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Six Months Ago Today

August 1, 2008 Downtown 10 Comments

Regular readers know that six months ago today I suffered a massive stroke while at home in the afternoon on Friday February 1st, 2008. It was a good 14 hours later before a friend used her spare key to my place and found me on the floor.

After three weeks in ICU I spent the balance of February and all of March & April in two different hospitals getting intense physical rehab. When I returned home I was able to walk a bit but only when wearing a brace on my left leg to keep my ankle in the right position and only through the use of a cane.

Over the last three months I’ve begun to put my life back together. I’m still wearing the leg brace and using the cane but my distance and speed have increased. I’m back at work as a REALTOR® at Circa Properties. I have several listings and will have more next week.

Later this month I resume work on a Masters of Arts in Urban Planning and Real Estate Development at Saint Louis University.  My first class this semester is on land-use law and is taught in the law school.  For us it is required.  For law students it is an elective.  Real Estate Finance and a Graduate Reading course rounds out the semester.

Late next week I am driving back to Oklahoma to visit family.  Taking a lower carbon option would be nice but the train does not go directly to Oklahoma (goes via Dallas) and the bus is painfully slow.  Besides when I got there I couldn’t rent a car because of the modifications I need to safely operate an automobile.  Halfway there I will stop in Mt Vernon to visit the Missouri Rehabilitation Center where I spent all of April and a week of March.  While I’m back in Oklahoma I will stop to visit my parent’s grave site. If there were both still alive this month would have been their 59th anniversary.  They had 56+ years together.  My Dad’s older brother and his bride are celebrating their 60th anniversary on the weekend of my visit.  I’ll see lots of aunts & uncles and cousins as well as all there kids and grandkids.  Many of my aunts & uncles are close to twice my age  (41)— but I’ll be the one with the cane!

And finally I’m looking into three wheeled scooters to see if I can get back to scootering before I gain full mobility in my left arm/hand.  We’ll see.

For now I’m just glad to have made it six months.  After six years you won’t even know I had a stroke.


Currently there are "10 comments" on this Article:

  1. southsider says:

    I’ll give ya credit kid. Doesn’t sound like you re wallowing in self pity. Keep on keeping and who knows what s around the bend. Best of luck and I’ll say a little prayer for your folks.

  2. Keep it real says:

    Your progress is a testimony to your spirit. Travel safe.

  3. John Daly says:

    When you see progress it gives you motivation to continue. No doubt I’ll look over my shoulder on an upcoming run and see you right behind me! I’ll be 40 in September and it gives me great joy to pass folks in their 20’s like they were standing still. Stay strong.

  4. Jim Zavist says:

    Positive attitude counts for a lot – hang in there!

  5. megamike says:

    Its easier said than done but do you have a partner or a significant other? From reading your posts it appears you are doing all this on your own.

    [slp — I live alone and am unattached but I have some great friends that help out as needed.]

  6. Margie says:

    As always, you are an inspiration, Steve. It’s so great to know you’re getting back to the real estate business and to your (next) degree pursuit. This stroke may have slowed you down some this year, but it’s clear there is no stopping you!

  7. Dionna says:

    Your positivity is an inspiration, and we wish you safe travels in your visit back home!
    I bet they will all be so glad to see you!!! (including MO Rehab!)

    Drive safe, and no multi tasking while driving!!!

  8. John B says:

    Mr. St. Louis – you go Steve!

  9. Jane says:

    You are doing great! I told Kevin aabout you recent accomplishment, and he was impressed. I am looking foward to when we all can go out to dinner again.

  10. Dave Eschmann says:

    Steve; Awesome progress. Your ongoing “comeback” from the stroke is an inspiring story.


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