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Accessing the Lucas Park dog run

December 8, 2009 Accessibility, Downtown 10 Comments

When downtown residents began planning a downtown dog run a couple of years ago it was known then that at least one potential member/user from an adjacent building uses a wheelchair.

November 11, 2009

So I was surprised when I heard last month the newly constructed dog run in Lucas Park had accessibility issues.  The newly constructed sidewalk (above) ramps up to the gate.  Like any door that you pull toward you there is a need for at least 18″ on the handle side of the gate to permit entry.

You can see they had only a few inches to the side.  The paved area ends as well making wheelchair access a real challenge.

November 29, 2009

A few weeks later that previous entry sidewalk was ripped up and a proper sidewalk was in place. Because of grade changes this will allow access from the lower center section and the higher outside section.  Access inside is now possible.

A small part of the interior has also been paved to permit wheelchair access.  I’m continually baffled at both small and big projects that don’t take into considerations the needs of their users.  I would have caught this mistake on paper but a year ago I got pushed out of the planning committee because I wanted an open chain of communications (Yahoo or Google Group).  I had plenty of other items consuming my time so I didn’t fight to stay where I wasn’t wanted (but clearly needed).

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "10 comments" on this Article:

  1. JZ71 says:

    Version 2.0 is a big improvement over Version 1.0, but still not perfect, when it comes to providing universal access – there's no lever hardware on the Unican lockset and its pushbuttons probably require too much dexterity from some potentil users. But what's your point? Did you have to point out the mistake/raise a stink to get it done better? That us taxpayers are paying, again, to do things two and three times? Because city staff and/or their contractors either don't know the rules or aren't following them? That a perfect world needs to be hard and flat? (The whole thinking behind dog parks is to give urban dogs someplace softer than sidewalks and parking lots to run semi-free – a clear case of conflicting goals and priorities.) That every ad hoc citizen committee needs to be on the bleeding edge of high tech communication methods? That your expertise is so indispensible that others need to bend to your demands? We live in an imperfect world. It's a continual struggle to make it better We all need to pick our battles, and we're going to lose more than we win – there's just way too much inertia and complacency out there. Overall, I see this a net win for the community – there's a new dog where there wasn't one and it's more accessible than 90%+ of the other dog parks out there!

  2. Rob says:

    Can someone tell me if this is finished? How do you access it, who controls it etc? I have no clue and i live downtown. It doesnt appear to be on the DTSLRA webpage and i would like to take my dog there.

    • andymartello says:

      Hi Rob, contact dogparkmembership@downtownstl10.org
      We are still getting our insurance, dog database (vaccination records), and website still together. Problem is all of us have daytime jobs so free time is a luxury many of us don't have.
      -Andy Martello

  3. Rob says:

    Can someone tell me if this is finished? How do you access it, who controls it etc? I have no clue and i live downtown. It doesnt appear to be on the DTSLRA webpage and i would like to take my dog there.

  4. andymartello says:

    Well Steve, you weren't “pushed out”, we just stopped talking to you because you were being a dick and not listening to others.

    I seem to remember several meetings where you were so frustrated because people disagreed with your “opinions” so you started sending out emails in the name of the organization with no authority to do so. You were very argumentative and we had a lot of complaints. Some people even said that they didn't want anything to do with improving the park just because of you.

    You still have the plans on “paper” even after we asked you for them several times, luckily we had copies that we've had posted for several months now (actually they were submitted and posted on the web last December). Oh and those plans have always stated that the park would be ADA compliant.
    We just held Kacie's feet to the fire on the ADA compliance as it is important that those with disabilities have access to use new construction.

    I'm not amazed that it got done without your input because the process works a lot better when people can work constructively and not destructively. It has taken a lot of hard work by an awful lot of neighbors working together and by not having a single divisive personality we were able to keep the organization cohesive.

    By the way, did you ever get a dog?

  5. Nicole says:

    I am wondering what the plans are for the old “dog park” once the new one is complete. Right now it seems like an awful lot of the park is fenced off from the general public. It's starting to look more like a barnyard than a park. And the park benches backing up to the new dog park look truly odd. Overally, the improvements don't seem to be working yet, but I'm hoping things will improve when completed. Does anyone know who did the design work?

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