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Join Me for My Last Day of My Thirties

February 22, 2007 Events/Meetings, South City 12 Comments

Next week I turn the big 4-0.  Since I have class on my actual birthday I thought I’d celebrate the night before, my last night in my 30s.  So, everyone is invited to join me for happy hour on Tuesday (2/27/07) from 5pm-7pm at The Royale on South Kingshighway.  Steve Smith has some good specials on drinks and I’m sure he’d be pleased if you ordered an appetizer or stayed for dinner (gotta watch that food to alchohol ratio you know).

We can chat about local issues, you can tell me I am too radical or perhaps not radical enough.  The point is to come out and have a good time so that I forget about entering my 40s.


Currently there are "12 comments" on this Article:

  1. Travis Reems says:

    Happy Birthday, Steve!

    I just turned the big 3-0 at the end of last year. So, I know how hard those mile-stone b-days can be. I know you’ll pull through it! Have a good one.

  2. Unfotunately, I don’t turn the big two-one until the middle of April, so if I come I will only be able to add the the appetizer quota.

  3. Brad Mello says:

    As a proud 44 year old, I say, welcome to your Fricative years…it beats the option, so relax and enjoy your 40’s — I’m well into mine and find them quite fun — old enough to know better and still young enough not to care — as the saying goes. Wish I could be with you to toast in your birthday. Enjoy Steve — be on the look out for the rent – a – cop I’ve hired to come and give you your birthday spanking!

  4. Excellent choice of venue Steve. I hope I can make it!
    Please note that the Royale is a bicycle and scooter/motorcycle parking friendly establishment for those chosing alternative means of transportation.

  5. ex-stl says:

    the build-up to the age is far worse than being it.

    I’ve noticed being 29 or 39 is MUCH worse than being 30 or 40…

  6. Melanie Harvey says:

    Happy Birthday, Steve !
    There are many of us who wish you well and are grateful
    for your activism. You’re not getting older, you’re getting
    No need to crowd the tiny parking lot or deal with rush-hour
    traffic. The Royale is convenient to Metro users also:
    # 95 Kingshighway from CWE Station and
    # 30 Soulard (via Arsenal at Kingshighway) from
    downtown or Maplewood.

  7. Dear Steve,

    Here is what it is like being 40 and over: you have more
    energy/you have less energy;you gain weight/you
    lose weight; your sex drive increases/decreases…

    The big thing that changed for me was that I pick my
    battles. You already do that everyday so who
    knows what is in store for you??? 😉

    You know I don’t always agree with you but to show
    my respect for your rite of passage,
    I am proposing that the folks at the Royale offer a
    special drink in your honor:

    Urbanreviewstl-arita or a Steve-ini
    with the following ingredients:

    *Green Tea to stimulate clarity and clear thinking
    *Tequila to add that kick you often give when
    you don’t like something (add a lot of tequila!)
    *Seltzer, just a splash, representing the many thought bubbles from
    your blog
    *Lime juice, representing the bittersweetness of being a critic
    and a cherry or an umbrella, depending on the mood of those celebrating with you!

    Of course, shaken not stirred.


  8. joe b says:

    Just two hours to forget you’re turning 40? You’re gonna need longer than that.

    Here’s hoping you’ll have an epiphany and decide to run for alderman or mayor soon.


  9. Maurice says:

    Congrats on the big 4 -0. Welcome to the club Steve.

  10. bev says:

    As ex-stl says, the buildup is sometimes worse than the event. I also found that 31 or 41 were slightly more depressing because they weren’t a cause to celebrate and the numbers indicated that there was no going back.

    I read your blog each and every day, but rarely post. I think you are both too radical and not radical enough. But what do I know? I live waaaaay out in the ‘burbs of U-City!

    Happy birthday

  11. Dan Icolari says:

    Mazel tov from Dan and Ellen!

  12. Margie says:

    Happy Big One Steve! Sorry we can’t be there. I’m emailing you something to amuse you as you cross this threshold!




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