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Missouri Primary on Tuesday

August 3, 2008 Downtown 28 Comments

Primary season is now in full swing for Tuesday’s election. My mailbox has been flooded with slick postcards telling me how bad the other guy or gal is. I might just put them all in a big pile and then sort by each candidate — the one that sent me the fewest items for my recycling gets my vote.

With hundreds of municipalities in the St Louis region it is just to much work to summarize every election. Illinois is not holding elections on Tuesday. Thus I will focus only on the ballot in the city with one exception.

The exception is Proposition Y in the city and most of St Louis County. This is a bond issue for the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) which reads as:

To comply with federal and state clean water requirements, shall The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) issue its sewer system revenue bonds in the amount of Two Hundred Seventy-five Million Dollars ($275,000,000) for the purpose of designing, constructing, improving, renovating, repairing, replacing and equipping new and existing MSD sewer facilities and system, including sewer disposal and treatment plants, sanitary and combined sanitary and stormwater sewers, and acquisition of easements and real property related thereto, the cost of operation and maintenance of said sewer system and the principal of and interest on said revenue bonds to be payable solely from the revenues derived by MSD from the operation of its sanitary sewer system, including all future extensions and improvements thereto?

MSD, created in 1954, is one of the few regional governmental entities that we have. Still in a region of 16 counties (8 in Missouri and 8 in Illinois) its really hard to view MSD as regional as it only covers St Louis city and county — two of the 16 counties the city is both a city and county). Just over half the region’s residents live in MSD’s boundaries (1.5 million out of 2.7 million).

MSD needs these bonds to raise money to keep our aging sewer infrastructure working and to bring it into compliance with federal and state standards. Interestingly MSD says our system is about the same size as the system serving Los Angeles:

Formed in 1954, MSD is the combination of 79 separate sewer systems that have been incorporated into one entity over the last several decades. The sewer system MSD manages today is one of the largest and most complex systems in the United States. In terms of wastewater sewers alone, MSD manages the 4th largest system in the nation. To give some perspective on what “4th largest” means for our community, consider that MSD’s wastewater system is approximately the same size as the wastewater system in Los Angeles, California. Although the two systems are approximately the same size –as measured in miles of wastewater sewer pipe –system upgrades and operational costs in Los Angeles are shared by over 5 million residents versus approximately 1.4 million in St. Louis.

The cost of unchecked sprawl is we have fewer people to share the burden of funding the system . Vote yes on Prop Y.


Both Democrats & Republicans have primary challenges to determine who faces each other in November. I’m for Attorney General Jay Nixon, a Democrat. I haven’t paid much attention to the field on the Republican side.

Lieutenant Governor

Both Democrats and Republicans have several choices. I endorse Democrat Sam Page — a state Rep from Creve Coeur. I’ve had the chance to talk to him a couple of times and I think he is genuinely concerned about the environment. It will be Lt Gov Peter Kinder vs. Sam Page in November.

State Treasurer

Only one Republican and four Democrats in this primary. The Dems are Mark Powell, Clint Zweifel, Andria Danine Simckes and Charles B. Wheeler. I haven’t a clue yet.

Attorney General

With Jay Nixon running for Governor that leaves the race wide open. Only a single Republican in this primary, state Sen. Mike Gibbons. On the Democratic ballot we have four candidates; Chris Koster, Margaret Donnelly, Jeff Harris and Molly Williams. Like the state treasurer race I’ve got to do some last minute research.

State Senate District 5

This race to succeed term limited Maida Coleman has gotten lots of ink. The ballot has only two candidate — state reps Rodney R. Hubbard and Robin Wright-Jones. A third candidate, State Rep Connie Johnson, had filed but a judge determined she didn’t live in the district! I know Hubbard and campaign staffer Antonio French but that is not reason enough to vote/endorse him. More research to be done before stepping in front of the voting machine on Tuesday.

State Representative District 57

Joseph Palm is challenging incumbent Tailbdin El-Amin. Haven’t really followed this race.

State Representative District 60

Kimberly Gardner is challenging incumbent Jamilah Nasheed. I’m in a different district so I haven’t watched the campaigns of these two.

State Representative District 61

Chris Carter, Curtis Royston III and Anthony Bell are going for the seat being vacated by Connie Johnson

State Representative District 63

Two candidates are seeking the seat currently held by Robin Wright-Jones who as noted above is running for the state Senate.

State Representative District 64

Michael Roberts Jr. is running against incumbent Rachel Storch. We’ve got to watch that Roberts — if he is like his dad he’ll want to rename the Missouri capital capitol building the Roberts’ Capital Capitol Building.

State Representative District 65

Two political names face off in this district — incumbent Michele Kratky is challenged by Michael Favazza.

State Representative District 67

Mike Daus has served as the state rep for the 67th for 8 years. Thus he is out based on term limits. In 2001 he narrowly lost to Jennifer Florida for the 15th ward Aldermanic seat. So he went to Jefferson City instead. Five Democrats are seeking to replace him; Mike Colona, Chad Beffa, Joan Landmann and Emily Jo Pierce. I’ve met Colona before — he seems alright. If you live in this district do some research.

State Representative District 108

Like Mike Daus, Tom Villa is term limited out of office. Two candidates are seeking to replace him, Jacob Hummel and Art Gansner. With no Republican running one of these two will soon be elected.


This is another of those county positions since the city is also a county. Ken Griffey is seeking, once again, to displace incumbent James Murphy. Murphy campaigned against me when I ran for Alderman in 2005 . That and he has had the job for a while are two reasons to support Griffey.

City Treasurer

Daniel Schesch is challenging incumbent Larry C. Williams. By some weird twist of things the city treasurer is in charge of parking in the city. Williams has had the job long enough — it is time for some fresh blood in the office. Vote for Schesch.

Ward Committee Positions

Each party elects a Committeeman and Committeewoman for each of the 28 wards. The problem is we are such a one party city you seldom see any Greens, Libertarians or Republicans running at this level. While I want to remove party affiliation at the municipal level I’d like to see more folks from other parties getting involved.

Most of these 56 positions on the Democratic ballot are uncontested. You can write in a name if you want a choice other than the one person running. Remember there is nothing obligating you to voting for a candidate when they are the only one running. If any of you in the 6th ward are so inclined, go ahead and write in my name for Committeeman.

In the 15th ward you’ve got candidates from two ward organizations running against each other.

In the 21st Ward Incumbent Arthur “Chink” Washington is being challenged by Pubdef’s Antonio French. French’s late grandmother was the committeewoman for many years. Good luck Antonio.

In the 27th ward Royston & Carter from the 61st Dist house race are facing off again for Committeeman.

I’m kind of disappointed that more candidates from the 20th ward didn’t seek to replace the current committee persons as that would make it a bit easier to unseat Craig Schmid come 2011.

Further Reading

If you’ve got thoughts on these races and the bond issue use the comment form below. I’m personally more interested to hear why we should support someone rather than why we shouldn’t support the other guy.


Currently there are "28 comments" on this Article:

  1. Antonio says:

    Thanks, Steve.

  2. Jim Zavist says:

    District 65 – Neither candidate really appeals to me – they both have similar positions on choice, and Favazza wants a tax credit for parents with kids in parochial schools. While I’m nominally a Democrat, I also expect fiscal discipline. It’s easy to offer a “chicken in every pot” when you’re campaigning, but the only way to pay for new programs is to increase taxes – there is no such thing as a free lunch!

  3. Jim Zavist says:

    As for the bond issue, I’m conflicted. While I like the concept of pay-as-you-go to pay for stuff, the reality is that the deferred maintenance backlog is huge and I’m not sure if we want to pay for what amounts to a complete system rebuild over the next 20 years only out of annual revenues. I’m going to vote for the bond issue simply to keep my monthly sewer fees in a reasonable range.

  4. adam flath says:

    I am perplexed by the Sewer Bill as well.

    Sadly, I don’t think I will be in St. Louis for longer than 7 years. So simply because of that, I would vote yes for the cheaper monthly bills. If i was a St. Louis Lifer and planned to stay here, I wouldn’t mind paying an extra 10 bucks a month to an average of $30. Rather than having ALL that INTEREST pile up that we have to pay later. They expect this Bill to run up a couple hundred million in interest… ouch.

    I have been to places where running water = non existent. So for $30 bucks a month for all that water we use… and waste in our homes, I still think it is a steal.

  5. Travis Reems says:

    Steve, other than the “county offices”, you and I seem to be of like minds. I know that you tend to be anti-incumbent, but in these two cases the incumbents are the best candidates.

    You probably didn’t know that Ken Griffey has run against Sheriff Jim Murphy several times since he was fired from the Sheriff’s office in a situation related to a court order not allowing him in the court house.

    And, if you’ve listened to Dan Schesch, you’d quickly realize that some of his ideas are truly scary and dangerous for the city’s financial well-being. Treasurer Larry Williams has developed as soundly a financial position as his office can for the city of St. Louis.

    I hope you will reconsider these two offices, and the others for which you’ve not made your decision.

    [slp — As for Griffey that is why I said “Ken Griffey is seeking, once again, to displace incumbent James Murphy.” Our parking policies are a decade or so out of date. In the nearly 20 years I’ve lived here our population has dropped by 50K –or 12.5%. We’ve got decades of failed policy n our history we don’t need elected official around still promoting that same old ineffective stuff. We need better parking management. ]

  6. Reginald Pennypacker III says:

    Remember these words of wisdom:
    “We have to either start voting for loony third party candidates or not voting at all. If we keep voting for the lesser of two evils, it’s going to keep getting more evil” – Penn Jillette

  7. a reader says:

    You have some interesting criteria for selecting candidates:

    1. They have sent me the least amount of literature;

    2. The other guy has just been there “too long.”

    Oh and by the way, when referring to the actual building, it’s “capitol,” not “capital.”

  8. Jim Zavist says:

    The only problem I have with Larry Williams is philosophical, not practical – he’s a huge believer in building parking and parking garages to attract business to the city. He was the leading force behind redirecting the city’s Parking Division, and has run it, successfully, since the Legislature approved it’s modified, entrepreneurial framework in 1989. The man’s good at what he does – I’m just not sure if a lack of parking garages was the problem 20 years ago and/or if continuing to build more is (still?) the right answer today. I’m still going to vote for him, but I think we, as a city, need to revisit some of the basic assumptions behind his major focus.

  9. Jim Zavist says:

    The link to what I know about Larry Williams: http://www.stlcommercemagazine.com/archives/may2008/groundup.html

  10. Jake says:

    District 67- Stlstreets.com has a nice questionnaire for the candidates.


  11. Christian says:

    State Representative District 67:
    Breaking News:
    Emily Jo Pierce, Mike Colona, and Pat Jakopchek

    This story just gets more and more interesting since Emily Jo Pierce, a candidate for the 67th District moved back to IL over a month ago.

    From my blog:
    Anyone know Pat Jakopchek?

    I’m going to assume the 15th ward Democrat’s do because of this link
    which says:
    CBGB (3163 S. Grand Blvd., 314-773-9743) draws politicals on Wednesday
    nights. You might see State Senator Jeff Smith, political consultant
    Pat Jakopchek, and 15th Ward boss Jan Clinite gamely trying to win
    that bar’s trivia contest while enjoying the shuffle-board.

    I’ve had my rental apartment listed.

    A woman called this evening about it and in the course of the
    conversation she tells me she works at The Bistro (where Emily Jo
    Pierce worked). Of course I asked if she knew Emily Jo. She did. She
    said the Emily Jo did a hasty move back to her parent’s home in IL in
    late June. Pat Jakopchek had also worked at The Bistro. Pat and Emily
    are dear friends. The last time my caller saw Emily Jo, she was with Pat.

    When I told her that Emily Jo was running for the State Rep position
    she was shocked. Have you ever *seen* her, she asked?

    No…so I asked for a description: Brown dred locks, lip ring, chunky,
    wears glasses. Was an Urban Development Major at SLU.

    She also provided her phone number.

    Mike Colona knows Pat Jakopchek.
    The following links show payments from Mike Colona to Pat Jakopchek.

    ReportDate: 10/15/2007
    Paid to Pat Jakopchek, 1,000.00

    ReportDate: 7/10/2007
    Paid to Pat Jakopchek, 1,000.00

    ReportDate: 1/15/2008
    Paid to Pat Jakopchek: 2,350.00

    ReportDate: 4/15/2008

    There’s more pay outs to Pat (but it’s really late) and I’ve made my
    point which is Mike Colona is linked to Emily Jo Pierce.

    I (as many of my neighbors in TGS) received a robo call for Emily Jo ten days ago – long after she left St. Louis.

    The only other candidate to use a robo call for the 67th District seat has been Mike Colona.

  12. Bulldog Bob says:

    I don’t understand how rodney Hubbard can call himself “Progressive,” let alone a Democrat. His mailing justifying support for the way in which Paul McKee is using the Land Assemblege Tax Credit is mind blowing. His continuing support of Rex Sinquefield and the voucher crowd is sickening as well. Most organizations that rate a candidate as “progressive” rank him towards the bottom of the list. I have to say the lesser of the two evils is the better choice and Robin Wright-Jones is the lesser of two evils. This man has lined his pockets with the special interests more than any other state rep I have ever seen. He is merely a tool for the Republicans in Jefferson City and many people are blind to that fact.

  13. Christian says:

    For further info on 67th district candidate Mike Colona and Emily Jo Pierce:


  14. Jesda says:

    Check that sprawl! Tell people how to live their lives because you know best!


  15. Bridgett says:

    I have had loud arguments on the phone with callers from Hubbard’s and Wright-Jones’ campaign. Lesser of two evils indeed…yet another situation where neither candidate really represents my interests, but in wildly different areas. Maybe the pile of recycling is the best way to go….

  16. Mary Guamache says:

    I’ve been following the Mike Colona scandal here, http://stlouisbricks.blogspot.com/

  17. Adam says:

    “Check that sprawl! Tell people how to live their lives because you know best!”
    that’s right! we americans are entitled to whatever we want! ain’t nobody gunna tell ME to consider the consequences!

  18. Travis Reems says:

    With regard to the discussion on the 5th district state Senate race, I am an ardent state Representative Rodney Hubbard supporter because in the 6 years he has been representing his district he has been able to pass legislation that is good for the city.

    Now, I’ve received the same political mail everyone in the district has, that says Rodney Hubbard sold out to big investment, but the truth on that matter is that Robin Wright-Jones also voted for that legislation. Further, it was Rodney Hubbard that put local controls into that legislation to allow our city to restrict the actions that were eventual to come. Finally, in her time at the state House, Wright-Jones has not passed one piece of legislation, partially due to a high absentee rate.

    So, the two options are Rodney Hubbard who you may not agree with 100% (but hat politician do we?) but that gets the job done or his opponent that either votes with Rodney or doesn’t vote at all.

  19. Favazza’s mailer looks rather mediocre and he really seemed to not take the campaign seriously. I’ve seen a handful of signs. He seems to attack Kratky for being paid by lobbyist money, whereas he’s independent. Regardless he has an endorsement for Missouri Right to Life, cited on his mailer. This is not to say I support Kratky either, but I do question Mike Favazza when he does not even have a campaign website or list an email address.

  20. Moreover, with the sewer bill, I think Lance LaComb made it clear that the improvements are reburied by Federal Law and the EPA. Do we want fees to increase now or should be issue bonds and decrease fee increases thereby pay for capital improvements down the road? I don’t see a problem with issuing bonds as this isn’t for a shopping mall.

  21. TGSVoter says:

    Another blog posting, another chance to bash on Colona… I love how the proof of his misdeeds hinge on second-hand accounts and the conspiracy theories of one nutbag with a blog. Not one person has given solid proof of anything he has done wrong. Clearly, everyone has felt the need to knock the frontrunner from his pedestal.

    There are so many loose ends in this whole thing. First it was that this mystery candidate worked for him, although that was never proven. Then the theory was that he traded legal representation for her jumping in the race – but no one has produced any records of Colona EVER even knowing Ms. Pierce and that claim was retracted.

    Now, Christiann Hermann is making the link between him and Pierce because last night she got a mysterious phone call that claims one of Colona’s staffers and Pierce once worked together, BUT now, she can’t even provide the name. Pretty convenient, I’d say.

    The fact is Colona has run a cleaner campaign than anyone else in the race – it wasn’t his father who went around to labor unions claiming that an opponent was the porn king of the Midwest. Also, the negative doorknocker from this past weekend wasn’t from him – the disclaimer proves that much.

    If you want to crucify him for the work of his supporters, you’d have to criticize Landmann for the same thing. After all, it was Landmann’s supporter and constant volunteer, Retta Crawford that put out the hit piece on Colona – just look at who paid for it.

    I find it amazing that anyone could claim that Joan Landmann or Rob Stelzer has run a clean or ethical campaign. They’ve engaged in as much shenanigans as anyone else. But, clearly, their supporters have a bit more time on their hands to troll blogs and message boards – tomorrow night they’re gonna see that they probably should have been out knocking on doors, instead of typing on keyboards.

  22. Mike says:

    In the 108th Arthur Gasner is running as a rebublican. I’m pretty sure on that because he ran agianst Villa as an “R”.

  23. Elaine says:

    Mariano, I mean Michael Favazza received money from “Missouri Club for Growth”, a conservative (Republican?) group with Ed Martin (of all people!) as treasurer. http://www.mec.mo.gov/Ethics/CampaignFinance/CFCommitteeInfo1.aspx?MECID=C081296&Year=2008
    I’d rather not have another Favazza in office.

  24. Christian says:

    ‘Now, Christiann Hermann is making the link between him and Pierce because last night she got a mysterious phone call ‘

    Will you fools please learn how to either spell my name or use cut and paste? It’s to your discredit.

    Now then. I told the caller I wouldn’t reveal her name unless I was investigated.
    Keep in mind she provided me with Emily Jo’s phone number: 708-218-EMMY.

    How else would I have it?
    Now, call her quickly before she changes it (if she hasn’t already).

  25. Christian says:

    Also to your discredit is not using your name. Wimp.

  26. Constituent says:

    I agree totallly regardin gMichel J. Colona’s race and let’s just recall him and get a cash audit to solve his Problems in the community. Really the truth is out there and bash no protect us from a candidate that can not work bi-partisan in Jefferson City and can’t produce records of payments for his Porno ties isn’t that tax evasion? He misped many supporters who know the truth and did not want to hear his connections. As for as Pat he knows Retta Crawford from her work for Charlie Dooley and I know he will support her actions as 100% right on regarding his ties to Emily Jo.
    Right is right and no quit his Porn Job why Michel J. are you so worried?

  27. huh? says:

    ^WTF? Are you just crazy xstian?

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