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Campaign Contributions in the 6th Ward Race

January 30, 2007 Politics/Policy 1 Comment

The three candidates in the 6th ward aldermanic race have raised the following cash through January 20th:

  • Triplett, $13,715
  • Saller, $7,370
  • Cacchione, $7,330

Someone is bound to look at Cacchione’s 40-Day before the election report and tell me I am wrong, his report shows $8,580 raised. Well, yes and no. If you look closely you’ll see three (3) contributions totaling $1,250 received the day after the reporting period. Without knowing what the other two candidates, Triplett & Saller, received after the close of the reporting period it is impossible to include these in a comparison.

Cacchione has also put $5,000 of his own money into the race, a classic method of the underdog to show he is serious about a race. I advised Republican Pat Herod to do the same last year when he ran against Mike McMillan for License Collector.
Saller has received quite a bit in the way of in-kind contributions, however, the above figures include neither in-kind or personal loans. As such, we see Triplett out ahead of the other two by a large margin with Cacchione trailing immediately behind Saller. Triplett received $2,000 from a single donor while another donor gave money to both Saller & Cacchione.
It remains to be seen if receiving the 6th Ward Democratic endorsement will help Cacchione attain more contributions during the next reporting period (January 21- February 22) or if he will remain in third place behind Triplett & Saller, respectively. Saller’s strong showing will likely help him as the campaign enters the final month.

Of course money has nothing to do with issues.  Hopefully we will see a good discussion of issues at the 6th ward debate to be held at the main library next Monday, February 5th.  The event starts at 6pm with the debate starting at 7pm.


Currently there is "1 comment" on this Article:

  1. me says:

    Starr Triplett raised about as much as the others combined! I know money ain’t everything, but it ain’t nothing, either!


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