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Cacchione Gets Endorsement of 6th Ward Democrats

January 18, 2007 Downtown 10 Comments

Tonight the 6th Ward Democrats, in a packed meeting, voted to endorse current committeeman Patrick Cacchione. The votes were as follows:

  • Cacchione, 115
  • Triplett, 51
  • Saller, 5 (1/19 – 10am — I’m told this might have been 20 rather than 5)

I’ll have some commentary and hopefully some video in a separate post at some point tomorrow.


Currently there are "10 comments" on this Article:

  1. confused says:

    Why the he** did the supposedly Democratic organization of the 6th ward vote to endorse a guy who is a Republican lobbyist?

  2. confused says:

    Anyone who is better at the internets than me should cut and paste the link, or maybe the text, of Cashione’s campaign contributions to Republicans from fec.gov. Everyone voting in the Democratic primary should know what their choices area, and which one is an elephant in the room.

    [UrbanReviewSTL — Here is the link.]

  3. 6th ward resident says:

    The red herring about Mr. Cacchione’s job as a lobbyist working for the best interests of his clients as any of us would expect him to do is just subterfuge and half-truths coming from his opponent whining over sour grapes that her ground game just isn’t up to his.

    [UrbanReviewSTL — I have heard people not associated with any campaign having concerns about this issue, but they could simply be repeating what they’ve heard.  I can see the validity in the argument he is simply a lobbyist and he does what he is paid to do — that is the part that has me more than a bit concerned.  Will he continue the lobbyist mindset at city hall and work for the interests of this clients — those that are paying to get him elected?  I don’t know the answer to the question and it would be wrong of me to assume that but his long-time job as a lobbyist has me concerned in this regard.]

  4. 6th ward resident says:

    I HOPE Patrick will continue the lobbyist mindset, because I KNOW he will be lobbying for the residents of the 6th ward and not just doing whatever the heck he wants, like someone else would do.

  5. stlmark says:

    Wow, a healthy discussion on alderman candidates! As a 12th ward citizen, I am so jealous. We need this kind of intelligent debate and activity in every ward.

    [UrbanReviewSTL — The 12th Ward also has three candidates, two republicans and one democrat, so it would be great if some group organized a debate.  They can coordinate with the League of Women Voters to actually handle the mechanics and rules of the debate.  As a lower profile race with less money it would be an excellent way for 12th ward voters to meet all three candidates at the same time.]

  6. Simon Says says:

    “I HOPE Patrick will continue the lobbyist mindset, because I KNOW he will be lobbying for the residents of the 6th ward and not just doing whatever the heck he wants, like someone else would do. ”

    Be careful what you wish for. Mr. Cacchione heavily “lobbied” the members of the 6th Ward Democratic organization to not
    support the tobacco tax increase when the committee voted on its endorsements during this past election. Never once did he disclose that he was actually working as a paid lobbyist against the tobacco tax increase.

  7. SouthCityRepub says:

    Glad to see that #stlmark# has a interest in the race for alderman. I too would like to see Alderman Heitert and the democrat candidate express their vision for the future of our city a some type of public forum after the primary in March. While I have a great respect for Alderman Heitert’s work in the past for the Republican Party, I also understand why he has seen the need to cross party lines and work with democrats on the board and the mayor’s office. In a democrat city, our ward has never suffered because of Heitert’s support of statewide Republican candidates. Heitert seems willing to work with anyone to improve the city.

    While I’m sure voters will re-elect Heitert it’s good the democrats are offering a choice this time around.

  8. Jim Pree says:

    I’m glad to see some political thoughtfulness and interest in the 12th Ward Aldermanic Race. I’d be glad to get together with the Republican Nominee, whether in a formal debate or in an informal get-together. The residents of the Ward deserve nothing less. If you would like to help arrange this, let me know. Jim Pree (Democratic Nominee for 12th Ward Alderman).

  9. Kevin says:

    I originally posted this on ArchCityChronicle, I have just begun to get into these very interesting and important blogs after the endorsement:

    As a new member of the so-called 6th Ward ‘Democrats’ I helped expose Patrick Cacchione in a conflict-of-interest action that he steered in the October meeting just prior to the November election. In that meeting he was a staunch opponent of Amendment 3 and because of his ‘recommendations’ the ballot measure was swayed with very non ‘democrat’ ideas and reasons to a VOTE NO on Amendment 3. However, he decided to not mention that he was a paid consultant for Missourians Against Tax Abuse during this meeting and when called out and exposed on this matter he attempted to brush it under the carpet by manner of email correspondance. Mr. Cacchione was then called out about the matter during the November meeting and then apologized about not disclosing this information the members of the meeting. By not telling the members of the meeting this information, he hid the truth from the members and swayed the vote- which is not only a conflict of interest, but also a lie.

    It was interesting to see how Cacchione answered the question at the endorsement meeting: ‘Are there any groups that you are affiliated with that may influence your actions as alderman?” (not sure if this was the exact wording) to which he did not mention that he was a paid consultant of the Missourians Against Tax Abuse. Obviously, he wouldn’t mention this, nor would he admit that he already had indeed influenced a major decision for the 6th Ward- and eventually the state. And unfortunately this kinda sealed the deal for me.

    The sad thing is that he really answered all of the other questions very well and very convincingly. Cacchione has great experience and I really feel that there is a lot that he can accomplish in this ward. He knows who talk to and how to get things done. After all, he’s a lobbyist so no side- Democrat or Republican- is off his radar to get things done for the ward. All of the candidates did not really mention any concreted plans for anything, but Mr. Cacchione has a lot that he is already doing, especially with his ongoing work to make the old Foodland site something good for the community. His MANY years of experience is self-evident and maybe if he’d figure out how to connect with all the different people in this ward he’d get the bigger picture of what needs to be done in this ward and in this city. Instead he is an effective- and sadly to find out the hard way- also a shady political businessman. It is this kind of political wheeling and dealing that was exposed in last 6 years and that which we voted out on November 7th. And as the new Democratic congress moves to pass legislation on lobbying/ethics reform, it doesn’t matter who you are- red or blue; local, state or federal; if you are dirty…you are dirty.

    I look forward to continuing with the 6th Ward Democrats in the future and working with Mr. Cacchione either as Alderman or whatever post he may have in the 6th Ward Dems, but no matter, he will always be checked and balanced. Sorry, the damage has been done. There are many ideas to be heard and many faces to know, some bad and some good, some old and some new. Hopefully, there will be new ideas and new faces that will join this group in future. But for now, we can only work with what we got, and a lot of what we got is very very good.

  10. Retta(Democrat) says:

    The 12th Ward race will be as interesting as the people want it to be. Jim Pree is obviously the declared candidate of the Democratic party as he is is not being challanged. As for the activity of the 12th ward dems who else can they support. There will also be a League of Women Voters debate after the March primary. In the mean time you may contact Jim Pree for some of the CHANGES he feels is due the citizens of the 12th ward. Get active call your committepeople Vote and add to your community..Sheriff Jim Murphy is the dem committeeman or Janet Sullivan if your a dem ..I find no info on the 12th ward republicans check Arch City Cronicle for info also..Thanks for your interest…


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