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Let’s Turn Missouri From Red to Blue (updated 2X)

November 4, 2008 Downtown 34 Comments

I’m tired of living in a red state, having my blue state friends tease me about Missouri helping elect “Dubya” into office – twice! Baby Blunt doesn’t help either. “But I live in a blue city across a river from a blue state,” I proclaim. Not good enough.

All these years voting in Missouri I have never once used the “straight party” option and finally now that I’m planning to vote a straight Democratic ballot, the one check option is gone. Figures. That is OK though, I’m perfectly willing to go to the polls and make a deliberate selection for each individual candidate.

I’m planning to give myself plenty of time to vote in the morning before a 10am doctor appointment. Oddly enough my polling place is the Heritage House senior center on Olive West of Jefferson. You’d think it would be more in the downtown west area.

I’ll add onto this post after I’ve voted to share my experience. Feel free to add your comments below.
Update 11/4/2008 @ 9:05am:

I was back home from voting 45 minutes after I left. The lines were long, being disabled finally paid off for me as I was able to cut in line. I felt sorta bad for everyone that had been in line for a couple of hours. My limit on standing is about 15 minutes.

My polling place has two precincts, one of which includes many downtown residents. The other precinct had nobody voting but the line for mine was quite long. Get inside and you see the problem . They had three lines, A-I, J-R, & S-Z. The A-I line was seriously backed up while the other two had only a handful of voters.

Above: Voters waiting in line to vote in the 6th Ward.
Above: Voters waiting in line to vote in the 6th Ward.

I ran saw a few people that I know. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits despite the long line. It was a nice morning and as you can see the leaves on the trees were stunning. It is really encouraging to see people willing to take so much time to go vote.

On the other hand if we had early voting like many states do, lines on Election Day might be eliminated, or at least significantly reduced. It is important for people to vote. It is not important we all do it on a single day and in person.

I ended up not voting entirely straight Democrat. On some of the local & State legislative seats I voted Libertarian or Independent to show support for candidates willing to challenge incumbents.

Update #2, 11/4/2008 @ 1pm

On the way back home from the Doctor I passed by my polling place. The considerable outside line from this morning was gone. For those of you that have not yet voted, please get yourself to your respective polling place and do so. Most likely the lines, if any, will be minor.


Currently there are "34 comments" on this Article:

  1. The anti-Buba says:

    This adds nothing intelligent the conversation. It’s just something that’s bouncing around people’s e-mail in boxes.

    Dear Red States:

    We’ve decided we’re leaving. We intend to form our own country, and
    we’re taking the other Blue States with us. In case you aren’t aware,
    that includes California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota,
    Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. We believe this
    split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people
    of the new country of New California.

    To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states.
    We get stem cell research and the best beaches. We get the Statue of
    Liberty You get Dollywood. We get Intel and Microsoft. You get
    WorldCom. We get Harvard. You get Ole’ Miss. We get 85 percent of
    America’s venture capital and entrepreneurs. You get Alabama. We get
    two-thirds of the tax revenue, you get to make the red states pay
    their fair share.

    Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the
    Christian Coalition’s, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a
    bunch of single moms. Please be aware that Nuevo California will be
    pro-choice and anti-war, and we’re going to want all our citizens
    back from Iraq at once. If you need people to fight, ask your
    evangelicals. They have kids they’re apparently willing to send to
    their deaths for no purpose, and they don’t care if you don’t show
    pictures of their children’s caskets coming home. We do wish you
    success in Iraq , and hope that the WMDs turn up, but we’re not
    willing to spend our resources in Bush’s Quagmire.

    With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 percent
    of the country’s fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple
    and lettuce, 92 percent of the nation’s fresh fruit, 95 percent of
    America’s quality wines, 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the
    high tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living
    redwoods, sequoias and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools
    plus Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT. With the Red States, on the other
    hand, you will have to cope with 88 percent of all obese Americans
    (and their projected health care costs), 92 percent of all U.S.
    mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the tornadoes, 90 percent of the
    hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern Baptists, virtually 100 percent
    of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University, Clemson
    and the University of Georgia. We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.

    Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was
    actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred
    unless we’re discussing the war, the death penalty or gun laws,
    44 percent say that evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam
    was involved in 9/11 and 61 percent of you crazy bastards believe you
    are people with higher morals than we lefties.

    Finally, we’re taking the good pot, too. You can have that dirt weed
    they grow in Mexico.

    Peace out,
    Blue States

  2. Bridgett says:

    My husband Mike’s currently in line. Going on 45 minutes. I’m heading out after the kids get dropped off at school. Bringing a book…

  3. Brian says:

    I voted early, since I now live in North Carolina. Personally, I’m hoping both MO and NC go blue. If not, my native state is no longer a bellwether, since Obama will win nationally, and my new home state, the nation’s current leader in growth, will need even more transplants to smother Dixie.

  4. Reginald Pennypacker III says:

    Remember to vote YES on A and NO on the English only one. Also NO to the mandatory “clean energy” nonsense.
    And hope you don’t vote at Centenary Church downtown. When the poll workers are dumber than the stupid people in the line, you know you’re in for trouble.

    [slp — I’m a block North of Centenary, I can see the building from my balcony. But that is not my polling place.]

  5. Damon Harris says:

    Just got done voting at the Fanning Middle School which is located at the intersection of Giles and McDonald. I feel as through I should get a shirt that reads, “I survived the St. Louis City Board of Elections.” I’m happy to say that I’ve never seen more people out to vote in the 12 years I’ve been eligible to vote. On the flip side, the Towergrove South Concerned Citizens Special Business District nonsense caused the biggest cluster-Fcuk ever. Apparently it required its own line which resulted in the poll workers put people in the wrong lines, the lines moved extremely slowly. AND when it was finally your turn to receive a ballot, as error had dropped a good portion of voters in the proposed special district from the rolls. I generally support the idea of the business district, however the notion thay something so inconsequential may have caused people to get discouraged from voting or have their votes challenged by Rethugs because they don’t show on the rolls and merely sign in a book, disgusts me. I voted no.

    I am happy though. So many people excercising their constitutional rights; if we can sustain this momentum after the election the country has a very good chance of staying on the right (err, left) track.

  6. jeem says:

    I voted this morning at Sigel Elementary in McKinley Heights. We got there right at 6; the line at that time was snaking through a hallway inside, then snaking around the schoolyard outside, then down the block and around the corner. Once we got inside the gym, the line split into five; the first and second precincts each had separate A-K and L-Z lines, but the third precinct just had one book and no line. (One of the poll workers would occasionally go outside and ask if everybody knew their precinct; he’d come back with a couple of third-precinct voters, and a lonely-looking third-precinct judge would ask them to make sure their neighbors voted too.)

    Everybody was in good spirits, waving to their neighbors, talking excitedly, and reviewing the sample ballots that arrived in the mail with their election notices. Everybody around me smiled or laughed when a schoolbus drove past and the kids inside started chanting “O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma!” Nobody got out of line, except to take photos and videos or to sit briefly, and many people were on their phones reminding their friends and relatives to vote.

    My wait was only about an hour and a half. I was the 59th L-Z voter in Ward 7 Precinct 2, and the 265th person at that site to cast a paper ballot. The four voting machines were always occupied, but there was hardly ever a line for them that I saw; most people that I saw opted for a paper ballot instead.

    We need to have more election days like this…

  7. CarondeletNinja says:

    Dearest Blue States,

    You were given the exact option the anti-buba describes in 1861, and if my recollection of history serves correctly, you were rather upset about it. Why the change of heart?

    Yours truly,


  8. stlmark says:

    Voted at St. Lucas’ school gym on Morgan Ford. Got in line at 6:50, waited 45 minutes, very peaceful and organized.
    I had to use the paper ballot, as the electronic machines had lines. I’ve never had to wait in line since living in the 12th ward.
    It made me proud.

  9. jeff says:

    I showed up at Sigel at 6am as well, and got in line. It took us 30 minutes to get inside. Once we were inside, someone finally asked us what precinct we were in and, fortunately for us, we live in teh 3rd precinct as well and got to skip in line and got behind three people. We probably cut off 30 minutes of our wait. It would have been nice if they had someone outside during those 30 minutes we were outside asking for 3rd preceinct residents. Oh well… All in all it was about 45 minutes.

  10. Jennifer says:

    I voted at the Centenary Church and did not find the poll workers to be dumb. The experience was just fine, despite being in line for 2 1/2 hours. They had the same problem as the Heritage House — waaaay too many A-I’s.

  11. KBO says:

    Was in line at 5:50 at Mt Tabor Church in the 23rd Ward. At least 100 people in line. Waited in line for about thirty minutes, voted by paper ballot. Poll workers were competent, friendly, and efficient. This was also the first time I can remember that there were several young poll workers. I walked home, showered, and walked back by to catch the bus, and the line was significantly shorter. On bus/train ride to work, saw many long lines and enthusiastic voters. Terrorist fist-jab for democracy in action!

  12. Ly Syin says:

    I stood in line 35-40 minutes to vote. I am glad I did and I too hope Missouri will no longer be a blue state. I want health care for everyone I have been with out insurance since Matt Blunt cut off adults off. I assumed I was healthy and now have thousands of dollars in medical bills. When I was working two jobs I couldn’t afford insurance.

  13. Dustin Bopp says:

    I am fortunate enough to have a flexible schedule so in deference to those who must vote at peak times and for my own convenience I went at 10:15. I was out by 10:45. Splitting the lines equally by the alphabet has proven ludicrous. It is has been OBVIOUS to me for years that there are, for whatever reason, more people whose last name begins with A-I. How hard would it be to divide it up differently (even with the same number of lines)? The other two lines were typically empty in the time I was there.

    This is the first time I chose the electronic option. While I like it and don’t buy all the hype over inaccuracies (I think it can be manipulated either way), I think I would choose paper next time. While standing in line to check in I decided I would use the method first available which was electronic. While there was no one in line for the three machines, they were all being used. I wouldn’t begrudge anyone as much time as they need to vote but all took what I thought was an inordinate amount of time and I think it was because people didn’t know what they were doing. My neighbor and I both filled out our sample ballots before hand, checked in together, she chose paper (where there was a short line) and was done way before me. Even though the whole experience for me didn’t take all that long, that seemed more related to my polling place than the process. I wish I would have just sat down with the paper and the pen and ticked right through.

  14. Jerry says:

    In line at 9:45 AM. Finished the entire process at 11:10 AM. Not to bad for what may be a historic election.

  15. jeem says:

    @DustinBopp: Name distribution varies. Four years ago, when I was living in Soulard, the L-Z book in my precinct was 3 times thicker than the A-K book, so those of us in the L-Z book had to wait two and a half hours just to sign in. This year, the distribution in my precinct seemed to be a lot more even, though the A-K judges worked a smidge faster than the L-Z ones.

  16. John Daly says:

    I was the first one in line at my polling place in Jefferson County, they made sure my tooth was authentic and that I could make a mark on a piece of bark. I made it back to my deer stand in no time flat.

  17. Dustin says:

    I wasn’t sure about how other precincts handle the name distribution — assumed it was all the same. As long as I have been in the city I have noticed the same thing. My experience is anecdotal but I also heard the same reports on other forums so I thought it was a city-wide issue. It does seem that prior to a major election they would have a good handle on the name distribution and plan accordingly. I can’t believe that at the time I was there was not representative of the entire day as I have had the same experience for years regardless.

    I am all for early voting.

  18. publiceye says:

    “I stood in line 35-40 minutes to vote. I am glad I did and I too hope Missouri will no longer be a blue state.”

    From the context, I suspect you mean that you hope Missouri will no longer be a red state.

  19. Tim says:

    I voted this morning in the CWE and it took about an hour. We had the same alphabet problem. They need to split the books in the middle of the names instead of the middle of the alphabet.
    As a conservative, I don’t want to see the state turn blue, but I don’t like all the Republicans either, so I had a split ticket. I’m hoping neither the Dems nor the Republicans win in 2012!

  20. I want Missouri to be a green state.

  21. mike says:

    Can someone confirm for me what I heard from a reliable source. Slay endorsed Peter Kinderer over Democrat Sam Page for Lieutentant Governor?

    Apparently mailers were sent out but I did not get one so I don’t know for sure. If this is true it makes me sick.

  22. Dustin says:

    ^It’s true. I got one.

  23. Josh L says:

    I wish I were still able to vote at the Unity Christ Church polling place on Skinker. But I did vote early at the Champaign County government center in Illinois last week. Two and a half hour wait, but everybody seemed jolly enough.

  24. spants says:

    I voted at 11:30am at the Redeemer Evangelical Church at Kingshighway and Gravois. There was no wait. I hope it was busy earlier and that it will be really busy later tonight. I hate that people have to wait in line, but I hope tons of people turn out in the city so Missouri will go blue.

  25. Webby says:

    I voted at Booth Manor this morning, and was in and out in 50 minutes. It would have been quite a bit longer, but as we neared the voting room, I was able to jump to the front of the line because we have two precincts voting there, and everyone in front of me was in the other precinct. Logistically, there could be improvements, but overall it went very smoothly…especially considering the incredible turnout (I’m usually one of only a couple of people voting at the time I go in, and this year the line was all the way across the building).
    As we were standing in line, a man and woman came in, and when they saw the line, she said rather loudly that there was no way she was going to wait in that line. Someone in line who knew her yelled right back at her that that was bull, she had nothing better to do this morning, and she needed to get in line. She ended up leaving, muttering about coming back later. But of all the people coming in while I was there, they were the only ones I noticed leaving without voting. Everyone else did a double-take at how many people were there, and then got in line and waited.
    Go blue!

  26. JP says:

    That blue states email at the top was actually a Best of Craigslist posting from many months ago. I posted on my facebook and I was accused of more or less “promoting ideas that would end in bloodshed”. I found it funny.

    Steve, I did the same thing. I intended to vote straight Dem ticket and I too threw a bone to a couple libertarians and constitutionals- Not Bob Barr or Chuck Baldwin mind you…I did not have the balls for that.

  27. Max... says:

    Myself and my wife stood in line for 3 hours (9:45 – 12:45) this morning out in St. Ann. There were some issues but most of the folks were well mannered and we didn’t complain, much.


  28. Will Fruhwirth says:

    I arrived at 7:00 this morning at Christ Church in Maplewood and was out of there by 8:25. My only concern is that the optical scanner for paper ballots jammed up while I was in the booth filling mine out. As a result, my and presumably many others’ ballots were placed in the box for provisional and emergency ballots. A poll worker said that the County’s IT people were on their way. I certainly hope that all those ballots filled out when the machine was jammed were scanned just as soon as it was fixed. Did anyone else have this problem or know how they address it? Also, can anyone who voted at Christ Church UCC in Maplewood later in the morning tell me if the jam was eventually cleared?

  29. I think that Slay’s support of Kinder is more tactical than genuine.

  30. john says:

    Grant Park in Chicago, a community that supports pedestrians-cyclists rights and infrastructure, is preparing for a celebration that will have over 70,000 ticketed guests and many more wanting to celebrate a new beginning. Extra trains, more buses and light rail are planned to serve a region that enjoys progress and appreciates enlightened representation. In 1968, Grant Park was the scene of violence for a deeply divided nation. Forty years later, a city dedicated to progress once again shows how the scene can CHANGE for the better. In the Lou, the lights will go out as scheduled.

  31. Jason says:

    The news was saying how those in north county were having huge issues with lines. The board of elections blamed it on “80% of voters asking for paper ballots” Well, when there are 3 electronic booths and 30 paper booths guess which one people are going to choose. I liked the makeshift booths on round tables for the paper ballots- worked out fine for me!

  32. Ben says:

    Along similar lines, an open letter to Red Staters that made the rounds in 2004…

    An open letter to the Red-State victors:

    With hard work and superb organization, you have triumphed over John Kerry and the forces of Blue-state paternalism. Congratulations. The multinational corporations that hold you in bondage remain free to profit off your sweat nearly tax free, while their overpaid senior execs continue to pay a pittance in personal income tax.

    Your primary and secondary schools will continue to turn out third-rate pupils with limited opportunities, while you enjoy the satisfaction of making it on your own without health care when a catastrophic illness bankrupts your family.

    Your agricultural universities will continue issuing Ph.D.s in football, and bogus Protestant Evangelical and Fundamentalist theology, and how to jerk off a bull safely. Your children will learn to borrow enough money to erect chicken houses so that they, like you, can take custody — not possession, but custody — of Tyson’s chicks, feed them, rear them, assume losses from those that fail to thrive, and in the end earn just enough money to service their endless debt, and realize a profit of perhaps $12K a year. Your bank thanks you; Tyson thanks you; George W. Bush thanks you; and I thank you.

    You can continue sending your sons to die in Iraq on a fool’s errand. When you bury them, you can console yourselves with Bush’s platitudes about their heroic mission to defend America from weapons of mass destruction.

    You can savor the deficit spending that stimulates commerce today, but will cripple the US economy in ten or fifteen years’ time when the bills come due with interest. Perhaps a Democrat will be in office at that time, who can be blamed for W’s delayed economic fiasco.

    You can continue believing, as Republican Party brainwashing has persuaded you, that we, your neighbors, are your enemies. You can believe that we have no morals; that we pimp out our teenage daughters for Internet porn; that we eat babies; that we are all gay; that we are cowards on the battlefield; and that we want to run your lives and give you AIDS.

    Here’s a clue: we are not your enemies; we are your countrymen. Your enemies are the greedy multinationals that the Republican Party bends over backwards to accommodate. Incidentally, most of them are based in Blue states, as are their Republican owners and major shareholders.

    Here in the Blue States, Democrats and Republicans alike generate the lion’s share of America’s wealth, although it is you Reds who provide the lion’s share of the stoop labor. You are our Mexicans, so to speak. We could not have accomplished the economic miracle that is America without your willing capitulation to a system that lies to you and fucks you over at every turn.

    Look at economic output and educational achievement on a state-by-state basis: it’s painfully evident that we Blues are immensely more productive and better educated than you Reds. We have lots more money. We live longer. We eat better. We work less. We fuck more. We do cocaine and smoke fine Canadian buds, not the homebrew crank and cheap Mexican headache reefer you guys are stuck with. We drink French wine and Stoli martinis, not Budweiser. Our children rarely bother us: we’ve got them on Ritalin and Prozac. Our teeth are straighter and whiter, our necks longer, and our fingernails cleaner. And many of us are the Republican elite who have just punked you.

    It’s good to be a Blue, regardless of which party you join.

    Understandably, you resent us, so you’ve fabricated an imaginary measure of superiority: Christian “values.” Yet you talk about values the way a pre-teen girl talks about “love” in fan letters to Ashton Kutcher. You recycle quasi-religious platitudes and received slogans. You know nothing of moral theology, a rigorous philosophical pursuit that hardly exists outside the Catholic Church and its elite universities. You make of the Bible what you will; you attend prayer meetings with other semi-literates, where you reinforce each other’s sloppy understandings of the text, and combine them with half-digested bits of old-timey Hallmark-card “wisdom.” And when you spout gibberish, you call it “speaking in tongues.” You actually fancy that you’re saints, you silly, narcissistic creatures.

    Nevertheless, you are fellow Americans. The Blue Republican elite encouraged you to vote for George W Bush, because they quite simply own him, and they know that his administration will make policies that help them, even if hurt you. We Blue Democrats voted for John Kerry because we believed he would minister to your needs better than Bush. A President Kerry would have shared some of our wealth with you, assured your health care, raised the minimum wage, and checked the rapacious greed of the multinationals that hold you in thrall.

    President Kerry would have helped us to help you, which is all that we ask. It pains us to see you in wage slavery. It pains us to see you so ignorant and uneducated, and so eager to place yourselves in bondage. Yes, we live better; but we wish you to live better too, even if it means sacrifice on our part.

    What we wanted for you would have been far better than that which you, in your ignorant pride, demanded for yourselves. Oh, you defeated us all right, but only to your detriment.

    We Blues will come out of the Bush era no worse for wear, although you Reds will come out very much diminished, deeper in debt, and less able to improve your circumstances by your own powers. But because you wish to be flattered more than helped, you will be grateful for your ass fucking from the Blue-state Republican elite that is laughing behind your backs today.

    We did not wish it so. We honestly did want to help.

    On 2 November, you thanked us by electing a shrewd, manipulative handmaiden to corporate America who panders to you while ruthlessly exploiting your ignorance and weakness for the benefit of his patrons in the national plutocracy. There is nothing we can do about that. You won fair and square.

    We should let you rot. We should secede and leave you to fend for yourselves. Then you will see firsthand just how dependent you are. We are sick of fighting for you by fighting against you. Perhaps, when you see how dreary your lives have become without us, you will finally develop the spine to fight for your basic, human rights. And then we will gladly confront the plutocracy alongside you. We need your help to defeat the Blue Republicans, who, I assure you, are just as decadent as we are, though often richer.

    But until you finally learn to respect yourselves, we can’t respect you, and we therefore can’t be bothered to give a rat’s ass about you.

    So let us secede, Blue America and Red America. We can handle the Blue state Republicans, so long as we don’t have a lot of ignorant Red state lemmings frustrating our efforts and screwing themselves in the bargain. Secession will enable us both to live as we have chosen without the other’s interference. We will prosper, and you will get a clue.

    But do stay in touch after the borders slam shut. When you finally tire of living on the modern, corporate plantations of Cargill, Tyson, ConAgra and Smithfield; when you tire of shopping at Wal-Mart and sending your daughters to sling hash at Denny’s in hopes that they’ll meet the nicer sort of truck driver; when you tire of sneaking into Blue America as illegal white-trash wetbacks eager for casual work dusting our parlors; and when, like men, you finally rise up in rebellion against this immoral usury — then, and only then, let us talk.

    We’ll gladly get your backs. But first you must grow the brains and the balls needed to profit from our help.

  33. Kris says:

    Don’t despair. Even though they are saying tht Missouri went red it really didn’t. Over 17,000 (.6%) of the votes went to Ralph Nader who definately is not a conservative. McCain had less than 6000 votes more than Obama. Add the 17,000 progressive votes for nader and Missourian’s who voted still wanted change in a progressive way, not a conservative way. I wish that the pundints would make this more clear. I’m curious how many other states went this way too.
    Best of all OBAMA WON!!!!!

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