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Readers Support Ballot Measure for a Smoke-Free St. Louis County

September 8, 2009 Politics/Policy, Smoke Free, St. Louis County 5 Comments

The poll last week was about the November ballot measure in St. Louis County regarding the relatively weak smoke-free law (excludes casino floors, for example).  The poll question was:

In November voters in St. Louis County have a smoke-free ballot item. My thoughts are:

  • I support the measure and believe it will pass. 88 (54%)
  • I support the measure but feel it will fail. 31 (19%)
  • I oppose the measure but feel it will pass. 20 (12%)
  • I oppose the measure and believe it will fail.  19 (12%)
  • I have no view/opinion 6 (4%)

If we look at this another way we see that 119 of the 164 votes support the measure (73%) while 39 oppose (24%) and the remaining 6 have no opinion.  That is the support/opposition to the measure.

Of the responses 108/164 (66%) think it will pass while 50/164 (30%)  believe it will fail.  Let’s hope the final outcome follows these numbers, assuming a simple majority is all that is needed for passage.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "5 comments" on this Article:

  1. Tony Palazzolo says:

    No doubt this will be an interesting vote. Smoking ban votes tend to be guided by voter turnout. When Kirkwood voted it down – it was a high turnout vote. There were many issues on the ballot and voter turnout was high. In KC – the smoking ban was one of a couple of issues and turnout was low. It passed 51/49 despite hundreds of thousands of dollars spent by the anti-tobacco and the tobacco industry.
    I’m not sure what the turnout in November is going to be. This might be different because the Conservative Christian groups are coming out against it because of the casino exemption. The Tea Party coalition has shown interest in it’s defeat. Add to it the support it may or may not get from pro-ban groups. Although I would be surprised if they didn’t support it. This is probably the last shot they will get at a ban in St Louis County and St Louis City if the voters reject it unless its statewide. I think it will be a close vote – just not sure if will pass or fail.

  2. The AFL-CIO opposed the 25 percent food sales exemption.

  3. If passed, this law will spawn all sorts of legal action. Barbara Fraser was begged to consider a trouble-free “over 21” exemption, but she dug in her heels.

  4. Jimmy Z says:

    Then there’s NYC, where they want to ban outdoor smoking as well . . . http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/15/nyregion/15smoking.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=ban%20smoking%20outdoors&st=cse


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