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Dump No Waste Drains To Sound

March 9, 2009 Environment, Travel 11 Comments

Protecting water quality must be a community effort. Sometimes it is important to remind people to not pollute.

I spotted the above yesterday in West Seattle area known as Alki Beach (map). Subtle messages can help build a collective community conscience.

Puget Sound is stunning. They want to make sure it stays that way.


Currently there are "11 comments" on this Article:

  1. liberated says:

    How’s the human condition in Seattle? Last time I was there, homeless people were EVERYWHERE! The west might be liberal, but it certainly is a hard place to make a living.

  2. Dustin Bopp says:

    I also saw those reminders in Lawrence, KS when I lived there reminding people that the storm sewers go directly to the river.

  3. CWEGuy says:

    There are many of these tags around STL. They are round white disks ~3″ in diameter that remind people that the storm sewer drains to a stream.

  4. Jimmy Z says:

    Since STL is old school, much of the city uses a combined system (with human waste and street runoff sharing the same pipe). That’s why MSD is looking for big rate increases to update the system, and why this wouldn’t be as applicable in the city . . .

  5. Dennis says:

    It shouldn’t be just about water. Around here I’d like to see a few more of the old “Don’t Be A Litter Bug” signs, like we used to see back in the 60’s and 70’s. Lady Bird Johnson would turn in her grave if she could see all the trash along our highways these days. I see trash all over the place and yet, oddly, I never see anyone throw out anything. So where’s is it all come from?

  6. Bridgett says:

    Dennis: you must not be traveling on Grand, then. I see plenty of littering going on. We have anti-littering signs in front of most stoplights, too–they’re just part of the background noise, though. And yes, we have those drainage signs too–they’re just tinier.

  7. Tim E says:

    I believe St. Louis area has a mix. MSD covers both the city and county and believe that new or relatively new construction in the county require a seperate storm and sewer. Where as the city is mostly combined sewer/storm.

  8. CWEGuy says:

    I travel Kingshighway and Grand almost daily, which is just about how often I see a fast-food bag tossed out a car window. I would love to see a few tickets handed out. I’m tired of it.

  9. Jimmy Z says:

    Cigarette butts, too . . .

  10. Dennis says:

    CWE guy and Bridgett, don’t get me wrong. I see plenty of trash. I just never catch anyone tossing it. Altho you have to admit a lot of the trash, or what appears to be trash is not tossed by John Q. Public, but rather the businesses. All those journal papers that nobody wants. And the ad flyers that the grocery stores have and they all blow out of the carts and accumulate against the nearest fence or whatever

  11. Jane says:

    I did community service in high school painting these in neighborhoods. They are around, but not as often as they might need to be…

  12. Kris7 says:

    Out here in SCC, the Girl Scouts affixed stickers to our drains.

    Seattle has an awesome vibe…but I absolutely loved Ashland, Oregon…about 7 hours away.

    Travel safely!

    Working hard at http://www.sccworlds.com


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