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Fox2; The Story is More Important Than Pedestrians

October 23, 2008 Downtown 7 Comments

How important is getting the news? Important enough to inconvenience others? Fox2 seems to think so.

Above: A Fox2 van blocks sidewalk.
Above: A Fox2 van blocks sidewalk.

Today I spotted this Fox2 news van on the sidewalk and blocking the ADA ramp at Tucker & Olive. Not much room left for the able-bodied. Anyone in a wheelchair is out of luck. Anyone crossing Olive or Tucker at this intersection would be left out in the rain. But hey, they had a story to do.

Above: close-up view of van on the ramp.
Above: close-up view of van on the ramp.

Currently there are "7 comments" on this Article:

  1. scott o says:

    that is really dumb. any regular person parking like that would be in for some serious fines.

  2. Adam says:

    somebody needs a reprimand. couldn’t you call the station and report this? i’m pretty sure they are considered “regular people” as far as parking violations go.

    [slp — I’ve already emailed a contact at Fox2]

  3. Laura says:

    I would differently contact Fox 2. No one says you have to identify yourself. What Fox 2 did is wrong in every respect. Thank you for bringing this to the forefront. There is no story that important!!!

  4. Did you call the police? That’s illegal.

  5. insider says:

    Maybe Elliot Davis should do a “you paid for it” on his own station

  6. L Frank Baum says:

    Did you call the police? I’m guessing not.

  7. Jim says:

    I wrote Fox2, hope they apologize to you.


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