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Happy Birthday to Me!

February 28, 2009 Steve Patterson 12 Comments

Today is my 42nd birthday.

As most of you know, I came very close to not reaching 41 due to a stroke on 2/1/08. But I did survive and on February 25th last year I was moved from Saint Louis University Hospital to St. Mary’s/SSM Rehab.  That day I remember seeing one of my brothers and a cousin.  I don’t remember the ambulance ride to St. Mary’s at all.

A few days later my friends came to my room to help me celebrate my 41st birthday. I remember them being there.  I “borrowed” my own iPhone and called my friend Rich Kenney in Seattle after I learned he had flown in to see me.  He was pleasantly shocked to hear my voice.  At that point I did not yet grasp how long I had been out or how close to death I had come.  March 7th I will be flying to Seattle visit Rich for Spring Break – a well deserved getaway.

I hope to have many more birthdays.


Currently there are "12 comments" on this Article:

  1. Janet says:

    Happy birthday!! To many many more.

  2. Travis Reems says:

    Have a happy birthday, Steve, and stay healthy and safe.

  3. Happy birthday and congratulations! We 42-year-olds must stick together!

  4. Aragornman says:

    Happy Birthday Steve! Btw, you the age of the answer (c.f. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy).

  5. The Masked Unit says:

    Happy Birthday Steve! I will have to make a cake and eat it in your honor.

  6. Margie says:

    Happy Birthday Steve! We love you!

    Margie and Alan

  7. megamike says:

    continue doing the good work you do and to those who have touched you will live forever

  8. Phil Barron says:

    St. Louis needs you to have many more birthdays, Steve. Congrats, and tell Seattle we said hi.

  9. Happy B-day, Steve! Keep at ’em.

  10. Jane says:

    Happy Birthday! K3 was so happy to see you, but he sang to you once we got home. Wished you could have heard it, it was adorable…

  11. Howard says:

    Happy Birthday Steve!!1
    I’m sorry I’m late!
    Many More!!!!

  12. Dionna says:

    Happy Belated BIRTHDAY!!!!! Sorry, I feel like a jerk.
    Great to see you Sunday!!!!!


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