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Farewell 2007 and Hello 2008

December 31, 2007 Site Info 3 Comments

What a year 2007 was. Schools, Metro, Sherman George were all hot topics. While parts of the city and region got more urbanized and walkable other parts continued down the path towards mandating an automobile just to get around. I got rid of my car and moved downtown to a loft to make it easier not to own a car. I’ve been walking and bicycling more since doing so.

2008 promises to be an interesting year with highway 40 closing tomorrow, an effort to recall Mayor Slay, a push for more charter schools, an as yet undisclosed plan by Paul McKee for a large swath of North St. Louis and so much more.

Filing opens in January for those seeking to be Committeemen and Committeewomen in their wards. Each year the Democrats fill all the seats but the Republicans and Greens in the city have failed to fill all 56 positions. Anyone interested in becoming more active in local politics is included to run for these positions — including against Democrat incumbents. The election is in August.

Of course, in February we have the Missouri Presidential primary along with many other states. I’m not really pleased with any national candidate at this point although my best hope is on Obama. I’m not saying he has the best chance to win the election, just that I will feel more optimistic if he wins.

In the city we should expect to see work start on the Ballpark Village/Centene HQ, the Gateway Mall Sculpture Park and other high ticket big press items.
Weather you like living in a single family detached dwelling or in a multi-unit building in the heart of the CBD my wish is that we all will have increased options in 2008 and beyond. Mobility is an important part of America but increasingly that mobility is reduced to the private auto. So I hope that going forward we can all recognize the importance in providing a multitude of mobility choices to go about our daily lives. That, in my view, will be the true freedom America promises. Let’s make it happen in 2008.

Thank you for reading UrbanReviewSTL in 2007 and best wishes in the coming year.

– Steve


Currently there are "3 comments" on this Article:

  1. john says:

    Let’s “hope” for a Happy New Year and a greener future, but unfortunately the New 64 guarantees something quite different. The problems are compounded by a public that prefers coolness over facts…and best wishes for you too!

  2. John W. says:

    The Food for Thought Barack Obama quote is a good one. To us all, and for this upcoming new year, his sentiment. Happy New Year St. Louis.

  3. Jim Zavist says:

    By this time next year, we’ll be a) sick and tired of presidential campain ads (and glad the election is over and the pundits and pollsters can move onto something else), b) surprised that the first half of the I-64 project is actually complete and open (my how time flys) and c) dealing with armegeddon part 2, with all those people now using Forest Park Parkway as I-64 Phase 2 starts . . .


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