opinion. No connectivity between the buildings on either side of the streets/buildings at all.

    The “median” is very close to city block in size and I can only imagine what it would/could sell for. Total area is at least as big as the ballpark village and probably bigger.

    Make Market and Chestnut one way.

    Areas are extremely underutilized and the city could certainly use the money. Maybe set aside some of the money for a master plan for the schools?

    Slay needs a new project anyway. He saved the Cards from leaving downtown, got a new stadium built, saw a WS championship, a new ballpark village, etc.

  20. joe b says:

    I also forgot to congrat you on the list. Good job–no great job.

  21. GMichaud says:

    Congrats,it is good news, it shows high regard for you and the blog that is your creation. Maybe, just maybe, it will influence the City to do a better job. I wish you well and hope you maintain a long lasting blog. The people of St. Louis need it more than ever.

  22. Joe B…I heard Rolin Stanley say last month that the parcel of park you speak of is about to get “master planned” from 18th to Broadway.

  23. job b says:

    They need to sell it and put the money to good use. Any Master Plan should include money going directly into the coffers for some of the outlying “suburbs” of stl. Slay has neglected them long enough.

  24. lucas says:

    Congratulations Steve,



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